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Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

0 If it’s sunny tomorrow, we’ll go / we go to the beach.

1 We’ll only play football tomorrow if / unless the new stadium is open.
2 If it won’t snow / doesn’t snow soon, we’ll cancel our skiing trip.
3 Unless I improve / will improve, my teacher won’t ask me to join the volleyball team.
4 How will you / do you feel if your football team wins tomorrow?
5 We don’t have / won’t have basketball practice tomorrow if the teacher isn’t at school.
6 If my parents give / will give me some money, I’ll buy the snowboard I want.
7 If I don’t pay my teacher tomorrow, I’ll be / I won’t be able to go on the school trip
8 If your parents give / will give you some money for your birthday, what will you spend it on?
9 Tom won’t catch / doesn’t catch his train if he’s late.
10 If / Unless Darren practises hard, he’ll win the swimming race easily.
11 If your dad takes up / will take up ice hockey, will you try it too?
12 I’ll definitely get a new skateboard if I have / will have enough money.
13 You’ll be / You won’t be successful unless you try hard.
14 If / Unless the bus comes soon, we’ll miss the start of the film at the cinema.
Complete the sentences. The first letter of the missing word is there to help you.
0 Playing h a n d b a l l looks very difficult.
1 You need to be able to swim to do k _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
2 My favourite ice hockey team has got a new
t_ _ _ _ _ _. He’s very good.
3 Are you going to football p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ later?
4 My brother is a really fast r_ _ _ _ _. He always wins races.
5 I’m not enjoying basketball, so I’m going to
g _ _ _ it up.
6 Sports teams can play matches in a s _ _ _ _ _ _.
7 We’ve found a v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ net – so let’s go to the beach!
8 George is a very talented football p _ _ _ _ _, isn’t he?

1 Complete the sentences using words from the box.

surfing basketball volleyball ice skating

horse riding gymnastics diving climbing

0 You can go surfing if you have a board and live near the sea.
1 Matt plays ________________ on the school court every Thursday.
2 Let’s go ________________ on the river on Saturday.
3 Have you ever tried ________________ on the special wall at the sports centre? It’s fun!
4 In Tanya’s ________________ club, they use the ropes and bars in the school hall.
5 Mum’s going ________________ across the fields tomorrow.
6 The lake is frozen, so shall we go ________________?
7 In ________________, two teams hit a ball across a net with their hands.
8 I want to learn to go ________________ under the sea, using scuba equipment.
1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
0 Do you want to play / go football later?
1 My sister goes / does yoga on Wednesdays.
2 Let’s go / do swimming at the beach after school.
3 I’d like to take up / take on skiing next winter.
4 Do you know how to play / do handball?
5 Jack is practising / having sailing lessons this term.
6 I’d like to do / take karate this summer.

3 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter is there to help you.
0 There were hundreds of football f a n s at the game.
1 I haven’t brought my sports k _ _ to school today.
2 This football s _ _ _ _ _ _ is huge, isn’t it? There are so many people watching the match!
3 Have we got a basketball t _ _ _ at our school?
4 What time does the ice hockey m _ _ _ _ start?
5 Oh no! The showers aren’t working in the
c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r_ _ _ _ today.
6 Look – the s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ says we’re winning!

Future Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Football practice is going to begin / begins in the autumn this year.

2 Jack will have / is having a party on Saturday. Have you got an invitation?
3 Martin won’t win / isn’t going to win the race. He hasn’t done enough practice.
4 Ralph and Mark are playing / will play for the school team next term, so they’re already
training hard.
5 When I get home, I’m going to watch / I’m watching football all evening.
6 In three years’ time I’ll be / I’m being much taller than I am now.
7 Mum is going to help me / helps me with my homework tonight.
8 Our bus leaves / is going to leave at 7 am – don’t be late!
9 David is going to study / will study in the US next year.
10 What are you doing / will you do this evening?
11 Are you cold? I’ll close / I’m going to close the window.
12 Hurry up! Our train leaves / is going to leave at 6, and it’s 5.30 now!
13 I don’t think Tim will get / is getting good marks in his test. He hasn’t studied enough.
14 Can you collect me after art class? It will finish / finishes at 8 pm.
15 Have you heard? Andy and Tricia are getting married / will get married next year!
16 Are you going / Will you go to the match next Saturday?
17 After school, I’m playing / I’m going to play on my computer all evening!

4 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets, and will or won’t.
0 If you get (get) to school late, the teacher will be (be) cross.
1 We __________________ (not / go) swimming if it ___________________ (rain) tomorrow.
2 If Jack ___________________ (not / come) soon, we ___________________ (leave)
without him.
3 Ted ___________________ (have to) be very fit if he ___________________ (want) to join
the school football team.
4 Mark __________________ (not / win) unless he __________________ (practise) harder.
5 What __________________ (you / do) if you __________________ (not play) football
6 If we __________________ (win) the match tomorrow, everyone __________________ (be)
very happy.
7 __________________ (you / give) me a lift home tonight, if your mum
__________________ (not mind)?

1 Complete the sentences. The first letter of the missing word is there to help you.
0 Playing h a n d b a l l looks very difficult.
1 I’ve got to help s _ _ up the court for the match later.
2 My brother loves s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when we’re in the mountains.
3 Our sports teacher is going to c _ _ _ _ the volleyball team next term.
4 Let’s book a b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ court for a game.
5 Tom gave the ball an amazing k _ _ _ during the match!
6 What was the final s _ _ _ _ in the table tennis match?
7 I’ve left my bag in the c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _.
8 My sister’s great at g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because her body is so flexible.

4 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets, and will or won’t.
0 If you get (get) to school late, the teacher
will be (be) cross.
1 If the sun __________________ (shine) tomorrow, my family __________________ (go) to
the beach.
2 If we __________________ (not have) any money, we __________________ (not go)
3 Ryan __________________ (need) to practise hard if he __________________. (want) to
improve at swimming.
4 Unless Charlie __________________ (hurry) he __________________ (miss) the bus.
5 If Alan __________________ (not / go) to town tomorrow, what __________________ (he /
do) instead?
6 If Tom __________________ (manage) to get us tickets for the game, we
__________________ (all be) very grateful!
7 Stella __________________ (not /come) if she __________________ (not / get) an

Choose the correct word.
1-I want to TAKE/GIVE UP/PICK UP a new sport this year.
2-A lot of my friends GO/PLAY/DO skiing in the winter.
3-She does ten hours of TRAININIG/PRACTICE/TRAIN every week.
4-Do you HAVE/DO/PICK UP a tennis lesson every week?
5- Let´s play football! Do not forget to wear your EQUIPMENT/KIT/ROPE.
6-All the RUNNERS/RUNNING/RUN look exhausted at the end of the race.
7-If you want to be good at sport, you must PRACTICE/PRACTISE/COMPETE a lot.
8-I never TAKE UP/ SET UP/DO any new sport.
9-You can play tennis in a PITCH/STADIUM/COURT.
10- The final MATCH/SCORE/SCOREBOARD was 5-1.
11- My dad works as a TRAIN/TRAINER/TRAINING.
12-The basketball SCORE/MATCH/STADIUM starts at 3 PM.
13- Would you like to PLAY/GO/DO karate?
14-I HAVE/DO/TAKE UP skiing lessons in winter.
15-He had to TAKE UP/ GIVE UP/ END UP0 football he hurt his ankle.
16- I love water sports. I want to TAKE UP/PICK UP7SET UP kayaking in the
17-This person helps at events but is not paid any money. He is a
18-I wanted to get fit so I decided to PICK UP/TAKE UP/ GIVE UP running
19- I sometimes GO/DO/PLAY bowling with my friends.

1-If you……………………(have) some skiing lessons you …….(be) a very good skier.
2- We …….(not go) walking unless the weather ……(be) good.
3-The training ………..(not start) if the coach…….(be) ill.
4-If you……..(have) some free time in winter, where ………you………(go) ?
5-I……..(get) fitter if I ……..(take up) running.
6-If you…………(not practise) regularly, you……(not get) itothe team.
7-What new sport ……you…..(try) if you …..(go) to summer sports camp?
8- You…..(not win) the race unless you …………(run) fast.


1. The karate class……………(finish) at 9:PM.

2. Be careful on that ladder! You………..(fall)
3. They are very good players! I think they………(win)
4. Look at Susan! She is really pale. She …………..(not finish) the race.
5. We ………….(have9 an English test on Monday.
6. Don´t worry. I am sure you……(win) the match.
7. I ….(take up) tennis next summer.
8. Look! Peter has got a ball. He …………(score)!
9. The film …….(start) at eight.
10. I ………..(meet) Emma at half past six.

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