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Christabel Rodrigues May 12th, 2023

Graphic Design

Graphic design is a fantastic field many young people want to pursue

shortly. Unfortunately, many high school graduates are confused about what
they want to do for their entire life, but they might decide after reading this.
So let's talk about a few things you should look out for when pursuing
graphic design as a career.
Salary. Salary is an integral part of any job. A fresh graduate makes an
annual average salary of $37 thousand dollars, but a graphic designer
working in the field or industry for an extended period makes anywhere
from $87 - $90 thousand dollars annually. Depending on how long you have
been working at your company, you can receive benefits such as life or
medical insurance, paid sick leave, flexible work hours, remote work options,
retirement plans, etc.
A quote by Michelle Corasanti says “Success isn't about never falling
down but about rising every time you fall,” and graphic designing isn't any
different. Some of the challenges that many graphic designers face are
workloads and overtime work because of understaffed companies. Studies
show that some graphic design jobs are in high demand lately, and some
positions are looking to pay $145/hour. In addition, discrimination and sexism
are some challenges that graphic designers of different races face. The
industry should try not to let that happen anymore because it's 2023, and
things like discrimination should not happen. Another reason for not having
enough graphic designers is that most people find the job too hard and quit
between the two and five-year mark. The success rate for most graphic
designers is about 30%.
People who want to work as graphic designers are lucky because the
U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics shows 24,800 job openings in the graphic
design industry. Furthermore, the industry will grow by 2.6% in a couple of
years, which assures us that graphic design is future-proof and not going
With everything said, I would say that if you want to go into this job
with passion, confidence and love for it, you might as well do it because you
love it rather than go into the career and hate what you are doing for six to
seven hours a day. It's your choice, and I hope you have decided after
reading this essay.

My blueprint:
Us Bureau of labour statistics:
Quote from Michelle Corasanti
Job Bank:

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