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Name: _____Nashaly Acevedo _________________ Period: __6____ Date:



Directions: Complete the following diagram by filling in the specific details for each plot section.

(Names & brief description)

Mabel Alvarez - the main character, a newly high school graduate moving to Mexico to go to college.

Corey wilson- a ghost face, brother to amelia wilson. He has been friends with mabel since forever and
moves with her to college.

Jackson - Jackson is the boyfriend of Mabel of three years going to the same college as Mabel, Corey, and

Amelia wilson- sister to corey is bestfriends with Mabel.

Mason delgado - a ghostface (maybe?????)

jo - friends with mason

Veronica - friends with mason

Time: 2023
Place: mexico
Exposition: The four best friends, Mabel, Ameila, Jackson, and Corey are going to college in
mexico and they meet some new friends a couple months in.
Inciting Incident: after a couple months in college, deaths are starting to appear.
External Conflict(s): the main external conflict is that the killer is killing innocent people and the
main characters friends.

Internal Conflict(s):she is trying to figure out who is the killer and to make sure the killer doesn’t
kill her, she is trying to escape them.

Incident 1: deaths have been appearing around the campus until the killer kills their friend

Incident 2: ghost face almost kills mabel but doesn’t :

Incident 3: ghost face kills amelia.

CLIMAX: they main killer kills amelia then after that death a second ghostface appears. After the
main ghost face reveals themselves.


The first ghostface fights with the main characters then gets killed by the second ghost by surprise
then second ghostface reveals themselves.

RESOLUTION: they realize who was the second ghostface is and he gets arrested. They all move
away from mexico and freely.

THEME: Independence

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