The Struggles of Choosing A Career Among PISQ High School Students

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The Struggles of Choosing a Career

Among Philippine International
School-Qatar High
School Students

A Research Paper Proposal Presented to

Ms. Lovely Buena A. San Pedro

Bea Anjali F. Degaños

Clan David C. Ambrocio
Joshua Ivan H. Milan
Klyde Steeven C. Manalang
Samuell Ric A. Inocencio
10 Charity

March 14, 2024



This chapter includes the introduction, theoretical framework, statement of the problem,

hypothesis, scope and limitation, conceptual framework, significance of the study, and the definition

of terms used.

Background of the Study

Choosing a career is one of the most crucial steps to having a productive and successful life.

There is a huge amount of people who need help finding which job to take, which stems from the

confusion of pursuing different strands and courses. This commitment usually starts in high school,

where people often critically think about what job they want to pursue after high school or college.

The essence of who the student is will revolve around what the student wants to do with their life-long

work (Borchert, 2002). Choosing a career is the most stressful part of a student’s life to find out the

direction they want to go in the graduate and postgraduate parts of their lives. This poses a huge

problem among students as they struggle to create choices on what is their career path. Many

incoming students are not confident in their career path and almost two-thirds of students feel

overwhelmed by the process of selecting a major (Robinson, 2019). Career choices require a high

level of creativity, experimentation, decision-making, and sound judgment (Quiño, 2022).

Career choice is not determined by one single factor, rather it is determined by the interplay of

several factors (Siddiky et al., 2021). Some researchers have stated that it is mostly determined by the

student's environment, personality, and opportunity (Olamide & Olawaiye, 2013). Others have also

stated that it is due to personal interest, socio-demographic factors such as gender, age, and

socioeconomic status, as well as, influence from peers, parents, and teachers (Nazareno et al., 2020).

This is why the objectives of this research are to help everyone become more knowledgeable about

careers, find different factors that make high school students struggle to pick among jobs, find

different factors that provide students with information and knowledge to choose a career, effectively
find solutions that cater to many different problems relating to career decision-making, and give

importance to why careers are crucial for a person’s life and why students should give more thought to

learning and being aware of them while. These objectives can be accomplished by making the study

tackle the demographic set on finding their chosen career and the number of people who are confused

about which course to take for their future career. This study will also tackle the students’ attitudes

towards the current system which includes but are not limited to their regrets in choosing their strand

and what they now wish to pursue. Lastly, this research will also introduce to students various ways to

alleviate their problem of choosing a career by giving importance to career counseling.

Students usually choose their careers without having proper knowledge about career

information and labor market conditions (Siddiky, 2021). As such, the benefits that this research could

give to the students is to be able to identify and analyze the struggles and factors that hinder them

from picking a suitable career, as well as be able to possibly bring forth a more prepared and confident

workforce wherein the youth are certain about their chosen career and the role they picked to become

skilled workers in the global community and local community in the future. (Ahmed et al., 2017)

stressed the importance of this as incorrect career choice directs all individual efforts and resources in

the wrong direction. In another way, this study will also benefit the teachers, authorities, or

individuals that effectively educate the children for the future as it will greatly enhance their teachings

to have a better direction of teaching the students. The benefits of this research are also not limited to

parents and guardians as they can learn about their growing children to be able to decide what is the

best option for their future, improving collaborative decisions, enhanced communications, and

guidance. Without research, proper knowledge, and skills given to these individuals, it could be

greatly detrimental to the individual, the workforce, and society (Azkhenov et al., 2023).

Originally, we selected this topic for the reason that some of us researchers have found

difficulty in committing to a course or job. As time passed, we gained more incentive to research this

topic since we observed that it is a common issue in the Philippine International School-Qatar (PISQ),

especially among high school students to choose a career. We have also observed how these
individuals often have a hard time deciding due to stress factors, ignorance, confusion, strand, and

more. This study aims to accomplish the requirements for students and to provide a framework that

aims to accomplish the never-ending needs and wants of students worldwide, not only in PISQ. And

to specify the information being established for the good of students and to promote easy career

matchmaking for many other students that will benefit their career choices in the future.

Theoretical Framework

Choosing a career is an important decision in everyone's life, but it is particularly challenging

for every high school student including the high school students at the Philippine International

School-Qatar (PISQ). In this theoretical framework, we intend to investigate the unique challenges

that PISQ students face as they navigate the complexities of career choice. Our theoretical framework

will incorporate theories to the research "The Struggles of Choosing a Career Among PISQ High

School Students," such as Anne Roe's needs theory and Krumboltz's social learning theory.

Firstly, Anne Roe's ‘needs’ theory in which Anne Roe explores further using Maslow's needs

hierarchy to explain that individuals need to fulfill their basic needs before seeking the higher needs

we can have. Parenting styles can develop and affect the factors of what the child’s occupation options

will be depending on how the parents treat him/her, in which the parents' interaction with the child can

also affect the career options. This theory helps us show that parents can be a big influence on the

students where parents can help their children focus on the physiological needs since it affects the

child’s career of choice. If an individual is treated right by his/her family, where every family member

is a part can boost his/her confidence to become an independent individual. Thus, leading to a place

where he/she will know what type of career they want and are comfortable with. With this, our

research is based on the influences that parents and the family of the student give. Moreover, our

research will also extend to the influences of peers and authorities on the student.

Lastly, Krumboltz's social learning theory by John Krumboltz which is based on Bandura’s

Theory focuses on the idea that an individual’s development and experiences over the years of their
life can affect the career choice an individual can pick where they are best suited for. This can be

relevant to our research because it shows that experience, personal qualities, learning from mistakes,

etc. can help students choose a career that is best suited for them, wherein they already know their

own weaknesses, strengths, fears, barriers, including what their goals are and what they would like to

achieve in the future.

In conclusion, these two theories are relevant to the research as Anne Roe’s ‘needs’ theory

explains the needs of individuals and how early experiences in life and parental styles can affect

career choices. The other is Krumboltz's social learning theory which focuses on the importance of

looking and reflecting on your past experiences and understanding your own personal development.

By using these theories, we can examine the various factors of influence, personality, hobbies, in

addition to the socio-demographic factors that students have, influencing their decisions, we seek to

gain insights that can inform better support systems and empower these students in their journey

towards a fulfilling career path.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the struggles of choosing a career among Philippine

International School-Qatar (PISQ) high school students. Specific questions that the researchers

aim to answer are as follows;

1. What are the profiles of the respondents for socio-demographic factors in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Grade Level

2. What are the primary issues faced by respondents in determining their future careers,

including but not limited to:

2.1. Lack of information

2.2. Influence of peers in career decision making

2.3. Pressure from school, family, and society

2.4. Lack of guidance

3. What are the current sources of career guidance or information that respondents rely on

including but not limited to:

3.1. Extracurricular activities

3.2. Guidance office

3.3. Influence of school subjects

3.4. Socio-economic status

4. How effective do they find these current sources of career guidance or information?


H1: There is a relationship between any factors influencing career decision-making such as

extracurricular activities, guidance counseling, school subjects, socio-economic factors, and the career

choice of high school students.

If this hypothesis is true, it would imply that these career decision-making factors should be

the focus for fostering knowledge and skills in order to pursue choosing a career. This situation would

allow for these factors to be interventions that help address the issues of trying to choose a career such

as enhancing career counseling services and providing more diverse career exploration opportunities,

which may be beneficial in supporting students in making well-informed career decisions.

H1: There is a relationship between the different issues of lack of information, peer influence,

pressure, and lack of guidance, and the career choice of high school students.

If this hypothesis is true, it would imply that high school students at PISQ may experience

difficulties in making informed career choices due to factors such as a lack of exposure to a variety of

career options, inadequate career guidance resources within the school, and external societal pressures

influencing their decision-making process.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is focused on the struggles of choosing a career among PISQ high school students from

grades 9-12, conducted during the year 2024. The subjects were selected randomly varying in grade

level, gender, age, etc basing off of 25% of the selected grade levels’ population. Through the use of a

combination of qualitative and quantitative research techniques, including surveys, interviews, and

questionnaires, the study seeks to thoroughly examine the variables impacting career decisions. The

study will take place in a predetermined time period with the goal of offering insights that are relevant

to the dynamics of high school students’ career decision-making today. Although the goal of this

research is to provide insightful information, several limitations must be noted. Because the results are

specific to PISQ students and might not apply to other educational institutions, generalizability may

be limited. Moreover, the dynamic nature of career choices and the temporary constraints of the study

may not capture the long-term evolution of students' decision-making processes. Despite the

limitations, the study seeks to offer a comprehensive picture of the professional challenges faced by

PISQ high school students.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: This conceptual paradigm shows the relationship between three variables: The dependent

variable, the ability to pick a career or career choice is affected by the independent variables: factors

influencing career decision-making and issues that hinder a student from picking a career. Factors

influencing career decision-making involve extracurricular activities, guidance office, socioeconomic

status, and the influence of school subjects. Issues that hinder a student from picking a career are lack

of information, influence of peers, pressure from school, family, and society, and lack of guidance.

Meanwhile, career choice is affected by the control variable profile of respondents which are:

Age(14-18), Gender, and Grade Level (9-12).

Significance of the Study

The benefits of this research to the community aim to help achieve better job opportunities and

have a well-guided career choice for people in the future, therefore leading to more professionals who

are more likely to contribute positively to their selves, society, and the community. Moreover, This

study aims to be significant and helpful for the community in the fields of employment and education

to provide crucial information that can potentially help people get into the career they would be best

suited for.

Students. The importance of researching the difficulties that students experience when

deciding on a vocation or profession is essential for the individual as it could lead to more informed

decisions, stress-free, better educational planning, economic rewards, enhanced diversity, and more

robust support networks, all of which would be able to contribute to students' overall well-being and

success in their future jobs, as well as happiness and contentment of the student’s career choice.

Parents and Guardians. This research would allow them to expand their knowledge on the

effects of what they talk about to their children on the topics of career choice. Moreover, this research

would enable them to provide better guidance and support to their children, aligning their expectations

with the child's interests and abilities. This could potentially lead to a more harmonious family

environment and foster better communication between parents and their children.

Teachers. This study could be beneficial to them as it would significantly broaden their

knowledge leading to improved career guidance, course counseling, and enhanced support systems for

students. Teachers can also use their own experiences to empower and prepare students for the

challenges and opportunities they will encounter in their own career journeys.

Administrators. This research would help them understand the problems of students trying to

decide on a professional path and its importance, which could potentially influence methods for

effective leadership, talent retention, efficient resource allocation, and overall educational system

improvement. These insights can lead to better decision-making, more effective leadership, and a

better future labor force that will provide quality services for the community.
Researchers. This study will be crucial in broadening their knowledge and understanding of

the struggles, issues, and possible solutions for career choice-making. Looking at the status quo and

getting the latest information from people would help researchers in educating and making others

aware of the significance of this issue.

Future researchers. This research is significant as it will provide a rich area for exploration

and can lead to new theories, interventions, and policies that enhance career decision-making and

overall well-being. This research will have far-reaching implications for individuals who need help

picking their careers and for future viewers who are interested in this research proposal and wish to

continue it.

Definition of Terms

In order to have a better understanding of this study, key concepts or terminologies are

defined in the following:

Career - according to Oxford Languages, a career is an occupation undertaken for a

significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

High School Students - based on the International Standard Classification of Education

upper secondary phase, this term will refer to students in Grades 9 to 12, namely, freshman,

sophomore, junior, and senior students.

PISQ - also known as the Philippine International School-Qatar, is defined as a private

educational institution established in 2000. It is a Philippine-based educational institution located in

Ain Khaled, State of Qatar.



This chapter includes some related literature and studies reviewed which are presented in the

following paragraphs. These related studies greatly contribute to helping us to acquire the knowledge

on how to perform or conduct this research.

Career choices seem not to be only influenced by the interests of a student but also by several

factors as stated by (Siddiky et al., 2021). It is not determined by a single factor, but rather the

interplay of three factors. Such factors involve the interaction of the three variables self-efficacy,

outcome expectations, and personal goals. Self-efficacy is defined in the research as an individual’s

personal beliefs about their capabilities to carry out particular behaviors and actions. Outcome

expectations are defined as beliefs about the consequences of outcomes after performing a particular

behavior. Thus they pertain to particular jobs that could have tangible rewards or better working

conditions. However, personal goals are incorporated in the intention of a certain activity to produce a

particular outcome. According to the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), when a person thinks

they are competent enough to perform an activity and expects that activity to produce a valued

outcome, they develop an interest in that activity. Therefore self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and

interests cultivate educational and occupational goals. However, interest may be constrained due to

several social and cultural factors including the lack of support, social barriers, and cultural beliefs.

This research study is related to the study we are conducting to provide a reason as to why individuals

may choose a certain career or why they have trouble choosing a career because of the several factors

put into play.

A study was conducted that dealt with factors concerning career choice among secondary

school students in the Ikenne Local Government area of Ogun State (Olamide & Olawaiye, 2013).

The study was conducted to shed light on any misconceptions created by high school students about

the factors that affect career decision-making. The study showed the effects of the lack of a career
counselor, leading to students becoming one-sided in their choice of career and usually influenced by

their parents who aim for prestigious occupations. However, these aims are difficult to achieve for

numerous reasons such as poor academic performance, poor choice of subjects for the school

certificate examination, and lack of financial support to pursue their education which makes it

impossible for such boys and girls to get their required training that would qualify them for the jobs of

their choice. Moreover, the research tackled the main problem of lacking sufficient information about

different jobs which makes students unable to make wise career decisions. The study highly reflects

on the problems of students as to why they are not able to make an informed decision on what career

path they choose which relates to our conducted research by studying the struggles faced by high

school students in choosing their career.

According to (Galliott et al., 2015), their research tackled the question: Are students who

experience difficulty accessing the academic curriculum more likely to struggle with their future

career determination, or are those who experience difficulty envisioning a future career less likely to

see the point of school knowledge? This research provided students with a survey that relates to their

demographics, parental occupation, attitudes to school and to learning, aspirations, and knowledge of

further education to achieve their desired goal. The objectives of the study were to be able to

understand the factors relating to career choice indecisiveness and the difficulty in career

determination. The conducted research showed that more students who are uncertain of their career

were found to have English as their home language than students who have a different language used

in their home. This study relates highly to our research by showcasing how students’ demographics

and their attitudes towards school are highly influential in determining a career choice and that some

students, may have either struggles or ease in finding one due to those factors.

According to (Nazareno et al., 2020), their study shows us the factors that affect a student’s

career choice. Such as socio-demographic factors, (e.g. age, grade level, socioeconomic status/level,

and gender.) As well as another factor such as the academic performance of a student. Included in his

research are also the interests, as it lies as a strong factor that influences a student’s career choice.
Another factor is also included here, the educational services provided by the academic institution, are

also liable for the influence of a student’s career. In conclusion, it shows us the factors at play that

influence a student’s ability to pick a career. With these factors, our research’s objective is to find

factors that may affect a student’s career choice and one of the most important factors we determined

is socioeconomic status.

According to (Peng & Yue, 2022), career decisions are among the most important decisions

an individual makes in a lifetime, as they play an important role in a person’s holistic development,

yet the main problem is that career decisions are challenging for people with socioeconomic

disadvantages. The research conducted uses socioeconomically disadvantaged students as a sample to

better understand the contribution of socioeconomic status to how students react toward their choice

of future career orientation and to what attitudes they show toward this. In doing so, the study

experimented with a model that showcases a deep approach to learning and problem-based learning to

give socioeconomically disadvantaged students the awareness of having the ability to solve problems,

accomplish the goals they want to achieve, and be able to pursue a career based on their choice. This

research relates considerably to our study by showing how a student’s socioeconomic status greatly

affects their decision on what career should they take and their struggles in trying to choose a career,

due to most of the socioeconomically disadvantaged students usually having innate pessimism or

negative attitudes and cognition toward different kinds of careers.

(Krumboltz et al, 2009) emphasized in his research that career counseling should focus on

helping clients that develop skills for exploring various activities and opportunities, rather than rigidly

planning their future careers. The goal is to help clients create fulfilling lives by encouraging them to

take actions, learn from experiences, and adapt to changing opportunities. Assessments facilitate

learning, not to match individuals with specific occupations. Success in counseling is measured by the

client’s real-world achievements and personal growth.

(Kazi & Akhlaq, 2017) discussed the different factors that affect a student’s career choice

which is greatly represented by demographic variables such as gender, academic discipline, peer

group, parental pressure, parents' educational background, parents’ income, media, and grades. These

factors are equally as important to each other and serve as a good measure of what can affect a

student’s career choice. The research they conducted greatly emphasized the use of surveys, Likert

scales, and questionnaires in order to figure out how a student is influenced by the aforementioned

factors. This research is highly relevant to our conducted research as it correlates with our objectives

of trying to figure out the reason why students pick a certain career path or why they are having

trouble finding one by using variables such as pressure or peer influence.

As highlighted by (James, 2000), shows how the quality of the home environment given by

the parents or guardians affects how the child’s personality and performance may come out. The

values instilled by the parents are often copied to the child’s goal regarding their future course.

Besides the home environment, there is another factor that can influence the child’s preferences is the

media. The media can expose the child to various discoveries of other career paths from an early age.

This is a research that is relevant to our research because it shows not only the home environment

given by the parents but how media can also affect the child’s ability to choose a career.

A study made by (Ngesi, 2003) reported that students who have a poor socioeconomic

background often choose the wrong course they did not want to take just because of factors such as

financial limitations. It shows how students are needed to enter the workforce at a young age to

support their families. However, those who excel academically are more likely to be more successful

since they are more open to scholarships and other opportunities. The research shows that having a

poor socioeconomic background can be highly detrimental to students and may choose the wrong

course but those who strive academically can have better opportunities than those who struggle

(Odeke, 1996) explains the importance of guidance and support to high school students,

particularly in the context of them choosing their careers. Without the proper guidance for the

students, they have a high chance of doing detrimental activities such as drug abuse, skipping

classes, etc. These actions not only affect their well-being but also result in a lack of focus and

direction leading to life failure. In conclusion, the study is highly relevant to our research because it

shows how guidance can be a big factor in student success.

The research published by (López et al., 2023) endeavors to provide a systematic mapping of

studies available in Web of Science or Scopus, published before the year 2021, with a focus on

discerning prevalent research trends in the factors influencing students' career choices within the

realm of Computer Science and the broader STEM fields. The identified factors have been

meticulously classified into three distinct categories: Environmental factors, Social influencers, and

Personal factors. This comprehensive exploration aims to contribute to the existing body of literature

by offering insights into the multifaceted determinants that shape students' decisions when pursuing

careers in the dynamic and evolving fields of Computer Science and STEM. The study on these

environmental, social, and personal factors is greatly related to our research.

According to (Borchert, 2002), his study on career choice factors among high school students

serves as a foundational investigation into the complexities underlying career decision-making

processes. By exploring various factors influencing students' career choices, such as personal

interests, parental influence, and educational opportunities, Borchert provides valuable insights into

the struggles faced by adolescents when navigating the daunting task of selecting a career path. This

research contributes to a deeper understanding of the challenges encountered by high school students

in making informed and satisfying career decisions, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of this

critical developmental stage, making it a highly related research study.

In their study, (Gati & Saka, 2001) delve into the complexities of career decision-making

among high school students, shedding light on the various difficulties encountered in this crucial
phase of life. Through rigorous examination, they identify key factors contributing to the struggles

faced by adolescents in choosing their career paths, offering valuable insights for counselors and

educators alike. This research serves as a foundational resource for understanding the nuanced

challenges inherent in navigating career choices during adolescence, guiding efforts aimed at

supporting students in this pivotal stage of personal and professional development. This is highly

related to our study through the research conducting examinations of adolescents and their struggles

or difficulties encountered in choosing a career path.

(Paa & McWhirter, 2000) explored the factors shaping high school students' career

expectations, shedding light on the complexities of career decision-making. Through comprehensive

analysis, they identify perceived influences such as parental expectations, self-efficacy beliefs, and

socioeconomic background, which significantly impact students' career aspirations. This research

serves as a valuable resource for understanding the multifaceted nature of career choices among high

school students, providing insights crucial for educators and counselors guiding them through this

pivotal stage, which provides us all the more incentive to research the effects of counselors and career

guidance in our research.

Their study explored adolescent career planning and exploration through the lens of Social

Cognitive Career Theory (Rogers & Creed, 2011). They conduct a longitudinal examination, shedding

light on the factors influencing career decision-making processes over time. Their findings contribute

to our understanding of how social, cognitive, and contextual factors interact to shape adolescents'

career development trajectories.

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