BLAST - (Re-) Inventing Yourself (Assignments)

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BLAST: (Re-)Inventing Yourself (Assignments)

1. According to the text, what are the benefits of creating alternate versions of ourselves?
How has the internet and technology made it easier for us to develop our own personas?
(4-5 sentences, 1 quote)

The benefits fo creating alternate versions of ourselves is that we don’t to show ourselves real
self on the internet because sometimes the internet is not safe. How the internet and technology
made it easier for us to develop our own personas is that you can find anything on the internet
and which you can create your ow persona very easily.

2. Which feature would you be most likely to change in creating your own online avatar?
Would it be your age? Race? Height? Weight? Voice? Why? And what might this tell you
about yourself? (4-5 sentences)
The feature i would most likely change in creating my own online avatar would be my weight.
What this might tell me about myself is that sometimes i dont like it but i do but i would rather
change it.

3. Using the internet, find out if there are any controversies or issues that have arisen from
using alternative social media accounts or avatars. What problems might arise due to the
use of these platforms and alternate identities? (4-5 sentences, 1 quote)

The problems that might arise due to the use of these platforms and alternate identities is lied to
or catfished if you want to use that word. People dont think about what other people might say.


Instructions: List the pros and cons of having an alternate identity online. How might it be fun
and useful? How might it be difficult and problematic?


No one can find out about you real self People can get mad that it isnt your true self
You can change things about yourself
Everyone could like you like taht

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