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Dear Stormers,

This booklet will give an overview of all the Committees and

Communities of Storm. To begin, we will shortly explain what these
terms means. Committees exist to organise all different kinds of
projects in the interest of Stomers. A Committee usually consists of
8 people. A Committee is a great way to make friends and meet a
lot of new people combined with organising fun activities. Some
Committees have a higher workload than others, but don’t worry
because it’s totally doable next to your studies! The Communities
have unlimited spots. This is why you don’t have to write a
motivation letter for the Communities and can just join any-time
you like. The workload of the Communities can be as big as you
want to make it! Overall, joining a Committee and/or Community is
a great addition to your student life in Utrecht.

To apply for Committees: Make a top 3 of your favourite

Committees and write a motivation letter of 300 words max. why
you would be suited for these Committees. Send this e-mail to
For the Communities you don’t need a motivation, you can just say
in your mail that you want to join!
Though not obligatory, we would like to ask you kindly if you could
send a picture of yourself along with the motivation; as we got to
know many names and faces over the introweek but our memory
is not always as well.

Deadline: 18th of September 23:59

With green regards,

Jens, Ruben, Pepijn, Piet,
Rosalie and Nynke

Before we tell you about all the amazing Committees Storm has,
we must tell you about something exciting: The Committee Clash.
Through the whole year multiple challenges will become available
for the Committees, if you win you can get points. At the start and
at the end of the year a big event is organised: the Battle of the
Committees and the Committee Tournament. The Committee
members bond very well together, through the year they become a
team and as every team, you want to show your strength, show
YOU are the best Committee. This is what the Committee Clash is
for. So join a Committee and show what you're worth!

Storm has started writing an Almanac on a yearly basis since 2021. An Almanac
is something like a yearbook, with fun and interesting written pieces, pictures of
events and members, and much more other interesting stuff! The Almanac
Committee will be charged with creating the Almanac, in which its members
get the opportunity to use all of their creative insights and design skills to
produce an amazing book for all Stormers to acquire! This will not be an
intense committee, as you will meet approximately once every two to four
weeks depending on the progress.

The Batavierenrace is an annual relay race from Nijmegen to Enschede which

ends with a huge party! The committee is charged with organising this
weekend for Stormers so we can participate as an association. Next to the
weekend, the committee has some room for other events linked to the eventual
Batavierenrace. You can think of events like an information session in Walden,
bonding drinks or a training session with the participants. The workload of this
committee is not as high as other committees, however, it will increase in the
weeks building up to the weekend as you have to make sure that everything is
organised properly.

The Career Committee is one of the more serious committees of Storm, but
that doesn’t mean it is less fun! The goal of the committee is to get nice
partnerships with interesting companies. These companies can be as diverse
as you can imagine, because we GSS’ers can end up at all these different
places/workfields when we get our degree. You meet once every week (or a
little less) with your committee and the rest of the work outside the meeting is
mainly mailing/calling companies and organizing locations for the events. For
these events you can think of a Symposium, Networking Dinner, lunch lecture or
a Case Night. This committee offers you a chance to gain insight into the
variety of possibilities we have after our studies and to expand your network in
the sustainability field. But most importantly, you will work with a super
motivated, fun and exciting group of people during the year to offer Stormers
the best career events. As you'll meet quite often, you’ll become very close with
your committee!

As you are member of Storm you are interested in sustainability. Many of you
will become a consultant after the study, to tell companies how to become
more sustainable. With the Consultancy Committee you get in touch with
companies which require help. This Committee is still young (2 years old), this
means YOU can still shape it. You can give your personal touch to it, and if your
ideas stick they might stay in forever. By getting in touch with all these
companies you will get a better network, and be more prepared for the future.
IMO this is enough reason to join this Committee, see you next year! This is not
a very busy committee, since they meet around once every two weeks.

The SusChefs is Storm’s Cooking Committee and is responsible for organising and
preparing amazing, delicious, and always well visited monthly dinners! Once a month
we invite Stormers to get together for a cheap meal and of course it’s always vegan!
Not only do you get an amazing meal, but also get to hang out with friends or get to
know new people. The committee meets about twice every month. The cooking
committee is suitable and a must-join for everyone! Whether you’re already a
professional chef or want to become a better one!!

Do you like travelling, sustainability and meeting lots of new people? Then the
Crossing Borders Committee is the right Committee for you! CBC is in charge of
organizing a 10-day trip by bus (with our amazing bus driver Ton) where 60
Stormers will visit different countries and do all kinds of fun and educational
activities (plus a lot of going out, so definitely worth it!). CBC is one of the most
intense committees, we have meetings every week and you need to be
responsible and keep up with all your to-do points. But meeting every week
also means that by the end of the year your committee members will become
your family and your best friends! Each year the destinations of the trip are top
secret and are not revealed until BC announcement night. So, one of the
funniest things about being on CBC is that you don’t organise many events but
yet everyone seems to know you because they want to ask you about where
BC is going this year! I would encourage everyone to join CBC because it helps
you grow as a person and allows you to meet the most amazing people during
an unforgettable trip! ❤

Have you always been interested in improving and engaging with your
education? Edprocie is where it’s at! The Edprocie (Education and Promotion
Committee) takes care of the Course Evaluation Panels (CEPs) after each
period, in which students get the opportunity to voice their opinion on courses
they just followed. Furthermore, this committee is also in charge of organising a
staff-student activity, bringing teachers and students together through fun
activities. However, the biggest event of the year is organising the Parents’ day,
where students take their parents and show them what it’s like to be a student
for a day! This committee is not extremely intense in workload, but is still very
nice to chill with the committee trying to improve education along the way!

The First Year Committee is a committee with a very important task, integrating
new GSS Students into Storm! By organising really fun activities which no one
wants to miss they make sure the new students get to know the older Stormers
and each other. You can organise activities such as a karaoke night, bowling or
a pool activity or anything else that you can think of! We will have a meeting
roughly once every 2 weeks, and when there is an upcoming activity we’ll meet
roughly once a week. We can guarantee that you’ll love it so be sure to sign up
for this lovely committee!!!

The International Committee facilitates cultural exchange and integration of

international and Dutch Stormers. Next to this, the committee has also started
up a program that is full of information about starting up the Dutch student life.
The committee also organises events which can, for example, be a country
market, language exchange or even a salsa night! The committee has set up a
‘buddy system’ to give first-year students an easier time integrating within
Storm and Utrecht as they have someone to ask all their questions to. Since it is
a newer committee (you can be part of the second year of its existence) it can
still be shaped by the committee members :).

The Introduction Committee is responsible for organizing an unforgettable

introduction week for new GSS students! As you have experanced; during this
week the new GSS students will get to know their fellow students, Storm, Utrecht
and GSS instead of jumping straight into their courses. It is the job of the Intro
Committee to make this week as legendary and memerable as possible. With
your committee you will plan exciting events during the week that are
representative for Storm. This entails for example excursions, games, a
sustainable introduction stunt (DIS), staff-student drinks, parties, tournaments
and of course: the Introduction Weekend! As you can see, organising the intro is
quite diverse, so there is always something to do that suits you best. Since the
committee meets once a week, you will see your committee members often!
So if you would like to give the first years an amazing start to their time as a
GSS student and make a group of new friends, the Introduction Committee is
for you!

Kolokolo (or Charity Committee) is an amazing committee. It combines helping

people to achieve development in a sustainable direction by collecting money
for charity and fun events for a better connection between students. The most
rewarding thing is, you have so much fun planning and hosting events, while
also collecting money. Kolokolo allows you to feel good about yourself by
giving to others. The larger events are an auction and the new year’s dive, but
Kolokolo organises a wide variety of events so you can be very creative as well
which is nice! Next to this, the committee designs Storm Merchandise and sells
toasties on Toastie Thursday. The committee meets once every two weeks so
the workload is very manageable.

The Lectures and Excursions Committee, or the LEX, is a little different compared
to the other committees. The LEX organises educational and sustainable
inspiring activities. This committee gives you the opportunity to get to know
your teachers, sustainable innovaters, and other impact makers. For example
last year the we went to the Eco Village, the Fungi Factory, the Floating farms in
Rotterdam, and lots of other sustainable activities! Upcoming year we aspire to
set up a symposium; a gathering for innovators and teachers to discuss about
a specific sustainable topic. Such as; whether we should include nuclear
energy or not? We meet once every two weeks, so it is not a super intensive
committee, but still a great way get close with your committee. If you are up for
fun meetings, making new friends, learning about sustainability topics that you
find interesting and improving your organisation skills, the LEX-committee is
definitely something for you!

The Media Committee produces most media-related Storm things. The

committee has done a bunch of stuff like blogs, magazines, podcasts, and
whatever other interactive activities you could imagine in the past. It is up to
the new committee to decide if what they want to continue or come up with
next. If you join the media committee, you’ll have the chance to create and
work with media at your best possible level while having lots of fun in the world
of media production. If you are already more experienced in this world you can
definitely be creative with what you produce. The committee meets around
once or twice a month and it’s a great opportunity for expressing your
creativity and IT skills to produce great content together with a group of
motivated people!

The Outdoor Committee is for everyone who likes to be outside and wants to be
adventurous. People in this committee don’t care if they get dirty and like to go
out in nature. The activities are accessible to everyone and always have a
great ambiance, as you can relax and forget about everything when you are
outside with fellow Stormers. The committee meets approximately once every
two weeks and more often when big activities are getting closer. These big
activities usually include an activity with an overnight stay and also a longer
weekend, as long as it is mostly outside! Next to that, smaller activities are also
organized that last for an afternoon. Examples for the weekend events are a
camping weekend or a hitchhiking trip. Day activities can include a hike or

It’s a party in the GSS! That’s the spirit you need to have in the party committee
of Storm, because as the party committee you organise the parties and do
some shifts when these are actually happening. For example, you will stand
behind the bar or at the entrance. So the first advantage is that you are present
at all parties, although there really isn’t a reason why you shouldn’t be
otherwise! And it is just really fun to come up with the themes and see how
everyone will dress up for them. An important note is that you are responsible
that the party will come to a good ending, but of course you’ll do this together
with your committee. The downside? Having 2 hours of sleep sometimes, but
that should be fine! You will meet +/- once every three weeks, but this depends
a little on the type of party the committee is busy with.

The photography committee, in short: PixCie, is responsible for making amazing

pictures at all Storm events! This is usually done by one or more PixCie
photographer(s) per event, who is then also responsible for putting the pictures
online so that everyone can have a look at them and cherish the lovely event.
Next to this, the committee will also organise photography-related events!
What this will be (perhaps a workshop from a professional?!), remains up to the
committee plus our annual photography contest. The committee is also in
charge of updating the picture board in the Storm room. We meet around once
a month and it is thereby one of the most low-key committees to join. All-in-all
an amazing opportunity if you like photography or if you want to become
better at it.

Are you excited for Sports? Are you excited for Games? Then this is the perfect
Committee for you! Here you organise some active activities for your fellow
Stormers. Sports and Games also organises 2 amazing weekends, one of which
is the sailing weekend. This weekend is, some think, the best acitivity of Storm,
so imagine how fun it is to organise it! This Committee is quite busy, meeting
around twice every three weeks, meaning you will bond well together. So if you
want to make Storm fit Again, join this Committee!!!

In the sustainability committee, we try to inspire other Stormers to implement

sustainability outside of the classroom as well :) We organize fun sustainability
related activities, for example, a sustainable food crawl, a sustainable cocktail
night, and a plant workshop! Also we have a committee with an Instagram
account!! Here, we try to stay active and provide Stormers with nice
recommendations and fun glimpses into our own daily lives. It’s a very chill
committee with not too much work, and lots of freedom!

The Wellbeing Committee keeps itself busy with trying to improve the wellbeing
of Stormers. Activities revolve around physical and mental health. In the past
we have organised yoga, krav maga, and spray paint workshops as well as for
example a kindergarden party or eco-anxiety talk. Next to activities we have
set up a podcast and several blogs, which you can find on the Storm site,
where we talk about wellbeing topics related to student life such as stress and
loneliness. This years wellbeing committee, consists of lovely people with a
heart for helping others. There is a lot of freedom with organising activites in
this committee since wellbeing is such a broad topic. We have experienced
great enthousiasm for our activites so far and the vibes are always very
relaxed. Do you love helping others improve their wellbeing, while working on
topics you find interesting?

Upcoming year, Storm will have a new community for members to join: The
Board Game Community! Do you enjoy playing board games and at the same
time get to know your fellow Storm members? Then this is the perfect fit for you!
Throughout the year the Community will organise board game nights which
will be promoted to its members. This will be the first year the Community exists
within Storm… This means you have the opportunity to shape it so the Board
Game Community will be amazing for the years to come! At the same time, it is
very low-key and the motivation of the members will decide how much is don
with this Community.

If you have been in a WhatsApp Group with Stormers, or had any sort of
substantive conversation, you probably know they like to debate. Unfortunately
these debates mostly stay within the Group or conversation. If you join the
Debate Community you are able to facilitate actual debates, and of course
state your opinion during this debate. In this Community you will have contact
with relevant people who can moderate a debate. If you really disagree with a
certain professor for example, you can organise a debate to find what others

As you might know Storm is one of the two associations that has it's own
garden on the University Campus, known as the Storm Garden. The Garden
Community is one of the more creative communities, cause you and your
fellow community members can decide yourself what you would like to do with
the Storm Garden. For example; planting trees, plants, flowers, veggies, and
fruits, even harvesting them and having a nice meal together! You don’t even
have to know anything about gardening, as all active Community members
are very willing to teach you. You can go and work in the garden as often as
you you would like. So if you want to join a large group of people interested in
gardening in our beautiful green oase, join the group via the Storm Event app,
or via the WhatsApp QR-code above.

Over the years the Music Community has been one of the closest and most
creative communities from Storm. This is THE community for the people who
love playing an instrument or singing. Everyone is welcome, you don’t have to
be super talented. The community comes together for jam sessions or to
practice for the next performance for a Storm event, for example the annual
‘Dinner & Show’.

The upcoming year a WhatsApp group chat will be created for Storm members
interested in volunteering. In this group chat, you and other members can send
which volunteer opportunities are coming up. Hopefully this will motivate you
and other members to go to these events together. Just like the other
Communities, the Volunteer Community is open for every Stormer to join at
every time.

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