INE4004 Facility Planning Term Project 1

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Bahçeşehir University

Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences

Department of Industrial Engineering
INE4004 Facility Planning
Term Project #1

Q.1. An insurance office has leased a small building along a state highway with the following dimensions: 40 feet × 50 feet. There is a parking lot
behind the building with dimensions 20 feet × 50 feet. The office has three insurance agents and one secretary and must have an office, reception
area with space for seating customers, restrooms, photocopy room, conference room, and a multipurpose room with the space requirements shown
in the following Table.

(a) Construct a relationship chart for the departments.

(b) Using the relationship chart and space requirement shown in Table below draw a block plan.
Q.2. In chart above, you are given the routing sheet for three types of widgets manufactured by Weedjets Manufacturing International.
(a) Make a list of the product types and their codes.
(b) Make a list of the equipment types and their codes.
(c) Assign a numeric code for each widget type—1, 2, 3. Assign an alphabetic code for each equipment type—A, B, C, etc.
(d) Assume there are two units of machine type 01204 and that 30% of all part types that require machine type 01204 are processed on the first copy and the
remaining 70% on the other. Determine the new frequency of trips matrix.
(e) Weedjets Manufacturing International has currently arranged the five equipment types. Coordinates of the five machines A, B, C, D, and
E are (10, 7.5), (20, 20), (60, 12.5), (35, 7.5), and (5, 20), respectively. Determine the dimensions of each equipment type.
(f) Using a spreadsheet software, determine the following distance measures for each equipment pair:
(i) Euclidean
(ii) Squared Euclidean
(iii) Rectilinear
(iv) Tchebychev
(g) Using the distances calculated and frequency of trips between matrix, determine the sum of flow times distance for the equipment pairs
for each distance metric.

PS.1. The project is due on 24th of March at 22.00.

PS.2. You must upload your report on itslearning before the deadline as a PDF file.
PS.3. Your file name must contain your name, for example: ALI_AKBAS.PDF
PS.4. Files that are not in PDF format or do not contain your name as file name will not be accepted and I would assume that you did not submit
your project.
PS.5. Plagiarism is a very serious academic misconduct, and the consequence of such offense will be having a zero mark from the project and I am
sure you will be sensitive on this and be extra vigilant on the issue.

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