Dna Fingerprinting Research Paper Outline

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Title: Crafting a DNA Fingerprinting Research Paper Outline: A Daunting Task Made Easy

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis can often feel like navigating through a maze of
complexity and uncertainty. Among the myriad of topics, DNA fingerprinting stands as a particularly
intricate subject, demanding meticulous attention to detail and a thorough understanding of both
scientific principles and research methodologies.

The process of outlining a DNA fingerprinting research paper can be a formidable challenge. From
organizing vast amounts of data to ensuring the coherence of arguments, every step presents its own
set of hurdles. Delving into the intricacies of genetic analysis and forensic techniques requires not
only academic proficiency but also a keen analytical mindset.

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grasp of the subject matter and a clear vision of the research objectives.

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For normal individuals, the chance of having the same DNA profile is 1 in 10,000,000,000,000( the
total world population is 7,600,000,000, imagine the possibility). Another method of secondary
antibody detection utilizes a near-infrared (NIR) fluorophore-linked antibody. DNA profiling helps
establish the profiles of species that are prone to extinction. Separation of DNA fragments by gel
electrophoresis. Though the PCR-based method for DNA fingerprinting is accurate and too fast but
after the discovery of real-time PCR and DNA sequencing, it becomes even more powerful.
Furthermore, DNA fingerprinting focuses on VNTRs including both minisatellites and microsatellites
while DNA profiling mainly focuses on STRs, which are microsatellites. For example, the amount of
DNA found at the root of one hair is usually sufficient. On the other hand, presence of similar bands
on two profiles depicts a level of similarity and occurs in related individuals. Because VNTRs are
larger than STRs and separate properly. The first step to making a genetic fingerprint requires getting
a sample of DNA. Different sizes of fragments will have been produced by the enzyme, depending
on how frequently it finds this sequence. Cutting, Sizing and Sorting Of DNA - Restriction enzymes
are used to cut the DNA at specific places. A dye added to the gel makes the DNA strips stand out
when they’re placed against an ultraviolet light or lit up with a laser. Learn more about us here:
About Genetic Education Inc. Studies have revealed that mitochondrial DNA exhibits a higher
variation and geneticists may prefer it in some cases. The number of repeats and the sequence
structure of those regions varies between individuals and organisms based on that the entire DNA
profile or the DNA print can be prepared. Fingerprinting - Almost every individual cell in our body
contains DNA which is 99.9 % the same and the remaining.1 percentage is unique DNA which is
different in every individual. This.1% is based on the VNTR sequence. The electrophoresis apparatus
creates an electrical field with positive and negative poles at the ends of the gel. We have covered
the entire segment on VNTR and STR in the genetic markers article, for a more detailed
understanding of genetic markers read the article: Genetic markers. The processes used here is for
detecting the presence of matching dna fragments from four suspects who broke into a house. The
best application of DNA fingerprinting has in medical science, to study genetic diseases. This
assignment will explore the pros and cons of Ballistics Fingerprinting. References and further
reading Summary Genetic fingerprinting is used as a way of distinguishing between individuals
based on their unique DNA sequence Genetic fingerprinting is commonly used in forensics and
paternity disputes Genetic testing usually takes advantage of enzymes that cut at specific DNA
sequences. PCR Agarose gel electrophoresis- DNA bands are seen on a gel rt-PCR The amplification
curve shows different amplicons present in a sample DNA sequencing The sequence information of
the target Capillary gel electrophoresis Separates even minute bands and distinguishes them. This
method is used in the fields of molecular biology. Difference between VNTR and STR: VNTR STR
Variable number of tandem repeats Short tandem repeats A type of minisatellite A type of
microsatellite Consists 10 to 60 bp Consists 1 to 6 bp 10 to 1000 repeats in a genome 5 to 200
repeats in a genome Produce heterogeneous array Produce homogeneous array Here we have
explained one simple example to understand the topic more precisely. A human hair tuft, excavated in
1986 at Qeqertasussuk, a Saqqaq archeological site from West Greenland, was rediscovered in a
museum in Copenhagen. DNA profiles are encrypted sets of numbers that reflect a person's DNA
makeup, which can also be used as the person's identifier. Page 6. Simpson Murder trial in 1995 and
the bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998. A car accident takes the life of a driver or
passenger during a short trip home or perhaps to a store nearby.
The figure below shows the results, The results of agarose gel electrophoresis of various VNTR
fragments were digested with an endonuclease. RFLP relies on the use of enzymes from bacteria
(called restriction enzymes ) that cut DNA only at known, defined sequences. The initial step in DNA
typing is the isolation of DNA from the sample. Consequently, DNA fingerprinting is rapidly
becoming the primary method for identifying and distinguishing among. This requires a probe
antibody which both recognizes the protein. To conduct PCR, the purified DNA is incubated with an
enzyme and primers specific for the region of interest, and subject to various temperature incubations
to create multiple copies of the fragment of interest. The sites recognized by restriction enzymes are
the repetitive hyper-variable regions. The use of short tandem repeats is a potential solution in cases
that present minimal amounts of DNA. But the discovery of real-time PCR and DNA sequencing has
changed the scenario. The first microsatellite was discovered by Jeffrey and his coworkers in 1984.
DNA fingerprinting has solved multiple paternity cases in the society. Every strand is composed of
nucleotides, a sequence of bases. Pigs can give birth to a new born within four months. An Ethidium
bromide stain is responsible for the alternating dark and light shades of black that result. Now, the
two ends of the human gene will be those that will link up with the open ends of the plasmid. If you
want to see what we offer before purchasing, we have a free membership with sample revision
materials. Research programs to locate inherited disorders on the chromosomes depend on the
information contained in DNA. Thus is helpful for solving paternity or maternity disputes.
Anthropological Genetics: Theory, Methods and Applications. Another example is the conviction of
Steven Barnes in 1989 for a murder he did not commit. Electrophoresis - The DNA is separated
according to size by gel electrophoresis. Share this article About The Author Dr Tushar Chauhan
Scientific Writer at Genetic Education Inc. DNA typing has wide applications in conservation
biology, forensics, and evolutionary studies. Join over 22,000 learners who have passed their exams
thanks to us. Human error occurs and produces unreliable profiles. Significance The striking
importance of this technology is based on how it not only helps convict offenders of crimes but also
assist to exonerate the innocent. It is possible to amplify them using sequence-specific primers. The
radioactive probes bind to complementary sequences that have been run on the gel and blotted (by a
process called Southern blotting ), and X-rays are used to expose the film, allowing scientists to
visualize the pattern of fragments (and hence the DNA unique pattern of that individual). In some
countries, people are not willing to produce DNA samples and this limits the application. They are
the European standard set of 12 STR markers and the US CODIS standard of 13 markers.
They have tiny openings called Spiracles and Ostia all over their bodies to let water in. However, the
procedure deserves credit for its current applications. This virus when examined with the electron
microscope using X-rays. This technique requires lots of high quality DNA, which is often difficult to
obtain from crime scenes. Prenatal studies and diagnosis rely on using chorionic villi samples and
amniotic fluid. The examiner collects biological samples from two individuals, parents or children,
extracts DNA, performs a test and examines results. After choosing the sequence, primers are
designed based on the sequence data. Although vampires are considered mythological creatures,
they still bring about strong opinions in our worlds society. An interesting story: Everyone assumes
that the name satellite is given because the sequences are located on the telomeric region of
chromosomes, is it. Western blot using an antibody that recognizes proteins modified with lipoic
acid. For example, if a person “A” has 45 VNTRs (with 20bp) and 9 STRs (with 5bp), The
possibility of having this same number of repeats for this specific VNTR and STR in another
individual is almost negligible. Therefore, DNA profiling is a simple and easy technique. The root
from a single strand of hair is enough for. Rt-PCR Fast, easy to use, cheap, accurate and measures
the number of repeats. The base pairs produce more combinations or variations than there are
humans. Another example is the conviction of Steven Barnes in 1989 for a murder he did not
commit. One of the major factors that you need to consider, and which significantly impacts the
cost, is whether you want your DNA profile to be legally admissible or not. The real mother or father
shares a close similarity of several bands with the child because of shared genes, and this acts as
evidence of paternity. Detection of RNA is termed northern blot and was developed by George Stark
at. A human hair tuft, excavated in 1986 at Qeqertasussuk, a Saqqaq archeological site from West
Greenland, was rediscovered in a museum in Copenhagen. The double number of T makes person B
different from person A. The bulk DNA forms a major peak and the small peaks are called satellite
DNA. Lab workers take those strips of DNA and mix them into a gel. PCR can be used in DNA
fingerprinting as a way to make numerous copies of isolated DNA. The first microsatellite was
discovered by Jeffrey and his coworkers in 1984. Procedure of Running a DNA Fingerprint DNA
fingerprinting is laboratory technology involving several procedures. DNA fingerprinting, also called
genetic fingerprinting or DNA profiling, is a method for detecting variable sequences within DNA to
distinguish individuals from one another. The probe only attaches to the pieces of DNA that are
complementary. For example, the enzyme HindIII will cut DNA every time it finds the sequence
AAGCTT. Genetic markers identified in populations help in making DNA profiling helpful in
determining migrations of people.
Geneticists recognize the existence of both nuclear DNA found in the cell nucleus and mitochondrial
DNA in the mitochondrion. For example, if a person “A” has 45 VNTRs (with 20bp) and 9 STRs
(with 5bp), The possibility of having this same number of repeats for this specific VNTR and STR in
another individual is almost negligible. The role of a non-coding region: Gene exists in nature
because it can encode various proteins. Step 2: DNA extraction We have to first obtain DNA.
Procedure of Running a DNA Fingerprint DNA fingerprinting is laboratory technology involving
several procedures. These probes attach at the end of the fragment and enable visualization of the
fragments under x-ray films. The probes have an Ethidium bromide stain, which is a radioactive
component. However, Dr. Lalji Singh is known as the father of DNA fingerprinting in India. On the
other hand, the non-coding sequences portray a high level of variation and form the basis of DNA
profiling. Unlike a conventional fingerprint that occurs only on the fingertips and can be altered by
surgery, a. This technique requires lots of high quality DNA, which is often difficult to obtain from
crime scenes. DNA fingerprinting can also be used to determine paternity and track down relatives.
It can also create phylogeny between various organisms. My experience of DNA fingerprinting
During my tenure of prenatal research, instead of following the standard protocol with STR or
VNTR, I had prepared my own combination of markers. Satellites DNA: In Genetics, the satellites
are repetitive DNA regions, located on telomeres and centromeres and prevent end replication
problems. Satellite regions on telomere shorten over a period of time and prevent aging. This sample
usually comes from blood, skin or hair follicles. The longer fragments move slowly across the gel,
while shorter fragments move faster. Pressure is applied evenly to the gel (either using suction, or by
placing a stack. Steps of DNA fingerprinting (Southern Blotting Technique) Isolation of DNA (from
any cells or blood stains, semen stains, saliva, hair roots, bone, skin etc.). Digestion of DNA by
restriction endonucleases. A human hair tuft, excavated in 1986 at Qeqertasussuk, a Saqqaq
archeological site from West Greenland, was rediscovered in a museum in Copenhagen. The
Minisatellite region contains repetitive DNA sequences of 10 to 60 bp. Different DNA bands are
observed in X-ray films. The present method was widely used for DNA fingerprinting, nonetheless, it
had several limitations. Social Studies of Science, February 2009; 39 1:51-79. Crime scene
investigation and criminal verification rely on this technique. Definition of DNA fingerprinting:
“Using laboratory techniques such as PCR, DNA sequencing or restriction digestion, a unique
pattern of a person or any living thing can be prepared using DNA fingerprinting.” History of DNA
fingerprinting: Since the discovery of DNA in 1953 by Watson and Crick, genetic science has
become more advanced and accurate. It utilizes the variation of the non-coding sequences to produce
unique profiles for each individual (Starr et al 247). Transfer Of DNA - The DNA pieces are
transferred to the nylon sheet by placing agarose gel and nylon sheet next to each other overnight.
Now, the two ends of the human gene will be those that will link up with the open ends of the
plasmid. However, the order and frequency of bases brings a remarkable difference between
individuals. STR sites This image illustrates how individuals can differ in repeat numbers at 2
different STR sites. DNA fingerprinting is a laboratory procedure that has proved very useful in
personal identification. First, to find out if the child belongs to a person DNA Fingerprinting may be

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