Macbeth Practice Question

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In this extract Macbeth is seen as a reluctant and hesitant murderer as he expresses his emotions

before he commits the crime and also talks about the possible consequences. This is shown when he
says,” He is here in double trust.” This quote shows us that although Macbeth has decided to
commit the murder, he still feels doubtful because it is his duty to defend Duncan and not to murder
him. King Duncan stayed at Macbeth’s house in full trust, making Macbeth feel bad as Duncan
trusted him. However this could also be interpretated as Macbeth thinking that this is the perfect
opportunity to murder the King as there is no suspicion around him. The idea of Macbeth being
unwilling is further reinforced when he says,’ Not bear the knife myself’, this shows us that Macbeth
doesn’t want to be the one to murder Duncan. Another example is when Macbeth says,’ his virtues
will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued,’ this tells us that Macbeth knows that Duncan was a good
trusting king, making Macbeth feel doubtful. Although Macbeth is seen as unwilling murderer at the
start of the play, he slowly starts to change and becomes a vicious murderer, killing anybody in his
way; however this changed at the end when he was stopped by Malcolm and his army. Shakespeare
could have done this to show the audience that being too ambitious can turn you into a bad person
and in the end it will not be good for you. I believe Shakespeare’s intention was to use Macbeth as a
figure to turn away people who had thoughts of killing the King during the Jacobean times. Regicide
was the worst crime to commit during the time as the religious society believed the role of King was
given from God, so killing the King was also threatening God.

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