Final Draft

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Language Learning Portfolio


Student’s name: Aarón Terrazas Enriquez

Teacher’s name: Dante Rafael Olvera Rodríguez

Timetable: 4:00-6:00



Language Learning Portfolio

Portfolio developed for the Second Testing Period

General Aim: To get the student acquainted with the writing format for the PET certification, being such
certification the one the students should take after finishing the current level of the English program at

Previous knowledge: The students have previous learning with reading magazine articles,
recognizing well-structures talk, practicing different pieces of writing. The student have been able to
demonstrate different language skills and linguistic contents.

Learning Target: The purpose of this task is to let the students practice the structure and language
required to write formal / request email as well and the formality of it.

Instructions of the task:

Link to how to write a formal email:


Stage 1 UNIT 3: Answer the questions about your financial and money management style.

1. Are you a big spender or a cheapskate? Why is that?

I´m think I a big spender person, just because when I have a certain amount of money, I don't
know how but I tend to spend it irrationally, but still I always end up living with just enough,
never overspending because I don't like having money shortage problems, so I end up
spending but never excessively.
2. Which phrase about money do you relate more? Why? “Easy comes, easy goes” or “Save
up for a rainy day”
Easily, the phrase easy comes, easy goes, similarly, by the same token that I think I'm a big
spender, I feel like money is something that doesn't last long, especially knowing the person I
am who enjoys buying things for myself, both personal indulgences and small treats for me.
Although I believe it's something I need to change because at the end of the day, it's better to
have something saved up for a rainy day.
3. Write about one short-term and one long-term financial goal and plans you have.
In the short term, I believe it's possible to start saving whatever I have but by cutting down on
my budget for personal expenses. Not buying games with that money but rather saving it for
my long-term plan, which is saving up to go on an exchange program to Spain. This is my
long-term academic goal, as my field of study requires a lot of internationalization, and
personally, I prefer Spain over countries like Colombia or Argentina, even though it's more
expensive. That's why I want to save up to achieve my goal.

Stage 2 UNIT 4:

1. How often do you shop clothes? Do you buy them online or at the store?
I'm not someone who buys clothes very often; my mom is the one who sometimes comes
and shows me several shirts, and then I choose the ones I like. Because of this, I believe I
have a very limited wardrobe, and I'm not big on online shopping. However, regarding
sizes, I need a specific size that is often hard to find in online stores. That's why I prefer to
go to the store myself to make sure the clothes fit rather than guessing which one I like the
2. Have you ever shopped clothes that you regret later? What happened?
I often find myself regretting buying a shirt or a pair of pants, but mostly because of the size
rather than not liking how they look on me. Since I often go to street markets or second-
hand clothing stores ('tianguis' or 'paca'), the clothes that don't fit me end up being kept by
my mom or my sister.
3. Watch the video about fast fashion and write your thoughts about any social and
environmental issues it may cause.
In our fast-paced world, the allure of trendy and affordable clothing from brands like Shein
often blinds us to the hidden costs associated with our fashion choices. While these
garments may seem like a bargain at first glance, the true price is paid by marginalized
communities and our planet. The relentless pursuit of cheap and disposable fashion
perpetuates a cycle of exploitation, where garment workers endure unsafe working
conditions and poverty wages to meet the demand for fast fashion.

Stage 3 UNIT 5:

1. Write an email to________________ explaining your concern about a social / community

problem; your possible suggestions and asking him / her to help you raise awareness of
such issues.
1st Draft.

Request for Urgent Action: Addressing Community Safety Concerns

Dear Governor,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.

I am writing to express my deep concern about a growing social issue that demands immediate
attention. Over the past few months, our community has experienced a troubling increase in
incidents of vandalism and petty theft. As a resident who deeply cares about the safety and well-
being of our neighborhood, I feel compelled to bring this matter to your attention.

The rise in vandalism and theft poses a significant threat to our community's sense of security and
cohesion. Businesses are suffering from property damage, homeowners feel increasingly vulnerable,
and fear is spreading among our residents. If left unaddressed, these issues could have far-reaching
consequences for the social fabric and economic vitality of our community.
Final Draft.

Request for Urgent Action: Addressing Community Safety Concerns

Dear Governor,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.

I am writing to express my deep concern about a growing social issue that demands immediate
attention. Over the past few months, our community has experienced a troubling increase in
incidents of vandalism and petty theft. As a resident who deeply cares about the safety and well-
being of our neighborhood, I feel compelled to bring this matter to your attention.

The rise in vandalism and theft poses a significant threat to our community's sense of security and
cohesion. Businesses are suffering from property damage, homeowners feel increasingly vulnerable,
and fear is spreading among our residents. If left unaddressed, these issues could have far-reaching
consequences for the social fabric and economic vitality of our community.

In light of these concerns, I would like to propose several measures to combat this problem:

Increase police patrols and presence in high-risk areas to deter criminal activity and provide
reassurance to residents.

Implement community watch programs and encourage neighbors to collaborate in reporting

suspicious behavior and sharing information with law enforcement.

Invest in initiatives aimed at addressing the root causes of crime, such as youth outreach programs,
job training opportunities, and mental health support services.

By taking proactive steps to address these issues, we can create a safer and more resilient
community for everyone. However, achieving this goal requires concerted effort and collaboration
from all stakeholders, including local government, law enforcement agencies, community
organizations, and concerned citizens like myself.

Therefore, I urge you to prioritize this issue and use your platform to raise awareness of the
importance of community safety. Together, we can work towards implementing effective solutions
and ensuring that our neighborhood remains a place where everyone feels safe and supported.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your positive response.


Aarón Terrazas Enriquez

Excellent Good Fair Points

Content Main ideas Main ideas are related to The work indicates main
directly address the topic and are ideas related to the topic,
the topic and reasonably clear. but in ways that could be
are stated clearer and more explicit.
clearly &
(1 point) (0.75 points) (0.50 points)
Grammar Grammar errors There may be minor May contain major
are minor and grammatical errors that grammatical errors that
infrequent. do not interfere with the compromise its
(1 point) main idea. comprehensibility.
(0.75 points) (0.50 points)
Vocabulary Choice of Adequate range, Limited range, frequent
vocabulary is occasional errors of word errors, frequent errors of
excellent, form/choice/usage but word choice/form/usage,
effective word meaning not obscured. meaning confused and
choice and obscured.

Occasional errors of
spelling, punctuation, Frequent errors of spelling,
Spelling and Generally paragraphing but punctuation, paragraphing,
punctuation accurate. meaning not obscured. may distract the readers.
(1 point) (0.75 points) (0.50 points)

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