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Thanks for having interest in me ,i will like to tell you somethings about
me..... My name is Belina Scott,i was born in the year 1985 which
means am gonna clock 30 years old this very year.And i was born in Los angeles
in California USA and am not good in Arabic but looking forward to know, but
good in English
much. I work with my dad as a personal auditor,i do travel overseas almost five
times in a year for my work,I don't know if u care to meet me in person.And I am
single since i had caught my fiancee red handed in my room sleeping with my best
friend but after this i forgive him and he repeat his bad attitude when he ran
away with my dad money which was kept by me and this because the first break up
between me and my dad and since then my boy friend was no were to found.. But
presently i have something secrecy, that i was hiding in me which am going to
open up for the right man of my life and this can make us happy till the end of
our life but presently am afraid of man because i was cheated by man before,i
will like to know more about you first.
Now,I'm looking for a new lover,relationship,i don't know if its you ? But the
kind of man am looking for must be very well
responsible,honest,caring,lovely,open minded and hard working which will be able
to control my business in future if he likes. As for the type of companion I
desire. It is rather simple. Race, ethnicity, and physical appearance in
general is not problem. My interest is in a good personality and sense of humor
for I need someone to lift my spirits. I generally prefer men that is older than
me, because i believe age its just a number, but am open to any depending upon
their sharing the intimate side of myself with someone
willing to do the same. I hope to find a man that I could possibly have a new
life with. Am still single Still searching for a man who will make me happy
the end of my life and the man i can spend the rest of my life with. I am
looking for a love,relationship, i don't know if its you ?
do get back to me ok...

Belina Cares

hello dear

It is so hard to describe myself, as I am sure it is for most people.I guess the

best way to put it is that I am a genuine person with a huge heart. I am family
oriented and I am looking for someone withstrong family values. I am looking for
a man in the whole extension of the word, confidential, very intelligent, who
has strong and clear values and ideals, compatible with mine, of course and,
most of all, with whom I could have an excellent communication, free of
obstacles,totally open and based on the mutual confidence; a solid which there exists intimacy and mutual knowledge ofour feelings,
capacities, limits, etc.. In other words, I think I am just looking for someone
to share my life with and thank you so much for your message....well i have to
tell you now that i am presently in LONDON ISLINGTON with my uncle but he is not
arround now,he went for abusiness trip to germany;so i stay alone now here in

Do not worry about all that has happned to you and never think about it,i am
ready to make you happy if you can stick to me and forget about the matter of
money i do not need things like that from you like all i need is
honesty,understanding,care,trust,truth and love so that everything will be
fine!! life is too short to act like a person that wont get old someday so that
is why i need a good man in my life now so that i can build a good and happy
Belina cares

Its my very good pleasure to read from you and also know much about
you and i am very happy you are the first member that talk to me on
this is good and it is okay and is life treating you
over there ? well am presently in Turkey due to some personal reasons
And i will like to ask you some questions below :

1..what do you like in a lady ?

2..are you a player or for real ?

3..are you single,married or divorced? you have kids ?

5...what do you do for a living?

6..tell me about yourself ?

7..what do you do for fun and in your free time?

8.. Whats your bad and good experience in meeting a lady on the Internet. do you treat your woman

Hope to hear back from you soonest

jessy cares,
NO 3,
Hello dear,
How are you and work,hope all is well with you ? its my very great pleasure to
hear from you back,its really make my day, with the lovely
email you sent to me and i like the way you Message me . For me,i like going to
beaches,watching,movies shows,musical concerts
and sometime go for dinner and taste a little coffee. Yea,i am for real,because
i don't have time for playing games
around,because its very awful when someone hurt another good feelings... Well,
relationship can mean two things: 1) it can mean
that we have a connection, which I think exists 2) relationship also means to be
romantically and sexually involved and I think we aren't at that
level. So, I think at this point, given the amount of time we have e-mail one
another, we definitely have a friendship forming based on some external and
internal similarities that are developing into a relationship that will bring us
a little closer with good intentions,and the potential exists for the
relationship to evolve into something more significant.

I've been in several rapports where I was not fully appreciated. In fact, many
times I felt I was taken advantage of and that hurts. I'd
like to meet someone who recognizes the little things I do for him and knows how
to be appreciative. For instance, if I were to make breakfast in bed or draw a
bath for my man,he could thank me by giving me a hug or a kiss. Or perhaps
sending me a card for no particular occasion just to tell me 'thank you.' I'm
very appreciative of what people do for me and Ill reward them in my own little
ways. To me, it's the little things that mean a great
deal to me. What does it really mean to be affectionate? I love a man who can
display his affections for me anytime and anywhere without having to
be shy. And a person who knows how to be affectionate is a big plus. I love
being affectionate.
This may be an odd one, but I've learned that there are many man out there that
are set in their ways. They have one way of doing things
and are never open to suggestions or advices. Stubborn man are a major turn off
for me. I like a man who is open to ideas, thoughts, and basically open minded.
I think being receptive brings about sensitivity as well. A man who is
ignorant, mean, and just plain insensitive is difficult to get along with.

I would say that I'm not afraid to display my emotions. I'd like someone who is
sensitive and caring. If I'm sad, I'd like for him to be able to comfort me and
cheer me up. He doesn't has to do much, but just knowing that he's there
solacing me is more than good enough. Have you ever had someone not stand up for
you? I was deeply hurt when someone I once knew wouldn't not stand up for me,
even after he
told me he loved me. I would never allow someone to hurt my boyfriend or my
husband, and I would always stand up for him. One thing I will always do for my
man is to protect him.Well,i cant wait to hear from you soonest.Hope you are
thinking about me ?Hope to hear from you
Belina cares

No 4,
Am so happy to read from you ,you make me happy whenever i read from you its
just as if i have gotten to know you for the past 10 years , I had never been
married,but i want to get marry soonest and i don't have any kids of my own
right now,i like listening to R&B slows and sometimes Reggae. i have more
pics ,but its not yet scanned so i will make sure i get it scan and send to you
by this weekend. Now,i think you've known much about me and i too already known
much about you i think ? I love being with kids and want kids at least 1 boy 1
girl ,i don't know if that's what you like or want ? So,what do you want us to
call it between you and i,are we starting a
new relationship or friends or what do you want us to call it. hope you do think
about me.
love to read from you soonest.
Belina cares

no 5,

Hello My Dear.

Now I know why we are here. I know why we live. It's because once you find
someone you love and care for so dearly, where you would give up anything and
everything for them, you found purpose in your life that makes it worth living.
You are my purpose and I do not know what to do without you. How a few hours
could change a life! I continue to cry, and I will continue for a long time, and
when my eyes cease to produce more tears, my heart will continue to cry for you
every day, forever, because I will think of you every day, every hour, every
second within a minute. I do not think I would prevent that if I wanted to. I
cannot stop my heart from crying crimson tears of blood. And it does bleed. It
bleeds because of the pain I feel from losing you. I know that I will never
really lose you because you will always be in my heart, but that does not stop
me from missing you and really wish to meet you soon. And feeling desperate with
the need to hug and kiss you and be in your arms. That is where I wish I could
stay forever, in your arms. My heart beats for you now and forever. Before, it
beat happily, hopefully, but now it beats longingly. Longing to have you with
me, and that longing cannot be easily or quickly smothered, and I do not want to
smother it. You will always have a permanent place in my heart if you can always
understand me and if you can always help me in all way,i want you to promise me
that you will always help me in anything because i am so scared to open up to
you the main reason why i am here in NAirobi Kenya. I will never forget you, How
could I? I need you more than anything. You are my life support if you can trust
me and believe me.looking to read back from you soon dear and i hope you have
deleted your account on the site...

take care dear.

Belina Cares

NO 6,

Well I've heard you all and i will like to explain myself clearly to you before
we can move on......I've been having a problem with my Dad who i live with in
Dallas , but right now due to our differences, i have to left the country after
the death of my Mom in USA. MY Dad works with Oil Contractors in saudi arabi and
Africa including some parts of the Asian and US. I work with my father as his
personal auditor and we move around for his contracts wherever he is awarded. My
first boy friend, brian daniel, absconded with my dad's money which was kept
with me after a completion of a contract in hawaii,US. When my boy friend
absconded with the huge sum of 125,000.00 US dollars, this brought about the
first breakup between me and my dad, because he thought, I plan with my ex-
boyfriend to loot his business, but not
knowing that I'm an innocent about this embezzlement. So my dad has been harsh
and tough against me about this. Then when I perceived all his behaviors towards
me and the bad acts of his newly gotten wife, i decided to leave the states to
meet a friend in a city call Istanbul in Turkey whom have met during our staying
there for a contract with Chevron....I left the states because my dad have been
treating me bad and stopped me from working with him, even having any access to
his assets, and i felt no where to go than to leave the states. Now, I'm in need
of your help,i have gotten the enough money to run myself when I get to you, i
want to come over to your place and stay with you for the main time, I don't
want to live here anymore, you know I'm a foreigner here and it is absolutely
dangerous for me to live here, that is why i need your gesture assistance. How i
want you to help me is? I have some money, which I've gotten from an over
invoiced Contract remuneration executed by my dad with some contractors, so I
have taken up the money from the contractors, but I'm hiding up from the girl I
stayed with here in Abeokuta, because i might got setup if they know i have such
huge amount of money (5.7million$), so for me to be more safe and secure, I put
this money in to two boxes and got it locked up with a security code known to me
only,i even have the picture oft his money with me for future reference and I
deposited the boxes with some of my traveling luggage's with a
financial&security company who render private diplomatic delivery service and i
told them that the boxes are my traveling luggage, which I want to send forth to
my husband because I'm returning home, then i paid them up their custody and
security fee. So, I want the boxes sent to you while i catch up with you as soon
as it is been delivered to you while I pay you up your Rent charge and a
reasonable amount for compensation, only 20% of the money in the boxes to you.
Every arrangement for the delivery is perfect, I have obtained customs papers
for private freight and there are seals on the boxes showing that it is a
private delivery and check performed, it is free from customs checks, it will be
delivered at your door step by the diplomats of the security company, you do not
need to burn out to receive it. And the boxes have security codes lock known to
me only,only me can open the boxes, except if I tell anyone the Code, so the
Boxes cannot be opened on the Way of delivery to you. Therefore, I want you to
contact me as soon as possible, so that you can make the Clearance from the
Security Company as the Recipient of my Boxes. And once the boxes gets to you, I
will be there with you, then we can open the boxes together or i will tell you
the code to open it, so that you can arrange everything properly before my
arrival. Like I said, I will pay for your rent and fulfill my 20% promise of the
money to you. I will appreciate your trust towards this boxes and hoping to hear
from you and to meet you in person.


Belina Cares
NO 7,

How are you doing,hope you are doing fine babe, Well am happy to hear
from you that you can help me out, and i'm using this time to promise
you that if you can render the help as you said,after the 20% i
promise you, i will surprise you in a way you don't expect .All i
finally need from you now is TRUST, because am really afraid of man
since that stupid my x boy friend has done bad to me,and i want you to
know that this money is the only hope i have so please try to be
faithful with me and i will fulfill my promised.

So all you need to do for me now to get the boxes,Is to contact the
Security Company where my boxes are been deposited, then you will
instruct them that you want to know what it will take them to get your
fiancee's traveling luggage's kept with them, sent to you.
While writing to them, do not tell them that the boxes contain money,
just tell them my deposit details as below. Inform them to have the
boxes shipped to you with immediate effect this week.



Contact Person: Mr. mattew raji (Custodian Manager)


Deposit Number: BB/33/94/O7

Sort/Clearance Code: BB/576-45/MP56 33
Reference number: BB-POL-066-PRVT/3450
Consignment Description: 2 Travelling Boxes
Depositor: Miss. Belina Scott

While contacting them by email, you will ask them what the shipment
fee would be. You give them the delivery address, so that they would
be able to tell you the estimated cost for the shipment. Again, all
you need to do is only send them an email including only my deposit
detail and that you want to know what it will take them to get it
shipped to you in a week time As soon as you contact the security
company, kindly get in touch with me. I will as well send an
acknowledgment email to the company to at testate to your request to
have the boxes shipped to you. You can give them the delivery
information while writing to them. Keep in touch.
Belina Scott


Attention Sir, Its me Mr. Banjo Moses the Custodian Manager of city trust
security company, We got your message, but to further proceedings on shipment we
would require of you the below information's. For security reasons we would like
you to provide them as soon as possible for us to be surely convinced that you
are the true recipients to receive the boxes.

(1). Your full name and address.

(2). The full name and address of Yemisi Smith
(3). Your picture and photograph of Miss Yemisi Smith
(4). An email attachment of your international passport

We hope you do understand those bellow....

CLEARANCE FEE.........$250


SHIPPING COST..........$1,000

TOTAL............................$ 1,500

The total amount is need to be paid before the arrangement for shipment to the
given address. We are also letting you know that without the above information
being provided, shipment will not be take place. So your money is not much
important to us but the information's and safety delivery. The Fee should be
paid via Western Union Money Transfer, other form of payment is not allowed.
Therefore you have to specify the medium of payment you used in sending the
funds to us,western union. Like wise we would want you to scan and send via
email attachment the receipt payment from ( Western union Money Transfer ). All
for documentation and reference purposes. We hope you understand our reasons
for this serious scrutiny.
Below is the payment detail:

State...................Ogun states
Test Question.......colour
Test Answer....... blue

We hope to hear from you asap.

Yours faithfully,

Mr.Mattew raji.
Clearance/Shipment Department.
Custodian Manager.

NO 8,
Honey i can se that you have realy tryed alot for me, but honey what
do you think we can do at this stage ? Firstly i dont want to stay
here anymore and again i also run arround and i get little out of this
money, honey i even sell my things to raised little that i have with
me now,but now honey i will like you to run arround also and pay for
CLEARANCE FEE which is only..$1,150....i will pay for the rest and
honey i want you to know that if i have all this money i would have
pay for all ok.... kindly contact the security company so that this
boxes will be ship to you asap and makesure you let me know ehn you
contact them.....i will be looking forward to read from you.
Honey i can se that you have realy tryed alot for me, but honey what
do you think we can do at this stage ? Firstly i dont want to stay
here anymore and again i also run arround and i get little out of this
money, honey i even sell my things to raised little that i have with
me now,but now honey i will like you to run arround also you can aply
for low cost loan and i will pay them back immediatly i arrive to you
over there honey i will even tell you the security code i used to lock
this boxes and you can pay them back before my arrival.....honey do
this asap so that the security company will be able to ship this boxes
asap but honey kindly be faithful with me ok.

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