Steps of National Commission On

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Steps of national commission on human rights

From the point of view of the rights of citizens, we could say that the more distant history of the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH) are in the nineteenth century, with the enactment of the Poor Law Attorney in 1847 that promoted Don Ponciano Arriaga in the state of San Luis Potosi. But until the second half of the twentieth century, and as a result of social demand an emphatic national and transformations in the international arena, which begin to emerge various public bodies are designed to protect the rights of citizens againstpublic power. Thus, in 1975 created the Federal Consumer Protection, with the purpose of defending the rights of individuals, but not necessarily against public power. Also, the January 3, 1979 was established the Directorate for the Defense of Human Rights in the state of Nuevo Leon, on instructions from his then-Governor, Dr. Peter G. Zorrilla. Later, in 1983, the city of Colima City Attorney founded the Neighborhood, which led to the establishment of this pattern contained in the Organic Law of Colima City December 8, 1984, remain optional for municipalities creation of this entity . For its part, the May 29, 1985 the National Autonomous University of Mexico established the University Rights Ombudsman, and in 1986 and 1987 were founded the Ombudsman for the Defence of Indigenous in the state of Oaxaca and the Social Office of the Mountain in the Guerrero state, respectively. Later, on August 14, 1988, created the Office of Civil Protection of the state of Aguascalientes, figure provided in the Law of Responsibilities for Public Servants.Months later, on 22 December, set up the Defence of the Rights of Residents in the city of Queretaro. In addition, the capital of the Republic of the then Department of the Federal District Attorney established the Social on January 25, 1989. Regarding the direct antecedents of the CNDH, February 13, 1989, within the Interior Ministry, created the Human Rights Board. A year later, on June 6, 1990 by presidential decree born an institution called the National Human Rights Commission, establishing itself as a decentralized agency of the Secretariat. Subsequently, by an amendment published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 28, 1992, was added in paragraph B of Article 102, bringing to the NHRC to a constitutional and legal nature under a decentralized body with legal personality and patrimony, thus giving the appearance of so-called National Non-Jurisdictional Protection of Human Rights. Finally, through a constitutional reform, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on September 13, 1999, the National Agency was established as an institution with full autonomy and budgetary management, changing the name of the National Commission on Human Rights the National Commission on Human Rights. This reform represents a breakthrough in the Ombudsman's role in Mexico, allowing you to fulfill their role of protecting and defending the human rights of all Mexicans. Its current owner is Dr. Jos Luis Soberanes Fernndez.

Formulating the Research Problem

There have been two meetings of Women Judges and thehighest organs of Justice in Latin America supported by the Division for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACD)Population Fund. The initiative is a direct impact on the administration of justice, and thus the implementation of the rightof UNFPA through reflection and engagement around specific issues associated with the mandate of UNFPA andICPD agenda. LACD supported a two-year project through which promoted the establishment of human rights link to HIV / AIDS, analysis of relevant legislation and the formulation of reform proposalsfrom the Office of Ombudsman in Central America. UNFPA also participates in favor of the adoption of the Iberoamerican Convention on Rights of Youth and, eventually,the process of ratification and implementation of it. In several ways this instrument has been promoted from our Country Offices throughout the process of six years until its approval in October last year.

Developing the objectives

The National Human Rights has been prepared by the Federal Executive to establish the foundations of a state policy human rights. In this sense, it addresses the problem of human rights in conformity with its comprehensiveness, universality and interdependence. In developing this program, the Executive acknowledges the effort constant made by the organizations of civil society in their tasks impetus to recognition and respect for human rights Mexico, which has been instrumental in defining the commitments contained in this document. There are other countries 1 that in response to the Vienna Declaration 2 , Have up national human rights programs. Many of these programs have focused on immediate enforcement actions that respond pressing needs. Mexico Program, seeks to transcend joints through permanent mechanisms to ensure that the voices civil society are reflected in decisions of the state and takes out a deep shift in focus in public policies. The National Human Rights Program is conceived as a tool to introduce into the daily work of the State, the prospect of human rights. Seeks to make clear, in and out of the country,

that human rights are present in every action, every decision, in each priority and therefore should be a must for public authorities. It also raises structural reforms and establishing mechanisms to will help to ensure, progressively, the validity of human rights. In this sense, it corresponds to the Program detailing all actions sector or by law. Contains certain actions that, while not intended to be exhaustive, represent an effort by the departments and entities of the Federal Public Service to design public policies human rights perspective

Preparing the Research Design including Sample Design

However, for reasons other than social and cultural nature, it is known that children and adolescents suffer violence at home, at school, in systems of protection and justice in the workplace and the community. Thus the underage are attacked precisely those spaces and places that should be protective, affection, encouragement to their overall development and promotion and safeguarding of their rights. one of the factors that confer great vulnerability is the lack of autonomy derived from a young age and the consequent high levels of emotional dependence, economic and social matters of adults or institutions (Pinheiro, 2006), making them difficult to curb the situation they face, ask for help or report the facts

Collecting the Data

The Public Service Commission of the Chamber of Deputiesto the National Commission will formally request a ruling onthe possible violation of human rights during the collection ofbiometric data for identity cards. In an interview, the president of that legislative body, PabloEscudero, announced that they will meet with the head of theNational Commission on Human Rights (CNDH), RaulPlascencia Villanueva, to pose such a request. He explained that the process for issuing the new identity cardcould be in breach of individual rights, namely the right to privacy and private life, contained in the Constitution andinternational treaties. Legislator Green Party of Mexico (PVEM) noted that it was decided a meeting with the national ombudsman as part of the legislative work with the corresponding bill.

Analysis of Data

available indicates that in absolute terms is spending on such commissions more than in the countries studied. Spending exercised by the Mexican government to the defense of human rights has grown significantly since its inception in 1990. It also provides examples that show the overspending of the NHRC and that considerable resources are being allocated to areas not related to the promoting and defending human rights. Finally, the public perception is that we a Commission obese and insufficient impact in building a true culture of human rights. In 2011, as an autonomous organ that produces its own budget, the CNDH requested a budget increase of 24% compared to 2010 "to respond to the demands and situations around the insecurity and the violence in Mexico, " in the words of its president to the Lower House Budget Commission. 1 The consolidation of democracy demands a culture of respect and the exercise of rights people. This culture is the minimum standard for civic life in complex societies. Its Construction demands accountability of the institutions responsible for promoting and respecting these rights. It is they who should set an example for when exercising public spending efficiently and transparently. In Mexico, the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) is the protection, observation, promotion, study and dissemination of human rights provided by the order Mexican law. 2 Given its non-jurisdictional, its legitimacy is its moral authority so that its recommendations are being followed by the authorities responsible for committing human rights violations. Part of that moral authority is constructed undoubtedly through the responsible exercise of their resources. Unfortunately you have indicators that allow us to know the transparency and responsibility that this institution is managing its resources.The opacity of the CNDH is notable. This makes building a culture of full respect for human rights Mexicans. You can not expect to build a culture of human rights without first internalize all public resource is being spent and that society should therefore be exercised effectively and austerity. Any excess or waste in the CNDH is to spend money that could go to the protection of as health or education rights

Generalisation and Interpretation

The application of human rights approach to the analysis and interpretation of the affairs of the old age has meant a paradigm shift with respect to a life stagethat traditionally is associated with deficiencies of all kinds, and the United Nations has made an

enormous contribution in this regard. However, older people do not have a legally binding protect their rights, as with other discriminated groups, andmust be utilized overcome the enormous variation existing regulations

Preparation of the Report or Presentation of Results-Formal write ups of conclusions reached.Steps in Research Process:

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