Sissel Tolaas Ocean Smellscape

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W1th 0~ orn, SnwllSt opp

tht' rn t1~:t und rrn-,1 }Of cht.t '",1;-.~.;,- I

ll ,lm,$ cullect8 surnplt "-. of
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whntweBee i 11 1111' /\;il Li1: S1:;1 l1 JI' Lill' G(ll/ , 1'1, f~, 1111 111
Text by Sissel Tolaas Tl 11 :1·1:s 11l 1 i:-,i.;,, i111~ 1.(l lll' d1 : pl.1_vr ,! 11 -.;11iow t.;,
and Formafantasma 1111s 1111 ,1 ugl1 11 11 I. 11 ig:1 .'l' lt 1:s p1 :1 1l 11: p" r i 11i Ii _J.,!,
pi·ojt:1: Ld1 •,;i ls wi ll1 Il iml iv1.1·1;11 y i11 Li, .. füil t;i. 811
1lw. iss ue 1Jl.c lt :1ngr:.
FF 1\ p1·01Jli;111 wil.h i;1 :ul11gy 11fl.c111:r 1111:t:1 ns Lhi! (i ,!
lï r:1111.y in unde1.•s l,a ml ing l.hc C(l)r1p lc ityof hr,v,
1,h ings l'e lal.1: l.o cach 1J Lh1 :r i 11 ;11 1 ct.:us,1,,·: ,, 111·.
r 1.h ink you ca n use s mel I as a vvay ni r.01uicciin"
a il 1,hcsc clnLs. '
ST Absulutc:] y. The11 yo u get in to l11caJ peu plt;'s
relation s hip wit h the ocean , an rl hnw t. hey l rc~ i
t.he ocean . Your culLUre, background , socia l or-
.'\ few lll 1Jnl.h s :l,L;ll . 1, 1: lï 11:il ly h:1d 1.hc ch: 1111:r: t.o IH111.~(:d l.111·1:1.ll'orl111:1::rnd cl isplay cornp]cx smells gan isa tion a nd linguistics are issues that inter-
1rn•1:1. Si,;s1:ITnh1s i11 p1 :!'so n ;11. 1h1: N:1Li111 1: 11Call r:i·y ;i ml indi vidual smell 1nokcules in cuntext with estecl me. How do you speak abou t the ocean and
nf' \/ir, t.11r i: 1in ~-k llirn1 1·1H:. wht:l't : w1: w1:i·t: p:u·t.,;r 0Lh1:1' t.11pics 111' co nœrn f1·urn the arch ive ancl cl a- your relations hip with it? Huw do you r:are for
t.lrn :sa11w 1:\ h ibit.i1m ( t.'11: 11n1s1:rn 11 ·s lï rst. ;11 '1. ami t.:1basr:s. Thcyvv ill b1 : us r,cl foeexh ibitions, ecluca- yourocean? How do you care for the species ccin ·
d1 :s iµ. 11 '1'1·i1 :1111 i:il) . 1.ion :111d conl'erenccs, furc xample. nected to the ocean? And what a bout beaches::i AJI
1n p1;1·su n, s l11°: vw1s :1Il vvr: c,pc1:U:d hiw 1.o hr: :mcl FF How rlo you think s mell r:an hclp us ga in a better this has a big effect on biodive rs ity in I hose par-
11Hn·1:. Like:1wi ld :md in telligcnl.:mirn :d.s he knows urnlL:rsLandingol·r:ompl ex topics, in thiscaseabout ticular r egio ns. This is n't only about the ocean·
t.h:it. Wi : s hm1 lrl t.r·ust :dl rn11· sen ses . and pa1· Lh r. ecology or s peci fir: localit ies? it's about the people and nature close to t heocean'.
l;irl y srncll. Lo unrl e r:s t.~nd complcxity nr thr. ST Smells arc a crucialcnmponcnti 11 unclerstand- They're just as important . One of the biggest
wol'ld in whi ch wc live . Wit.h a background in chcm· ing oul'environment. Smell molecules areemitted illnesses of our time is disembodiment. ln the past,
istry. li ngu istics and t.h e vis ual arts . sin cc th e from the oceans and their su1·rouncling areas all in order to survive and understand nature, our
lmlüs Si ssc l has rkveloped a r:umplex and coher- the Lime. The replicated ocean smells are decon- ancestors had to be in constant touch ll'ith their
cnt. budy ofwork thatfocu ses on smeUasa means textnalised so that hum an nnderstanwng is acti- bodies and their senses. They wouldn't have sur-
t.o ch all1:11ge or facilitat.e the way we look at and vated by using the nase. Smells trigger memory vived otherwise. Nowadays, in st ead . inr: reasing
in t.erpr·et. out' living environment. and emotion qnicker than any other sense. Chal- attention is being paid to screens and vv hat is
lenging people to use their nases gives them new going on somewhere else atsom e otlw ,, time, We
Formafantasma HeUo. Sissel. It's great to talk to methods and means to understand and approach need to reconnect to our bodies and our senses to
you aga in afterwe finallymet inAustraliaandat different serious tapies that involve the oceans. be able to explore these complex connect ions. It
yo u I' lab in Berlin. We're taUdng now because we'd There is a playful aspect about discovering the cannot only be understood on a meta level. Using
l ike to get to know your work better, specifically world through smells. Experiencing and learning aU our senses to understand corn pl ex issues is the
yo ur world ·s oceans smell project. l'm veryinter- in a context of joy is something that bas very much only way to move forwarcL
ested in understandinghowyou plan to use smeU disappeared from the serions world with all its
as a way of recording a specific situation, possibly serions issues, We're barn with anamazing piece Sissel Tolaas (Norway, 1965) artist and researcher.
also maldng the fragility of specific ecosysterns of hardware, caUed the body, and it uses at least Since 1990, he r work has been actively focused on
und ersta ndable to people. five main bits of software or systems: the senses. the topic of smell. ln 2004 Tolaas estoblished the
Sissel Toolas The Ocean SmellScape 2016_2050 We can only grasp the world by grabbing it in a Smell Re _searchlab Berl in.
( OSS) is coUecting and sampling smell molecules concrete way, and this is whywe're equipped with Studio Formafantasma wos founded in
from the oceans, representing the present state senses. Among the sense organs, the nose is the Amsterdam in 2009 by Andrea Tri mmchi and
of the oceans beyond what we already know. This one that is most neglected. For generations we Simone Farresin.
datais a collection ofreal-time references that have been relating to srnells primarily through
can be used to understand issues in and around commercial ads. This bas to change. And through
the oceans besicles the way they look or sound. The my work and activities, it is changing. I think in
goal of collecting the smell molecules is to preserve the future we will need new tools and new ways to
olfactory information from and about the differ- understand and communicate serions issues. The
ent invisible levels of the oceans - i.e. culture, bi - senses could be key here, as these tools don't cost
odiversity, ecology, history, geography, society any money except for a few changes to school cur-
and language - in light oftheir imminent disap- riculums.
pearance from their locations of origin. We are Pagi ne pr ecede nti· olcune /os,1
FF At the moment you 're working as an archivist
ciel carn piona rnento digitnle
building up a smell molecule archive for the pro- collecting smells of the ocean. How do you think nell'Ocean o Atl antico (poglna 73
tection and conservation of the oceans. It offers this archive could be applied? Oris it too early to e 74) e Pac1fico (pagi na 75), 2018
a new way to explore and experience living data say? 111 queste pag ine e o pnginn 73:
about the environment. The smell recordings are dettag li del labor ctto 11 0 di Sis sel
ST True, the Ocean Smel!Archive 2017 _2050 is
Tolaas c, Bn lino
reaHime data that will become a living smell ob- just starting, but some data has already been pre- l'--Jt! 1
servatory, Severa! of the same sites will be analysed sented in difforent contexts. The archive also
and smell recordings made periodicaliy to track con tains interviews with local people. We'recon-
changes and the current state of the ocean. The necting to localocean research institutionssur:h r ,:
outcomes are new types of emotional artefacts, as the Onivel'sit.y of Qtrnenslancl Heron Island ,, "I
demanding user involvement. The arch ives will Research Station at the end ul'the Great Barrier fl


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