Lipideologia Statinas

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17 Statins


MECHANISM OF ACTION, 154 Older Adults, 156 Statin Effects on Liver, 159
Women, 157 Hemorrhagic Stroke, 159
Adults With Chronic Kidney Disease, 157 Renal Effects of Statins, 159
DRUG–DRUG INTERACTIONS, 154 Ethnic Groups, 157
Statin-­Associated Muscle Symptoms, 158 COMPLETE REFERENCES, 160.e1
SPECIAL POPULATIONS, 156 Statin-­Associated New-­Onset Type 2
Adults With Diabetes, 156 Diabetes, 159

MECHANISM OF ACTION metabolism can vary among different patient populations.

Statins are subject to the influence of transporters and
Statin medications are competitive inhibitors of other enzymes that contribute to drug absorption, distri-
3-­hydroxy-­3methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reduc- bution, metabolism, and elimination. These transporters
tase, which is the rate-­limiting step of hepatic cholesterol include organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs),
production. Hence, statins reduce cholesterol biosynthesis organic anion transporters (OATs), breast cancer resistance
and subsequently hepatic cholesterol. Decreased hepatic protein (BCRP), multidrug resistance protein (MDRP), the
cholesterol production triggers an increased expression of sodium–taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP),
hepatic low-­density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors that trans- and P-­glycoprotein (P-­gp) (Fig. 17.1).
fer LDL particles into the hepatocyte and reduce LDL cho-
lesterol (LDL-­C) in the blood. To a limited extent, statins
decrease apolipoprotein B-­100 (apoB-­100)–containing lipo- DRUG–DRUG INTERACTIONS
protein production resulting in additional cholesterol and
triglyceride reduction. Reductions in LDL-­C and triglycerides Various transporters and metabolic pathways determine
are directly proportionate to the intensity of statin used. the drug–drug interaction (DDI) potential of a statin. The
DDI profiles of simvastatin and lovastatin are nearly iden-
tical, but other statins have unique and different DDI pro-
PHARMACOKINETICS files. Statins can be substrates or inhibitors of transporters
of drug metabolism and other transporters. The clinical
Table 17.1 summarizes the profile of different statins. significance of a DDI can vary significantly. Some DDIs may
Absorption varies among different statins but is relatively have a minor impact that requires monitoring for drug tox-
consistent making these variances mostly irrelevant, with icity (e.g., muscle symptoms), while others require a pro-
the exception of lovastatin, for which administration with active risk mitigation strategy. Risk mitigation strategies
food enhances bioavailability. Atorvastatin, pitavastatin, include changing the statin medication to a different statin
and rosuvastatin have long half-­lives and can be admin- without the DDI, using a lower dose of the interacting sta-
istered any time of the day. The other statins should be tin, or changing the perpetrating nonstatin drug. There are
administered in the evening to maximize efficacy because several common statin DDIs.1,2 However, clinicians should
HMG-CoA reductase has a diurnal rate of expression. always consult a reliable drug information resource and/or
Statin medications are either lipophilic or hydrophilic drug-­specific product labeling for specific guidance on DDI
based on their log P value. The log P value is the partition management.
coefficient of a drug between an aqueous and lipophilic Underlying mechanisms of statin DDIs are multifaceted.
phase. Values <1 indicate a medication is hydrophilic and Inhibition of hepatic metabolism through the cytochrome
values >1 indicate a lipophilic medication. The log P value P450 (CYP; 3A4 or 2C9) pathway can increase systemic
may have some utility in clinical practice, as it is possible to statin exposure and increase risk of toxicity. Conversely,
exchange a statin for one that is more hydrophilic (a lower induction of CYP enzymes can result in loss of efficacy.
log P value) as a strategy to manage statin-­associated mus- The OATP transporters can simultaneously inhibit and
cle symptoms (SAMS). However, this is not an evidence-­ induce CYP enzymes and other transporters. Isolation of
based management strategy. specific OATP actions is difficult to predict, and interaction
Most statins require metabolism through hepatic through one transporter can increase risk of drug toxicity.
enzymes, with a small component of each drug elimi- For example, gemfibrozil inhibits OATP1B1 and OATP2B1.
nated unchanged in the urine (renal elimination). Hepatic All statins utilize OATP transporters, so coadministration

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TABLE 17.1 Pharmacokinetic Properties of Statins
Bioavailability CYP Hepatic Renal Excretion Transporters and

STATIN (%) Log Pa Enzyme (%) Half-­Life (hours) Enzymes
Atorvastatin 14 4.1 3A4 <2 14 BCRP, OAT1B1,
OAT2B1, P-­gp
Fluvastatin 24 3.2 2C9 (2C8, 3A4 5 3 BCRP, OATP1B1,
minor) OAT1B3,
Lovastatin <5 4.3 3A4 10 2–3 BCRP, MDRP,
OAT1B1, P-­gp
Pitavastatin 43–51 1.5 2C9 (2C8 minor) 15 12 BCRP, MDRP,
Pravastatin 17 −0.2 None 20 1.8 BCRP, OAT1B1,
Rosuvastatin 20 −0.3 2C9 10 19 BCRP, NTCP,
Simvastatin <5 4.7 3A4 13 2 BCRP, MDRP,
OAT1B1, P-­gp
<1 indicates hydrophilic, >1 indicates lipophilic.
BCRP, Breast cancer resistance protein; CYP, cytochrome P450; MDRP, multidrug resistance protein; NTCP, sodium–taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide; OAT, organic anion
transporter; OATP, organic anion transporting polypeptide; P-­gp, P-­glycoprotein.
Data from Web Supplement to the 2018 AHA/ACC/AACVPR/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/ADA/AGS/APhA/ASPC/NLA/PCNA guideline on the management
of blood cholesterol: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines.; Kellick KA, Bottorff M, Toth PP, The National Lipid Associations Safety Task Force. A clinician’s
guide to statin drug-­drug interactions. J Clin Lipidol. 2014;8(3 Suppl):S30–S46.

FIG. 17.1 Transporters and enzymes in statin metabolism. BCRP, Breast cancer resistance protein; MDRP, multidrug resistance protein; OATP, organic anion
transporting proteins; P-­gp, P-­glycoprotein. (From Kellick KA, Bottorff M, Toth PP. The National Lipid Association’s Safety Task Force. A clinician’s guide to statin drug-­drug
interactions. J Clin Lipidol. 2014;8[3 Suppl]:S30–S46.) Adapted from M. Niemi, M.K. Pasanen, P.J. Neuvonen. Organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1: a genetically polymor-
phic transporter of major importance for hepatic drug uptake. Pharmacol Rev, 63 (2011), pp. 157-181

of gemfibrozil with a statin alters intestinal drug absorp- (Table 17.2).5 Statin medications can also produce a dose-­
tion, decreases metabolism and/or reduction of hepatic dependent triglyceride reduction of 7%–30%, a non–HDL-­C
statin uptake, and ultimately increases toxicity risk.3 reduction of 15%–51%, and an HDL-­C increase of 5%–15%.4


The primary lipid-­altering effect of statins is an LDL-­C reduc- Statins are the cornerstone of pharmacological cardio-
tion of 18%–55%.1,4 Further delineation of LDL-­C lowering vascular preventive therapy to reduce atherosclerotic
per dose is provided in the statin-­intensity categorization cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk. Three early, large

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TABLE 17.2 Statin Intensity According to Daily Dose Used

Atorvastatin 40–80 mg Atorvastatin 10–20 mg Fluvastatin 20–40 mg

Rosuvastatin 20–40 mg Lovastatin 40–80 mg Lovastatin 20 mg
Fluvastatin XL 80 mg Pravastatin 10–20 mg
Pitavastatin 1–4 mg Simvastatin 10 mg
Pravastatin 40–80 mg
Rosuvastatin 5–10 mg
Simvastatin 20–40 mg
LDL-­C, Low-­density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Data from Grundy SM, Stone NJ, Bailey AL, et al. 2018 AHA/ACC/AACVPR/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/ADA/AGS/APhA/ASPC/NLA/PCNA guideline on the management of blood
cholesterol: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2019;139(25):e1082–e1143.

randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with approximately Absolute risk reduction benefit from statins depends
5 years of follow-­up, the Scandinavian Simvastatin Sur- on baseline LDL-­C levels, with the greatest benefit seen in
vival Study, the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention patients with the highest baseline LDL-­C levels.
Study, and the Heart Protection Study, demonstrated
a significant reduction in coronary events in high-­risk
patients treated with moderate-­ intensity statin ther- SPECIAL POPULATIONS
apy. All-­ cause mortality was significantly reduced in Adults With Diabetes
patients with established ASCVD. Subsequent large RCTs
The efficacy of statin therapy for ASCVD risk reduction in
further supported the ASCVD risk reduction benefit of
individuals with diabetes was examined in a 2008 CTTC
statins, providing the evidence base used by the Cho-
meta-­analysis of 14 statin trials. The study included 18,686
lesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration (CTTC) in
individuals (1466 with type 1 and 17,220 with type 2 dia-
their meta-­analyses of individual patient data of large-­
betes) who were treated with moderate-­or low-­intensity
scale (≥2 years planned treatment duration with ≥1000
statins and followed for a mean of 4.3 years. Statin therapy
participants) statin RCTs. A 2010 CTTC meta-­ analysis
was associated with a 21% proportional reduction in major
of more-intensive versus less-intensive statin regimens
vascular events per 38.7-mg/dL (1-mmol/L) reduction in
(5 trials in 39,612 individuals; median follow-­up 5.1 years)
LDL-­C (RR 0.79, 99% CI 0.72–0.86, P < .0001) and a 9% pro-
and of statin versus control (21 trials in 129,526 individu-
portional reduction in all-­cause mortality per 38.7-mg/dL
als; median follow-­up 4.8 years) showed that when both
(1-mmol/L) reduction in LDL-­C (RR 0.91, 99% CI 0.82–1.01,
types of trials were combined, statin therapy resulted in
P = .02). These beneficial effects were similar to those
a 22% proportional reduction (rate ratio [RR] 0.78, 95%
achieved in patients without diabetes and were indepen-
confidence interval [CI] 0.76–0.80, P < .0001) in major
dent of the baseline LDL-­C or other lipid levels.8
ASCVD events for each 38.7-mg/dL (1-mmol/L) reduction
Moderate-­ intensity statin therapy is recommended
in LDL-­ C, regardless of baseline LDL-­ C concentration,
for primary prevention in most individuals with diabe-
even in individuals with LDL-­C levels <77 mg/dL on the
tes. However, because of the increased morbidity and
less-intensive or control regimen. Among the five RCTs
mortality associated with an initial ASCVD event in this
that compared high-intensity with moderate-­ intensity
population, the observed high residual risk among the
statins, high-­intensity statins significantly reduced the
statin-­treated groups in clinical trials, and the evidence of
incidence of major vascular events by 15% with no signif-
benefit from high-­intensity statin treatment in primary pre-
icant reduction in coronary deaths.6
vention in men >50 years of age and women >60 years of
A 2012 CTTC meta-­analysis examined 27 statin RCTs
age, the 2018 AHA/ACC/Multisociety cholesterol guideline
and separated participants into five categories of base-
recommended the use of high-­intensity statin therapy for
line 5-­year major vascular event risk on control therapy
patients with diabetes in these age groups, or those with
(no statin or low-­intensity statin) (<5%, ≥5% to <10%,
multiple ASCVD risk factors; a calculated 10-­year risk using
≥10% to <20%, ≥20% to <30%, ≥30%); in each category,
the pooled cohort equations of ≥20%; type 1 diabetes of
the RR per 38.7-mg/dL (1-mmol/L) LDL-­C reduction was
≥20 years in duration or type 2 diabetes of ≥10 years in
estimated. The proportional reduction in the incidence
duration; microalbuminuria, retinopathy, or neuropathy;
of major coronary events, coronary revascularization,
or an ankle-­brachial index <0.9.9
and both in the two lower-risk categories was compa-
rable with that in the higher-risk categories. The reduc-
tion in risk for stroke in participants with a 5-­year risk Older Adults
of major vascular events <10% was similar to that seen A 2019 CTTC meta-­ analysis of individual participant data
in the higher-risk groups. In participants with no history from 28 statin RCTs in 186,854 individuals, including data
of vascular disease, the proportional reductions in vas- from one trial (n = 12,705) of statin therapy versus con-
cular and all-­cause mortality were similar regardless of trol, plus data from five trials of more-intensive versus
baseline risk.7 less-intensive statin therapy (n = 39,612), identified 14,883

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(8%) individuals older than 75 years of age at randomization, therapy on major vascular events (major coronary event
with a median follow-­up of 4.9 years. Overall, statin or more-in- [nonfatal myocardial infarction or coronary death], stroke, 17
tensive therapy yielded a 24% (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.73–0.79) pro- or coronary revascularization) and mortality. As compared

portional reduction in major coronary events per 38.7-mg/ with eGFR ≥60 ml/min/1.73 m2, smaller relative effects on
dL (1-mmol/L) reduction in LDL-­C, and with increasing age, major vascular events were observed as eGFR declined, no
a trend toward smaller proportional risk reductions in major benefit was seen in individuals on hemodialysis, and there
coronary events.10 These results were amplified by another was no impact on total mortality.14 Guideline-­directed medi-
study in older adults that included 24 trials from the CTTC cal therapy advocates the use of moderate-­intensity statins
meta-­analysis plus five individual trials, in which 11,750 par- with or without ezetimibe in adults 40–75 years of age with
ticipants were from statin trials. With a median follow-­up of a 10-­year risk of ≥7.5% not on hemodialysis. Shared decision
2.2–6.0 years, LDL-­C reduction significantly lowered the risk making about continuation of statins in those already t­ aking
of major vascular events (n = 3519) in older patients by 26% statins is warranted. Initiation of statin therapy in individ-
per 38.7-mg/dL reduction in LDL-­C (RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.61–0.89, uals on maintenance hemodialysis is not recommended
P = .0019). There was no significant difference in risk reduc- based on lack of benefit compared with placebo.9
tion observed between individuals 75 years of age or older
versus those younger than 75 years of age.11
Thus, for adults >75 years of age, it is reasonable to
Ethnic Groups
initiate moderate-intensity or, in selected patients, high-­ Higher statin blood levels are observed in individuals of
intensity statins and to continue high-­intensity statins in Japanese, Chinese, and Malay ethnicity than in other ethnic
those already taking them. Consideration may be given groups, and consequently, starting doses of statins should
to discontinuation of statins when physical or cognitive be employed, with upward titration in accordance with the
decline, multimorbidity, frailty, or reduced life expectancy patient’s absolute risk.9 Adults of South Asian ethnicity have
limits the potential benefits. When there is uncertainty an increased risk of clinical ASCVD. While data on the impact
about initiation of a statin in such patients, a coronary of statins for both primary and secondary prevention in this
calcium score of zero, and possibly <10 Agatston units, is group are limited, one statin safety and efficacy study in
associated with a low short-­and intermediate-­term risk 486 North American patients of South Asian ethnicity who
of ASCVD events and may be used as a factor supporting were identified as being at high coronary heart disease risk
avoidance of such therapy.9,12 showed that therapy with both rosuvastatin and atorvasta-
tin was well tolerated and was associated with LDL-­C reduc-
tion similar to that in other populations.15
A 2015 CTTC meta-­analysis of data from 22 trials of statin
therapy versus control (n = 134,537) and 5 trials of more
intensive versus less intensive statin therapy (n = 39,612) SAFETY
showed that proportional reductions in major vascu-
Although statins have been proven to decrease cardiovas-
lar events per 38.7-mg/dL reduction in LDL-­ C were simi-
cular events substantially, adherence to statins is subopti-
lar overall for women (RR 0.84, 99% CI 0.78–0.91) and men
mal (Fig. 17.2). The benefits of therapy seen in randomized
(RR 0.78, 99% CI 0.75–0.81; adjusted P value for heterogeneity
clinical statin trials will only be replicated in real life if the
by sex = .33) and also for women and men with <10% pre-
patients adhere to statins. After experiencing a cardio-
dicted 5-­year absolute cardiovascular risk (adjusted hetero-
vascular event, nearly one-­half of patients are nonadher-
geneity P = .11).13 The 2018 AHA/ACC/Multisociety guideline
ent with their prescribed regimen for over 2 years, and in
makes similar recommendations for statin therapy in men
primary prevention adherence is even lower.16 Multiple
and women but identifies menopause at <40 years of age
potential barriers exist to adherence at the healthcare pro-
and a history of pregnancy-­ associated disorders (hyper-
vider, patient, and system levels. Patient-­related factors
tension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, small-­
include low health literacy, cost, psychosocial factors, atti-
for-­gestational-­age infants, preterm deliveries) as factors to
tudes concerning the effectiveness of the treatment, and
include in shared decision making when discussing lifestyle
previous negative experience with drugs.17 There are also
intervention and the potential for benefit of statin therapy.
physician-­ related factors like prescribing complex drug
The guideline reinforces the importance of reliable contra-
regimens and not spending enough time with the patient
ception in women of childbearing age who are sexually active
to explain risks and benefits of treatment to reach a shared
and are being treated with statin therapy and advises discon-
decision. Telephone and calendar reminders, integrated
tinuation of statins 1–2 months prior to planned conception,
multidisciplinary educational activities, simplification of
during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. Female sex is des-
the drug regimen to once-­daily dosing, and pharmacist-­
ignated as a predisposing factor to statin-­associated myalgias
led interventions are evidence-­ based ways to improve
with normal creatine kinase (CK) levels.9
A major barrier to the efficacious use of statin therapy
Adults With Chronic Kidney Disease is statin intolerance, which contributes to treatment nonad-
An estimated glomerular filtration rate (eFGR) of <60 mL/ herence. Statin intolerance can be described as the inability
min/1.73 m2 is associated with increased ASCVD risk, and to tolerate at least two statins—one at the lowest dose—
albuminuria further increases this risk. A CTTC meta-­analysis because of symptoms or biomarker changes not attributable
of data from 28 trials (N = 183,419) subdivided into catego- to predisposing conditions.19 In true intolerance, symptoms
ries of eGFR at baseline examined the effect of statin-­based usually resolve or decrease on discontinuation of statins.

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III Not filled

100% –12%

Not started
88% –12%

76% Not finished



Common barriers Common barriers Common barriers

• Understanding • Perceived side effects • Forgetfulness
benefits of therapy • Not understanding • Side effects
• Denial benefits and risks • Financial
• Financial • Polypharmacy • Polypharmacy
• Health literacy • Denial • Ongoing reinforcement

Medication Medication
prescription process taking process
dispensing process
in the Prescriber’s in the Patient’s
in the Pharmacy
office home

FIG. 17.2 Statin adherence over time. (From Cohen JD, Aspry KE, Brown AS, et al. Use of health information technology (HIT) to improve statin adherence and low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment in high-risk patients: proceedings from a workshop. J Clin Lipidol. 2013;7:573–609; and National Lipid Association Toolkit.)

Diagnosis and management of statin intolerance is difficult do not report more frequent muscular symptoms with
because of the heterogeneity of symptoms and the lack of statin compared with placebo. Therefore, estimating the
agreed-upon clinical, biomarker, or diagnostic criteria. prevalence of true statin muscle-­related intolerance is
difficult. Two observational studies report the incidence
Statin-­Associated Muscle Symptoms of SAMS to be around 10%.23,24 Some of these symptoms
The principal side effects reported on statin therapy may be due to the nocebo effect. The Anglo-Scandi-
are muscle symptoms (SAMS). Patients usually com- navian Cardiac Outcomes Trial–Lipid Lowering Arm
plain about symmetrical pain and weakness in large (ASCOT-­LLA) showed that the reporting rate of muscle
proximal muscle groups typically occurring within 4 to adverse events was higher among statin users than non-
6 weeks after starting statin therapy.20 Symptoms usu- users in the nonblinded phase but did not differ between
ally regress within a few weeks on cessation of the statin atorvastatin and placebo groups in the blinded phase.25
and reappear with a rechallenge. In most cases, SAMS The Self-Assessment Method for Statin Side-effects Or
are not accompanied by marked CK elevations. Based on Nocebo (SAMSON) study demonstrated that symp-
21 randomized clinical trials providing 180,000 person-­ tom intensity was similar during placebo or statin use,
years of follow-­up on statin therapy or placebo, more and both were significantly higher than during the no-­
serious SAMS like myopathy (muscle symptoms plus an treatment period.26
increase in CK of >10 times upper limit of normal [ULN]) If a patient complains of SAMS, sufficient time should
occurred in only 5 patients per 100,000 person-­years, be spent to discuss the risk/benefit ratio with the patient,
and rhabdomyolysis in 1.6 patients per 100,000 person-­ and CK should be measured. The majority of these patients
years.21 The risk varies among different statin regimens have normal or mildly/moderately elevated CK levels (4×
and increases with the dose of statin and predisposing ULN). The statin can be stopped for 3– 4 weeks to see if
factors such as age >80 years, female sex, low body symptoms resolve. If symptoms/CK abnormalities resolve
mass index, Asian descent, history of muscle disorders, after discontinuation of statin, either treatment with the
concurrent conditions like acute infection, impaired same statin at a lower dose or switching to an alternative
renal or hepatic function hypothyroidism, vitamin D statin or the use of less than a daily dose (lower than the
deficiency, or concomitant interacting medications.20 recommended daily dose or alternate-day dosing) of a
In addition, the SLCO1B1 rs4149056 polymorphism is long-­acting statin in combination with a nonstatin that low-
associated with increased statin blood levels and may ers LDL-­C should be considered (Fig. 17.3). Most patients
increase the risk of SAMS with simvastatin.22 In clinical tolerate a statin when rechallenged. Once the highest toler-
practice, patients on statins frequently complain about able dose is established, if the patient is not at goal and is
muscle symptoms, whereas randomized statin trials at high risk, combination therapy can be considered.

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Myalgia on a Statin
Check for preexisting condition and drug interaction 17

Nocebo effect? SAMS
Other cause of myalgia?
Measure CK

Educate patient Myalgia with or Rhabdomyolysis

Myositis (very rare):
without CK (very rare):
Shared Decision Making Immune treatment
elevation Treatment

Statin washout
Statin washout 6 weeks
2–6 weeks if high CV risk

Same/alternative statin
Smaller dose statin + ezetimibe
Bempedoic acid
Continue statin PCSK9 inhibitors

FIG. 17.3 Approach to patient complaining of myalgia while using statins. CK, Creatine kinase; CV, cardiovascular; SAMS, statin-­associated muscle

Statin-­Associated New-­Onset Type 2 Diabetes were seen on statin therapy, whereas ischemic stroke was
Statin therapy has been shown to be associated with a reduced.30 This has raised concern that low LDL-­C levels may
small increase in fasting blood glucose levels. In a meta-­ increase risk for hemorrhagic stroke; however, other RCTs,
analysis including 91,140 subjects without diabetes at cohort studies, and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin
baseline, statin treatment increased incident diabetes mel- type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitor trials in which very low LDL-­C levels
litus by 9%, equating to about 1 new case per 1000 patients were attained did not confirm this finding.31
per year of exposure, whereas 5 new cardiovascular events
were prevented.27 This risk is higher with more-intensive Renal Effects of Statins
statin therapy, in individuals with features of the metabolic Statin treatment is not associated with clinically signifi-
syndrome at the initiation of therapy, and in the elderly. cant deterioration of renal function. Mild proteinuria, often
However, in high-­risk patients who develop new-­onset dia- transient, is rarely seen with high-­ dose statin treatment
betes mellitus, the risk of ASCVD events is lower on statin but is not associated with impaired renal function.28 Dose
therapy, demonstrating that the potential adverse effects reduction may be necessary in patients with severe kidney
of hyperglycemia do not negate the benefits of LDL-­ C dysfunction for some statin regimens. Atorvastatin and flu-
reduction. vastatin are less dependent on the kidney for elimination.
Chronic kidney disease patients are at high risk for cardio-
Statin Effects on Liver vascular events, and statins reduce ASCVD events by 20% in
Mild elevation in liver transaminases occurs in 0.5%–2.0% of these patients but are not beneficial in patients on dialysis.32
patients usually within 3 months of initiation of therapy, is Although protective effect of statins on the kidney has been
dose related, and is not clinically relevant.28 Clinically appar- suggested by some studies, this has not been confirmed by
ent idiosyncratic liver injury with statin therapy is very others.
rare but can be severe. Liver enzymes should be measured
if a patient develops symptoms suggestive of hepatotoxic-
ity, and statins should not be prescribed in patients with GENERAL REFERENCES
active hepatitis. In patients with mild alanine aminotrans- 4. Jacobson TA, Ito MK, Maki KC, et al. National Lipid Association recommendations
for patient-­centered management of dyslipidemia: part 1—executive summary. J
ferase (ALT) elevation due to steatosis or nonalcoholic fatty Clin Lipidol. 2014;8(5):473–488.
liver disease, statin therapy does not worsen liver disease. 5. Grundy SM, Stone NJ, Bailey AL, et al. 2018 AHA/ACC/AACVPR/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/
ADA/AGS/APhA/ASPC/NLA/PCNA guideline on the management of blood choles-
Routine periodic monitoring of liver enzymes is not recom- terol: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
mended unless symptoms of hepatotoxicity appear. Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2019;139(25):e1082–e1143.
6. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaboration, Baigent C, Blackwell L,
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There is substantial evidence showing that statins decrease 7. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaborators, Mihaylova B, Emberson J,
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individuals documented a risk reduction in first stroke of 16% randomised trials. Lancet. 2012;380(9841):581–590.
8. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaborators, Kearney PM, Blackwell L, Col-
per 39-mg/dL LDL-­C reduction; when the occurrence of isch- lins R, et al. Efficacy of cholesterol-­lowering therapy in 18,686 people with diabetes
emic strokes only was specifically considered, the results in 14 randomised trials of statins: a meta-­analysis. Lancet. 2008;371(9607):117–125.
11. Gencer B, Marston NA, Im K, et al. Efficacy and safety of lowering LDL cholesterol
showed a 21% risk reduction.29 However, in the Stroke Preven- in older patients: a systematic review and meta-­analysis of randomised controlled
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trial in patients with a prior stroke or transient ischemic 19. Banach M, Rizzo M, Toth PP, et al. Statin intolerance—an attempt at a unified
definition. Position paper from an International Lipid Expert Panel. Arch Med Sci.
attack, a numerically higher number of hemorrhagic strokes 2015;11:1–23.

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uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
20. Stroes ES, Thompson PD, Corsini A, et al. Statin-­associated muscle symptoms: meta-­analysis of individual data from 174,000 participants in 27 randomised trials.
impact on statin therapy—European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel Lancet. 2015;385(9976):1397–1405.
III Statement on Assessment, aetiology and Management. Eur Heart J. 2015;36: 14. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaboration, Herrington W, Emberson J,
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27. Sattar N, Preiss D, Murray HM, et al. Statins and risk of incident diabetes: a collabo- ing with statin-­based regimens: a meta-­analysis of individual participant data from
rative meta-­analysis of randomized statin trials. Lancet. 2010;375:735–742. 28 randomised trials. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016;4(10):829–839.
28. Mach F, Ray KK,Wiklund O, et al.Adverse effects of statin therapy: perception vs. the 18. van Driel ML, Morledge MD, Ulep R, et al. Interventions to improve adherence to
evidence—focus on glucose homeostasis, cognitive, renal and hepatic function, lipid-­lowering medication. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016;12:CD004371.
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28 randomised trials. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016;4(10):829–839.

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