Plan August Language 2do

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Didactic Planning

Teacher: Subject:
Abigail Bolaños Vargas Language

Level: Teaching period: Periodicity:

Second Grade II period 2023 Monthly- August

Content Mediation Strategies Evaluation

This unit is •name Activate prior knowledge Ask students to name animals they know. (e.g. cat, chicken, cow, dog, donkey, duck, etc.) Ask them questions about each
about animals. animal to help them to describe it. For example, what color is it? How many legs has it got? Where does it live?
animals, Hand out drawing paper and crayons or coloured pencils. Say Draw and label one of the animals for the classroom. Make a picture for the wall. Give
animal • describe students three minutes to draw and label. Then ask students to show their pictures, say what animal they drew and describe it.
abilities and animals. Ask questions such as the following to encourage discussion of the photo. What can you see? (hippos) How many hippos are there? (two) Are they the
animal same size? (no; one is a baby) Where are they? (underwater/in water)
characteristics • talk about Guide students through the activity on page 114. Read the instructions aloud. Then read the start of the sentence on the left and each option below it.
. what Ask Is this animal a fish? (no) Is it an elephant? (no) Is it a hippo? (yes) It’s a hippo. Put a tick on the board and say Tick the circle next to hippo. On the
animals can board write This animal is a hippo. Read the sentence aloud and ask students to repeat after you.
and can’t
do. Activate prior knowledge Put students into five groups. Give each group a piece of paper with an animal’s name on it: dog, cat, chicken, horse, turtle.
Keep each piece of paper turned over so other groups cannot see it. Say Your group acts out the animal on your piece of paper. Other groups guess
your animal. Give groups two minutes to talk about their animals and how their animals act. Then invite groups one at a time and say Act out your
animal. Ask other groups to guess the animal. Say Now let’s talk about your animal with the class. Take turns. Address the first group and ask What’s
your animal? How big is it? What color is it? Continue with the rest of the groups.

Point to Activity 1. Say Listen. Play TR: 7.1 Pause the audio after the first item. Ask students to repeat. Then play the sentence. Ask students to say the
sentence. Point to the item in the book as the audio says each item and sentence.
Say Now listen and say. Play TR: 7.1 again. Pause the audio after the first item. Ask students to repeat. Then play the sentence. Ask students to say the
Point to Activity 2. Say Listen. Point to the photo. Say the word. Play TR: 7.2. Pause after zebra, hold up the book, point to the photo of a zebra and say
zebra. Now you do it. Pause after each word and give students time to find the photo. Ask them to say the word as they point to the photo in their
books. Point to a photo on pages 116–117. Ask What’s this animal?
Put students into groups of three. Say One student says a word. Two students point to the photo in the book. All students say the word. Give students
enough time to practice for each photo.
In one or two lines across the board, write camel, crocodile, elephant, giraffe, hippo, kangaroo, lion, monkey, panda, parrot, penguin, tiger, zebra,
swing and hop. Place Flashcards 134–148 face up on a desk and mix them up. Say Take a flashcard. Look at the picture. Find the word for the flashcard
on the board. Draw a circle around the word. Show your flashcard and say the word. Show students how to do the activity. Choose a flashcard, study it
and find the word on the board. Point to the word and show the flashcard. Say This is a (hippo). I find the word on the board. I circle the word and then
I say it. Circle (hippo) and say (hippo). Then ask students one by one to complete the activity. After the student says the word, ask the class to repeat.
Use all the flashcards.
Hold up each flashcard from this lesson. Ask What is it? Then ask questions about the animal or action. For example, hold up Flashcard 141 (a lion). Ask
What is it? What color is it? Do lions hop? Hold up Flashcard 139 (hop). Say Show me hop. What animal hops? Hand out the flashcards from the lesson
so that each student has a flashcard. Put students into pairs or groups if needed. Say Now you talk about your photo. Invite students, pairs or groups to
stand and say one thing about the photos on their flashcards.



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