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1915-1940 war, boom, bust and

Impact of WW1 From 1914 America expanded production of
goods and supplies creating more job
opportunities for unmarried women and AA
worker. Upon entry into war in 1917, labour
demand increased resulting in married
women coming out of the home to take the
place of men. Women took over agrarian
responsibility. - 11,000 women work in navy as
nurses or clerical work
-1917-1918 1 million women worked in
Not long-lasting impact as women had to give
up jobs when men came back
Post war boom impact - More jobs for unmarried women
- Invention of labour saving devices
allowed women more time with
children to support their education
- Working class married women increase
from 22.8% to 28.8%
- Opportunities in law and medicine still
Little impact of post war boom? Wage discrimination, men saw women as
threats to work and wages as men's wages
could be kept low if women's were lower.
- 1929 violent strike in north Carolina-
lead to death of 6 women
The depression and its impact Expansion of women’s employment
opportunities receded.
- 1936 82% of American’s anti women
- 26 states banned married woman form
working- laws declared unconstitutional
before could be passed

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