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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

We are from 5.1 class Al Falah Darussalam elementary school.

We will performing drama about nine guardian or as known as “Wali Songo”.
These Wali Allah preached in the archipelago by inviting people to be muslim without any
coercion. During preaching, every Sunan has his own area of preaching and there are also several
relics which are evidence of his role in the spread of Islam in this country.
Please enjoy the perform.

Syekh Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Sunan Gresik started spreading Islam on the island of Java at
the end of the era Majapahit kingdom.
He attracted the hearts of the people at that time by farming and becoming a trader. So that it can
help the common people who are victims of the civil war of the Majapahit kingdom. So that
many ordinary people are helped and interested in learning Islam. And then, Sunan Gresik
founded a boarding school in the area of Leran, Gresik, East Java.

Raden Rahmad or Sunan Ampel spreading Islam among the people in the Ampel Denta Surabaya
area. In that place he founded a boarding school for people who want to study and explore the
teachings of Islam. Sunan Ampel's famous teaching at that time was "Moh Limo". The five cases
are (Not Gambling), (Not Drinking Alcohol), (Not Stealing), (Not Smoking Drugs), (Not
Adultery). Sunan Ampel had students who followed his preaching, namely Sunan Giri, Sunan
Bonang, and Sunan Drajat.

Maulana Makhdum Ibrahim as known as Sunan Bonang is son of the couple Sunan Ampel and
Dewi Condrowati. Sunan Bonang studied and learned from Sunan Giri who has special
knowledge in the procedures for preaching the Islamic religion which can make many people
interested. Then after finishing studying, he returned to Tuban and made gamelan musical
instruments to attract the interest of the people of Tuban. He spread Islam when he held a
gamelan performance.
(tombo ati)
1. Wenehono teken wong kang wuto means give a stick to a blind person.
2. Wenehono mangan marang wong kan luwe means feed the hungry people.
3. Wenehono busono marang wong kang wudo means clothe a naked person.
4. Wenehono ngiyup marang wong kang kudanan means give shelter to people who are
Those are some of the mystical teachings (Suluk Petuah) of Sunan Drajat who is the son of
Sunan Ampel. Sunan Drajat (Raden Qosim) founded an Islamic boarding school in Daleman
Duwur, Drajat Village, Paciran Lamongan.

Sunan Kalijaga is the nickname of Raden Said, a native who was born in Tuban, East Java.
The nickname Kalijaga himself which was pinned on him was taken from the name of an area in
Cirebon. He is known as a humanist and artist (song, music, sculpture and fashion). He also
created various wayang stories with Islamic motifs. One of the arts created is ilir-ilir and gundul-
gundul pacul.

Ja’far Shadiq is the nephew of Sunan Bonang and Sunan Drajat. The nickname Sunan Kudus that
was given to him came from the name of the place where he studied, namely Al-Quds.
Sunan Kudus is a who inherits a culture of tolerance between religious communities. For
example, Muslims are taught to slaughter a buffalo during the Eid al-Adha holiday to respect the
Hindu community in Kudus.

Raden Umar Said is the younger sibling of Sunan Giri. At preaching in the community, he uses
syiar methods by inserting Islamic values into the culture and arts of the local community.
Because of his preaching, there are several art results left by Sunan Muria that can still be studied
today. Among them are songs Kinanthi and Sinom. Tembang Kinanthi is famous for telling
about the guidance and love of parents for their children.

Syarif Hidayatullah or Sunan Gunung Jati.

His popular testament message reads " Sugih bli rerawat, mlarat bli gegulat " meaning being
rich is not for ourself, being poor is not to be a burden on others.
While preaching in Cirebon, he founded an Islamic boarding school, then taught Islam to local
residents. The students there called him Maulana Jati or Sheikh Jati. moreover, he also received
the title of Sunan Gunung Jati for preaching in mountainous areas

Sunan Giri whose real name is Muhammad Ainul Yakin is the son of Maulana Ishak. Sunan Giri
is popular for his cheerful way of delivering da'wah to the public. In the delivery of da'wah,
Sunan Giri also inserts it into entertainment songs and games, for example cublak suweng and
jamuran. With his students and society, Sunan Giri defended the Giri area and founded the
Kingdom of Giri Kedaton or Kedatuan Giri.

Thank you so much to be here and watching our show. may it inspire us to spread Islam correctly
and beautifully. see you next year.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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