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Optics Formula Sheet:

1. Snell's Law:

• �1sin⁡�1=�2sin⁡�2n1sinθ1=n2sinθ2

2. Lens and Mirror Equations:

• 1�=1��+1��f1=do1+di1 (Lens equation)

• 1�=1��−1��f1=do1−di1 (Mirror equation)

3. Interference:

• Δ�=���/�Δx=mλL/d (Young's double-slit)

• Δ�=2���sin⁡�Δϕ=λ2πdsinθ (Phase difference)

4. Diffraction:

• sin⁡�=��/�sinθ=mλ/d (Single slit)

• sin⁡�=��/�sinθ=mλ/a (Double slit)

5. Polarization:

• �=�0cos⁡2�I=I0cos2θ (Malus's Law)

• �=arccos⁡��0θ=arccosI0I

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