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DNA isolation practical


DNA isolation is a simple procedure that is the basis of Recombinant DNA Technology and
requires few but essential steps: cell harvesting, lysis, protein degradation, and finally DNA
precipitation. Generally, DNA can be harvested from small amounts of tissue, such as a
single leaf of a plant, hair follicles of animals, or epithelial cells that can be easily sloughed
off within the mouth with a simple saline solution. Furthermore, the regents that can be used
to extract DNA are common and they can be found in our households.

For the purpose of this practical exercise, use your basic knowledge of chemistry and find
reagents in your home that can be used to extract DNA from cells.

Set up and experiment to extract DNA and record (video) yourself while performing the
experiment. Please note that all the reagents used, procedure followed, and the outcome of
the experiment must be clearly documented (10 Marks).

In Addition to the video recording, you must submit a full written report (40 Marks) of your
experiment with the following subheadings:

1. Background (literature review based on nucleic acids and their relevance in

recombinant DNA technology) 15 marks.
2. Aim and Objectives (Highlight the aim of your experiment, and the objectives that
will guide you in achieving your aims) 5 Marks
3. Methodology (detail the methods used to achieve your aim. Remember to list all your
reagents, and highlight their activity) 10 Marks
4. Results (detail your observations) 5 Marks
5. Discussion (Discuss your observations) 5 Marks

Remember to reference your report according to the referencing style recommended by the
university (check your study guide). Your report should be typed and submitted as a PDF

It is also important to remember that it is in your best interest to make sure that you submit
your video and report on time. Also note that all submitted document will be subjected to a
similarity index check.

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