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Struggling to come up with a compelling thesis on cannabis-related topics? You're not alone.

a well-researched and thought-provoking thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to a
controversial subject like cannabis. From navigating the vast sea of literature to formulating a unique
argument, the process can often feel overwhelming.

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quality theses on cannabis research paper topics. With a team of experienced writers who specialize
in cannabis studies, we provide personalized guidance and support every step of the way.

Whether you're exploring the medicinal properties of cannabis, analyzing its impact on mental
health, or investigating its legalization and regulation, our writers have the expertise to help you
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In the beginning of discussion, Clark provides historical facts on the use of medical marijuana and its
legal aspect. Despite the harsh laws in most states against possessing and using marijuana, the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that, in 2010, 6.9 percent of the
US population, or 17.4 million Americans, used marijuana. This paper will shed light on the
legalization and decriminalization of marijuana in Canada with a slight When used in moderation
marijuana is undeniably less detrimental compared to alcohol and tobacco (Joffe and Yancy 636).
Governments tend to lessen the raising of marijuana facilities by law enforcement officers (Welchand
and Leinwand 1). The legalization of marijuana for medical use would provide high levels of patient
satisfaction along with potentially saving on expenditures; all while promoting a patient-centric
delivery system which could offer an affordable alternative solution to all facets of society including
the uninsured. Thus, billions of dollars are sent overseas in several underground economic strategies.
Cannabis, whose dried leaves are referred to as marijuana, is considered an illegal substance by the
United States government. Alaska and Oregon followed suit in 2014 but did not legalize sales. If you
simply rely on the words of the blogger, you have no way of knowing if that statistic is accurate, or
if it has been taken out of context. Most of the causes are, drinking and driving, crashes, other
accidents, marijuana essay topics, falls, fires, marijuana essay topics, and alcohol-related homicides
and suicides. Other common effects, which include heightened sensory perception (e.g., brighter
colors), laughter, altered perception of time, and increased appetite, may experience or vary
dramatically among different people. This may be due to the reason of the federal governments’
viewpoints regarding marijuana that this particular substance is extremely addictive and does not
possess any medicinal value. Mainly because cannabis is used for medicinal purposes, cannabis
should be legalized and its legalization ensures that health conditions are increasing and growing.
Although the argument of legalizing marijuana is extremely controversial, without knowing it,
hundreds of people around you are in desperate need of its medical side, and are suffering
dramatically without it. In several states already, marijuana is available for medicinal purposes, with
uses of easing anxiety, relieving nausea, and stimulating appetite. Archaeologists have traced its
usage as far back as ancient China and Bronze Age Europe around 2000 BC ( medical marijuana,
Procon website) and there are historical records of its use all the way through early and medieval
Europe, to India and the Americas, right up to the present day, where the substance is banned in
most developed countries because of its hallucinogenic and addictive qualities. This does not cure
the patient’s glaucoma completely. Legalizing marijuana becomes the best option in the debate.
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit Alternative Medicine Marijuana Medical Marijuana. As
you can imagine, there remain a myriad of angles from which you can write an essay about
marijuana. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. This is true because most of
the cannabis industry's returns actually result in criminal groups regulating their trade in different
regions around the world. Marijuana also serves as a safe therapeutically active substance when
consumed in its natural form. According to the viewpoints of the federal government, the procedure
concerning the creation, allocation as well as possession of the substance i.e. marijuana is regarded as
a federal crime. I agree that marijuana should not be legalized in any country. Give me your paper
requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Since the illegalization of marijuana, the
numbers of people who consume it continue to rise and increase. She starts to push drugs, and she
finds herself running away quite a few times, and The most significant problem facing young people
in the inner city today is one problem but many problems put together. This research essay will
explain the negative effects of marijuana consumption and people that take convenience to traffic
marijuana outside the streets. It can have harmful effects on the respiratory system, similar to those of
tobacco smoking.
In their current state, illegal drug-related laws are ignorant of freedom and personal liberty. Due to
the illegality of marijuana, research on it is stifled, preventing studies that could find safe and
practical medical applications. Basically, when you seek out original source material, you are looking
for the direct source of the information. The consequent speculation brings to light the possibility of
a sudden increase of IBF residence time following a sudden interruption of SJW administration,
with risks of overdosing. To ease the pain, he somehow got out his mysterious packet of marijuana
again. The terms refer to various forms which compose of dried flowering composites that includes
seeds, stems and leaves derived from the Cannabis plant. California passed Proposition 215 in 1996,
allowing for medical marijuana use. In many cases, this will mean looking for original source
material. As long as you do this, come up with an interesting topic idea, and write a well formatted
and well written paper, you are going to impress your instructor with your knowledge. This does not
cure the patient’s glaucoma completely. It has been apparently observed that marijuana is being
treated like other controlled substances such as cocaine under different legislations of various
nations1. The infrastructure and business is relatively new to the world, but the medicinal qualities of
cannabis have been used for centuries dating back to its use in traditional Chinese medicine as far
back as the first century AD (Parker 2017). Marijuana, also known as pot, herb, weed, grass, bud,
Mary Jane, ganja, and many other slang terms, is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of
Cannabis sativa. While prescription painkillers cause thousands of overdoses which leads to deaths
each year Marijuana Drugs Legalization Marijuana Legalization. This is a great example of profound
research work. Drug addiction is a big issue the government deals with all over the world, every
culture has a tradition of consuming narcotic substances. Those in opposition to the prohibition
present premises as reduced marijuana trafficking in the country with prohibition. More research will
be needed to answer definitively whether marijuana use causes long-term IQ losses. Research
indicates that CBD and THC, essential elements of marijuana, possess healing properties: CBD
provides medical benefits without causing psychoactive effects, while THC is recognized for its
pain-relieving qualities. I think that it is time we look past all that we have been told about the
dangers of marijuana and see that it actually has legitimate medical uses. Likewise, you can focus on
marijuana essay topics historical points as you work, which can easily become a great addition to
your coursework or a nursing reflection journal. The demand of resources used in the farming of
marijuana further serves to boost the economy of the country. Harry Anslinger, who is the
Commissioner of Narcotics in the Bureau of Narcotics, saw that. The medical benefit of Legalization
of Marijuana cannot be denied. Legalization of Marijuana There is no shortage of proof in this world
that a blatantly harmful or vile substance can have several revolutionary uses for humankind, if
explored properly. Medical Marijuana for Pain and Depression, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Gonzales,
Attorney General, Et Al. v. Raich Et Al. 545 U.S. 1. Certiorari To The United States Court Of
Appeals For The Ninth Circuit. 2005. Print. Garvey, Todd. Medical Marijuana: The Supremacy
Clause, Federalism, and the Interplay Between State and Federal Laws. However, it does prevent
some of the irreparable nerve damage that glaucoma causes, and decelerates the rate of blindness
onset for the patient (Jacob, pp. 75-120). Experts (Jacob, pp. 75-120) often criticize this use of
marijuana as a glaucoma treatment due to two reasons. To conclude, there will be a brief summary of
all the areas discussed. Also known as Cannabis, it is one of those psychoactive drugs that are mostly
used for medical or recreational purposes. Should Marijuana be legalized in Texas The controversy
over Marijuana has gone back in forth for much time, but the growth of Marijuana use has grown
rapidly throughout the years.
Cannabis, Drug, Legality of cannabis by country, Medical cannabis, Pharmacology,
Tetrahydrocannabinol. To get a better sense of how to write your essay, check out some samples of
papers on which to base your outline. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but
not for the writer at GetEssay. Conversely, it has also been viewed that marijuana is used for various
medical purposes. The hops in beers and marijuana in blunt belong to the same family of flowering
plants. 2. A scientific study revealed that ingesting weed can hold the clue to cancer cure as
marijuana could stop the spread or growth of many aggressive cancer types. 3. It is partly true and a
common myth that smoking weed weakens your brain. The apparent anticipation by a number of
individuals of the possibility of an increase in marijuana consumption upon its legalization does not
form a credible reason to oppose the debate. Marijuana also serves as a safe therapeutically active
substance when consumed in its natural form. In their current state, illegal drug-related laws are
ignorant of freedom and personal liberty. This is true because most of the cannabis industry's returns
actually result in criminal groups regulating their trade in different regions around the world.
Marijuana is only dangerous and harmful when sold and consumed illegally, and the government is
preventing and keeping us from a product that is so beneficial not only to cancer patients, but also to
the paper and clothing industries, the government itself, and for the crime rate of our country. The
production and consumption of marijuana should be legalized in the State of California, if not for
any other reason than to cease the financing of the war the Drug Cartels are waging against the
Mexican State. However, Marijuana should not be in that category because marijuana has useful
functions. This is a great example of profound research work. It is a harmful substance that heightens
perception and affects the mood of individuals due to its main ingredient, THC. The main
psychoactive(mind-altering) chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating effects
that people seek, is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Under prohibition, victims convicted of
offenses related to marijuana use and possession would pay fines. In fact, cannabis has been known
as an illicit drug in most countries for several years. At the time of its criminalization, there were
fewer users of marijuana in the country. In that blog, they might cite a statistic from the CDC. As
long as you do this, come up with an interesting topic idea, and write a well formatted and well
written paper, you are going to impress your instructor with your knowledge. Norderstedt, DENOT:
GRIN Verlag, 2011. Print. Welchand, William and Leinwand, Donna. “Slowly, states are lessening
limits on marijuana.” USA TODAY, 2010. 3 September 2010. Web. 7 August 2012. Several
economists against the prohibition support the idea to legalize marijuana for its adverse implications
on the budgets of countries. Moreover, in the United States, some states such as Washington and
Colorado have also legalized the possession and usage of marijuana for medical purposes. This
naturally grown plant has an array of properties that contributes many benefiting factors to the
patients it serves. This will improve the health of the population by ensuring that marijuana sold to
the population conforms to the health standards set in the provisions. Mainly because cannabis is
used for medicinal purposes, cannabis should be legalized and its legalization ensures that health
conditions are increasing and growing. All these conditions cause extreme pain to the patient, and
hardly any of the painkillers administered to them are effective enough to alleviate the pain. It can
have harmful effects on the respiratory system, similar to those of tobacco smoking. Cannabis is
cultivated commercially or grows wild in warm and tropical areas all over the world. There are
several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL
command or malformed data.
While advocates for the prohibition present grounds for their take, the effects seem more adverse
than they present it according to critics. Marijuana is a plant whose chemical components are used in
the medical field as well as recreation purposes, but further studies have shown the dangerous effects
of the drug on consumers. Cannabis can also reduce the reaction time in an individual, and this is
important in road traffic accidents. This would be viable through enactment of laws with provisions
on the taxation of marijuana sales transactions that would improve revenue generation to support and
improve the economic situation. Under the traditional legal environment, the interests of all parties
are taken into account and well-balanced. This proves that, if our government was to legalize
marijuana, it would result in the use actually decreasing, as it is known that when humans are not
allowed to do something it appears much more attractive, and have a larger urge to do it. While some
argue that marijuana has medicinal properties and should be legalized for medical use, others believe
that it is a dangerous drug with no medicinal value. The sales of marijuana with its legalization would
increase job opportunities. Do not hesitate to buy legalizing marijuana paper from
QualityCustomEssays. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on
time. First, legalization of marijuana in the country would reduce the number of people arrested for
trafficking marijuana. Furthermore, with marijuana availability managed by the government, its safe
and healthy use could be encouraged, preventing drug abuse from occurring. Class A drugs are
considered the most harmful and carry the most severe sentences for both possession and trafficking
while Class C drugs are considered the least dangerous and carry much lighter sentences. It is,
therefore, viable and logical to legalize marijuana in the contemporary society as a means to reduce
the number of new addicts and users, especially among the youths. Despite its initial appearance,
Colorado has undergone significant changes in data since the legalization of marijuana for adults.
Following this introduction, these issues will be discussed in much more depth in the main body of
the essay. Its potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks, and I believe that science can further
lessen the risks given the opportunity to perform research. I am aware that the amount of crime that
goes on in our country impacts and affects almost every single person in the country, which is why
legalizing marijuana would be extremely helpful. In several instances, marijuana consumption helps
in reduction of pain and the related condition. I had 5 days to complete my paper and not even a
single chance to do it by myself. However, the rate of consumption of medical marijuana is also
extremely high in the nations comprising of numerous rules and laws against its consumption rather
than those, without comprising any laws. With multiple states legalizing marijuana many people that
live in Texas ask, why has Texas not legalized marijuana. Due to this legitimate or constitutional
power, the federal government might play a vital role in curbing various illegal conducts such as the
production as well as the distribution of marijuana along with limiting the passage of medical
marijuana laws that are introduced by different states by a greater degree6. It is in this context that
the federal government has been entrusted towards exercising strong police power for offering
significant benefits to the citizens of the states. Other countries to do so are Canada, Georgia, and
South Africa, along with 11 states and the District of Columbia (though the drug remains federally
illegal). As someone with a strong ideological belief in liberty, I am disappointed in the strict
measures the law has put in place against certain substances, most notably the plant Cannabis.
Legalization of marijuana though enactment of a law that has provisions for the recommended
amount of marijuana would be a suitable idea. I try to justify why this argumentative article should
not and should not legalize cannabis. Illegal drugs are classified, according to the extent of their
health and social implications, as Class A, Class B or Class C (1). During the 20th century, marijuana
was only allowed in the show business world and the usage of marijuana among jazz musicians
persuaded music lovers to use the drug extensively.
Partly, the elevating number of marijuana users emanates from the illegality of its consumption since
the illegality strikes the urge from many people, the youth especially, to try out its use. According to
the viewpoints of the federal government, the procedure concerning the creation, allocation as well
as possession of the substance i.e. marijuana is regarded as a federal crime. There are other painkillers
in the industry, however. To ease the pain, he somehow got out his mysterious packet of marijuana
again. So, as the writer, it is your job to go to the original source material and find out the real truth.
The main issues associated with the Legalization of Marijuana include but are not limited to increase
in the consumption of marijuana, health issues, increased the cost of healthcare, lost productivity,
and cultivation of unhealthy culture in general. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Apart from legally regulating, the federal government
has also been noted to strongly restrict the use of listed chemicals along with controlling substances
by adopting as well as implementing effective policies or guiding principles. Give us your email
address and we’ll send this sample there. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our
terms of service and privacy policy. This position is correct because healthcare professionals should
have an opportunity to use those means and techniques they consider optimal in each particular case.
In this case, it would mean going to the CDC website and finding the document with that statistic. I
am aware that the amount of crime that goes on in our country impacts and affects almost every
single person in the country, which is why legalizing marijuana would be extremely helpful.
However, Marijuana should not be in that category because marijuana has useful functions. By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. It is a market for products that are illegal or
stolen. The paper is excellent and written according to all of my instructions. The fact that addictive
medicine such as cannabis is a clear reality is that it is impossible for someone who uses cannabis to
make an informed decision to avoid using cannabis in order to argue against the legalization of
cannabis. Well evidently no one would want to admit to a criminal action in front of others from
their community. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer at
GetEssay. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. In 2012, Colorado and Washington
passed bills that legalized marijuana possession, cultivation, use, and distribution licenses. The
medicinal applications of marijuana are due largely in part to Cannabidiol, or CBD, a compound
derived from the Cannabis leaves. Addiction, Dissociatives and deliriants, Drug, Drug addiction,
Pharmaceutical drug, Prohibition, Psychedelics, Psychoactive drug, Recreational drug use, Use of
marijuana. But for Colorado and Washington, Marijuana Legalization Marijuana. The main symptom
is intraocular pressure in the eye, which is an elevated pressure, which causes nerve damage and
impairs the vision of the patient, sometimes to the extent of blindness. The process of... In this paper,
an attempt is made to formulate policies that ensure corporate social responsibility (John F. Marijuana
essay topics Positive And Negative Effects Of Marijuana. Marijuana appears frequently in the market,
and has become extremely popular. Despite the ongoing debate, it is clear that marijuana has the
potential to be a useful tool for the treatment of various medical conditions.
Crime rates rose due to the illegal manufacturing and distribution of this substance, leading to
organized criminal activities such as murder and bribery. One of the largest flaws of prohibition is the
thriving black markets they create. This will also give room for researcher to try to look for other
medical values of the substance because its production and availability will increase in the society.
Those who stand in opposition to the Legalization of Marijuana do so based upon various reasons.
People with marijuana use disorders, especially adolescents, often suffer from other psychiatric
disorders (comorbidity). They will be able to establish their market reputation and expand their
market share. Introduction This research paper examines the evidence that supports a continuance of
the existing federal ban on the recreational use of marijuana. On average, adults seeking marijuana
treatment have attempted to quit more than six times and used marijuana nearly every day for more
than ten years. Marijuana is classified as a schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances
Act, indicating a high potential for abuse, no recognized medical benefits in the US, and lack of
accepted safety when supervised by healthcare professionals. By continuing, you agree to our Terms
and Conditions. Legalization also saves the government the cost of arrests for possessions of
marijuana. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. The
provisions of such legislation should also provide for the recommended form of marijuana for
consumption would be beneficial to people who need to take it for medical purposes. Many
Americans would agree, as according to a poll by Pew Research Center, 52% are in favor of
marijuana being legalized. Not in the same manner as large quantities of possession of marijuana will
small amounts of possession be prosecuted. If all of that is too much for your schedule, you can
contact Premier Essay. Cannabis can also reduce the reaction time in an individual, and this is
important in road traffic accidents. Cannabis, Drug, Legality of cannabis by country, Medical
cannabis, Pharmacology, Tetrahydrocannabinol. The fight against marijuana consumption would
include adverts and social campaigns aimed at informing the public against marijuana use. My hope
is that the DEA reschedules marijuana to either a Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 substance, so that
marijuana will be allowed for medical use in all states. The binge of marijuana legalization Binge of
marijuana legalization, marijuana essay topics, Cannabis, Control of the distribution of marijuana,
Economic benefits of marijuana legalization, Legal marijuana market, Marijuana Legalization,
marijuana essay topics, Medicine, Recreational marijuana industry. Some people believe that
legalization of marijuana will create numerous problems both for its users and society in general.
Adults should have access to marijuana, according to the research. The main psychoactive
component of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This saw an increased use of marijuana on a
number of ailments as cancer as well as arthritis. According to their research, this number has
increased. The effects of marijuana begin almost immediately on the person. The crime rate in the
Netherlands is generally low, especially compared to other European countries with tougher crime
polices such as the UK. Contrary to the popular belief, the topic of marijuana marijuana essay topics a
serious problem not only in the United States but all over the world. Moreover, the state governments
highly favor the passed laws relating to the medical value of marijuana which can be taken into
Approximately 69 million people, above 12 years of age have used marijuana at least once. This 3
definition leaves room for a broad range of behaviors without physical cause that will allow for a
search of the real problem behind the behavior and not the excuse of saying that it is the result of a
disease. Legalizing marijuana becomes the best option in the debate. Basically, it has! The use of
Mary Jane has always been around and already became a part of the culture that seems to have a
mind-altering effect on people depending on their immunity and the amount. The benefits of the
drug may range from medical to economical. First, legalization of marijuana in the country would
reduce the number of people arrested for trafficking marijuana. The most important is to provide
information regarding both sides and support each argument pro or against with a credible source.
She starts to push drugs, and she finds herself running away quite a few times, and The most
significant problem facing young people in the inner city today is one problem but many problems
put together. The supporters of legalizing marijuana argue that the police resources that are being
used for trying to prosecute users of marijuana could be better used for violent crimes such as
murder and rape. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer at
GetEssay. Cannabis, Decriminalization, Law 1140 Words 5 Pages October 28, 2013 Marijuana
Legalization The legalization of marijuana has been a heated topic of debate for many years.
Marijuana also serves as a safe therapeutically active substance when consumed in its natural form.
Research shows that marijuana mokers had problems regarding their studies in school, which
affected their skills of memory and concentration. I agree that marijuana should not be legalized in
any country. Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. Drug and substance abuse
is detrimental to the health of the population that the government has the mandate to protect. For the
consumption of marijuana, vaporizers are also increasingly used. An increase in the number of
consumers of marijuana, according to records by the law enforcement sector, is an indispensable
reality. Mental health; Accounting; Social psychology; Since your thesis will be the main part of
your final grade. Likewise, you can focus on marijuana essay topics historical points as you work,
which can easily become a great addition to your coursework or a nursing reflection journal. I hope
simple definitions have allowed you to have a clear idea of boundaries. Thank you, GetEssay, for
delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. The consequent speculation brings to light the possibility
of a sudden increase of IBF residence time following a sudden interruption of SJW administration,
with risks of overdosing. Suppose the government substitutes the high profits with a tax enforced on
marijuana cigars. Advocates of both prohibition measures believed that the country would experience
enhancements in health, decreased crime rates, higher worker productivity, and overall economic
growth. According to the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), Marijuana is a. Since it is the
Americans right to privacy, personal choice, and individual freedom. Legalization of Marijuana
would make smoking marijuana an integral part of the youth culture in the US. Apart from this, an
even greater medicinal use for marijuana is as a painkiller. Basically, when you seek out original
source material, you are looking for the direct source of the information.

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