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“History Of Computer”

● Charles Babbage designed an Analytical

Engine which was a general computer.
● It helps us understand the growth and
progress of technology through the times.
● It is also an important topic for competitive
and banking exams.

~> what is a computer?

● A computer is an electronic machine that

collects information, stores it, processes it
according to user instructions, and then
returns the result.

● A computer is a programmable electronic

device that performs arithmetic and logical
operations automatically using a set of
instructions provided by the user.
~> Early Computing Devices:-

● People used sticks, stones and bones as

counting tools before computers were

● Let us look at a few of the early-age

computing devices used by mankind.

1. Abacus :-

● Abacus was invented by the chinese around

4000 years ago.
● It’s a wooden rack with metal rods with beads
attached to them.

2. Napier’s Bone :-

● John Napier devised Napier’s Bones, a

manually operated calculating apparatus.
● For calculating, this instrument used 9
separate ivory strips (bones) marked with
numerals to multiply and divide.
● It was also the first machine to calculate using
the decimal point system.

3. Pascaline :-

● Pascaline was invented in 1642 by Biaise

Pascal, a French mathematician and
● It is thought to be the first mechanical and
automated calculator.
● It was a wooden box with gears and wheels

4. Stepped Reckoner or Leibniz

wheel :-

● In 1673, a German mathematician-

philosopher named Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
improved on pascal’s invention to create this
● It was a digital mechanical calculator known
as the stepped reckoner because it used
fluted drums instead of gears.

5. Difference Engine :-

● In the early 1820s, Charles Babbage created

the Difference Engine.
● It was a steam-powered calculating machine
used to solve numerical tables such as
logarithmic tables.

6. Analytical Engine :-

● Charles Babbage created another calculating

machine, the Analytical Engine, in 1830.
● It was a mechanical computer that took input
from punch cards.
7. Tabulating machine :-

● An American statistician - Herman Hollerith

invented this machine in the year 1890.
● Hollerith began manufacturing these
machines in his company, which ultimately
became international business machines
(IBM) in 1924.

8. Differential Analyzer :-

● Vannevar Bush introduced the first electrical

computer, the Differential Analyzer, in 1930.
● It was capable of performing 25 calculations in
a matter of minutes.

9. Mark I :-
● Howard Aiken planned to build a machine in
1937 that could conduct massive calculations
or calculations using enormous numbers.
● The Mark I computer was constructed in 1944
as a collaboration between IBM and Harvard.

~> History of computer generations:

Generations of computers Generations timeline Evolving hardware

First generation 1940s-1950s Vacuum tube based

Second generation 1950s-1960s Transistor based

Third generation 1960s-1970s Integrated circuit based

Fourth generation 1970s-present Microprocessor based

Fifth generation The present and the future Artificial intelligence based
1. First generation of
computers(1940s-1950s) :-

● Main electronic component - vacuum tube.

● Main memory - magnetic drums and magnetic

● Power - consume a lot of electricity and

generate a lot of heat.
● Input/output devices - punched cards and
paper tape.
● Examples :- ENIAC, UNIVAC1, IBM 650, etc.
2. Second generation of
computers(1950s-1960s) :-

● Main electronic component - transistor.

● Memory - magnetic core and magnetic

● Programming language - assembly language.

● Input/output devices - punched cards and
magnetic tape.
● Examples :- IBM 1401, IBM 7090 and 7094,
UNIVAC 1107, etc.
3. Third generation of
computers(1960s-1970s) :-

● Main electronic component - integrated

circuits (ICs).
● Memory - large magnetic core, magnetic tape/

● Programming language - high level language

(FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, COBOL, C,etc.)
● Input/output devices - magnetic tape,
keyboard, monitor, printer, etc.
● Examples :- IBM 360, IBM 370, PDP-11, etc.
4. Fourth generation of
computers(1970s-present) :-

● Main electronic component - very large - scale

integration (VLSI) and microprocessor.
● VLSI- thousands of transistors on a single

● Size - smaller, cheaper and more efficient

than third generation computers.
● Network - a group of two or more computer
systems linked together.
● Examples :- IBM PC, STAR 1000, APPLE II,
Apple macintosh, etc.
5. Fifth generation of
computers(the present and the
future) :-

● Main electronic component : based on artificial

intelligence, uses the Ultra Large-Scale
Integration (ULSI) technology and parallel
processing method.
~> ULSI - millions of transistors on a single
~> parallel processing method - use two or
more microprocessors to run tasks

● Language - understand natural language

(human language).
● Power - consume less power and generate
less heat.
● Size - portable and small in size, and have a
huge storage capacity.
● Examples :- desktops, laptops, tablets,
“History Of Operating System”

● Gary Arlen Kildall (May 19, 1942 - july 11,

1994) is a father of operating system.
● Operating systems are an important part of
● We will start with UNIX, which was one of the
first operating systems ever created.
● Then, we will talk about microsoft’s entry into
the OS market and it’subsequent success.

~> what is an operating system?

● Most people would say that it is the software

that runs on their computer, making it possible
for them to use it. Operating systems have
been around for a long time, and their history
is fascinating.
● The UNIX operating system was first created
in 1969 by Ken Thompson and Dennis
● UNIX was designed as a multitasking,
multiprocessing operating system.
● It was originally used on minicomputers, but it
soon began to be used on larger systems as

History of operating system :-

● The history of the operating system is divided

into four generation.
● Let us explore all of them in detail,one by one,
in the following sections :

First-generation of operating
system: UNIX operating system :-

● The UNIX operating system was the first

generation of modern computer operating
● It was designed in 1969 by Ken Thompson
and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs, a research
division of AT&T corporation.
● UNIX was originally written in assembly
language for the DEC PDP-11 minicomputer.

Limitations of first-generation
operating system:

● The first-generation operating systems were

severely limited in their capabilities.
● They could only run on a single type of
computer, and they couldn’t multitask-
meaning that users could only run one
program at a time.
● Additionally, these systems were not very
user-friendly and required extensive technical
knowledge to operate.
2. The second generation of
operating system: OS/360

● The OS/360 operating system was developed

in the early 1960s for IBM mainframes.
● It was a comprehensive, multi-user,
multitasking system that supported virtual
memory and provided an interface to a wide
variety of peripherals.

Limitations of the second

generation of operating system:

● The second generation of the operating

systems was not very user-friendly and had a
lot of limitations.
● It was difficult to use, which is why it did not
become popular. In his generation, UNIX was
the most popular operating system.
● Microsoft also came up with their own
OS,which did not become very popular.
3. Third generation of operating
system: MS-DOS

● Microsoft came up with their MS-DOS

operating system in 1981.
● This was a single-user, single-tasking
operating system that ran on IBM personal
● MS-DOS was based on the CP/M operating
system, which had been developed by digital
research inc.

4. The fourth generation of

operating system: Windows

● Microsoft released their first version of

windows, windows NT, in 1993.
● This was a multi-user, multitasking operating
system that replaced MS-DOS on IBM
personal computers.
● Windows NT was based on the UNIX
operating system and provided a graphical
user interface (GUI) and support for

~> Advantages of operating


● Allows multiple users to access the computer

● Organizes and manages files.
● Provides a platform for software applications.
● Enables communication between computers
and peripheral devices.

~> Disadvantages of operating


● Can be expensive.
● Can require significant hardware resources.
● Vulnerable to malicious software attacks.

~> conclusion:

● The history of the operating system is a long

and winding road, with many different players
coming in and out of the game.
● UNIX was one of the first successful operating
systems, and Microsoft came up with their
own OS soon after.
● In more recent years, mobile operating
systems have taken over the market, with
Android and iOS leading the way.
● There have been many different operating
systems over the years, and each one has its
own unique story.
● Hopefully, this article has given you a better
understanding of the history of the operating
~> web inks:

1. Name :- scaler
Website :-
2. Name :- toppr
Website :-
3. Name :- unacademy
Website :-

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