Art Notes

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Art Class NotesheetI. Elements of ArtA.

Line* Definition: A path between two

points.* Types: Straight, curved, diagonal.B. Shape* Definition: A two-dimensional
area with a defined boundary.* Types: Geometric, organic.C. Form* Definition: A
three-dimensional object.* Creating the illusion of depth.D. Color* Primary,
secondary, tertiary colors.* Color wheel and color schemes.E. Value* The range of
lightness and darkness in a work of art.* Creating contrast and dimension.F.
Texture* Actual vs. implied texture.* Adding tactile qualities to a piece.G. Space*
Positive and negative space.* Creating depth and perspective.II. Principles of
DesignA. Balance* Symmetry, asymmetry, radial balance.B. Contrast* Emphasizing
differences to create interest.C. Emphasis* Highlighting a focal point in a
composition.D. Unity* Coherence and harmony in a piece.E. Movement* Guiding the
viewer's eye through the artwork.F. Pattern* Repetition of elements to create
visual interest.G. Proportion* Scale and size relationships in a composition.H.
Rhythm* Repetition and variation to create visual flow.III. Art Movements and
StylesA. Renaissance* Emphasis on realism and perspective.B. Impressionism* Capture
of light and atmosphere.C. Cubism* Deconstruction and reassembly of forms.D.
Surrealism* Exploration of the subconscious mind.E. Abstract Expressionism* Emotion
and spontaneity in art.IV. Art Materials and TechniquesA. Drawing* Pencils,
charcoal, ink, pastels.B. Painting* Acrylics, oils, watercolors.C. Sculpture* Clay,
wood, metal.D. Printmaking* Relief, intaglio, screen printing.E. Mixed Media*
Combining various materials for artistic expression.V. Art Critique and AnalysisA.
Formal Analysis* Analyzing the elements and principles.B. Contextual Analysis*
Understanding the historical and cultural context.C. Personal Response* Expressing
subjective reactions and interpretations.

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