CamScanner 07-21-2023 22.50

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Name Mahowned cane Mark: ____/130 INSTRUCTIONS © Answer all questions. : Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. ‘Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. Write your answer to each question in the space provided. Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. ¢ Calculators must not be used in this paper. 4 Acomputer contains intemal hardware. Write down the item of internal hardware from the list to match the descriptions CDROM —_Internalharddisk Network card = RAM Rom Soundcard Touchscreen _—Trackerball_ Video card Wide format printer (a) Stores the start sone for the computer, (©) A magnetic medium that stores applications when they are not in use. intenas.. Wad... MGB. . til (c) Memory where data is lost when the computer is turned off PAW (4) Francis's team use language translators. o io ‘Complete the descriptions of language translators by writing the missing words. on EDIO. PUG ouinnns af@ usually used when a high-level language program is complete. They translate all the code at the same time and then run the program. They produce ... «files that can be run without the source code. snd FES OAR. and then run that line of code. They are most useful while developing the programs because _« translate one line of a high-level language program at a time, errors can be corrected and then the program continues from that line. Assemblers are used to translate assembly code ito. N&.cksne...c68... 141 Mock paper? Paget ‘Mis Rana Samir Scanned with CamScanner 8 A company uses cloud computing. (8) Define coud computing one kbede....08 dob a... Skatage. Me eeu Stored... Lu..oPPSite...ceorcte sere (6). Give two benefis and one erawback of using coud computing, Boneh | ..00.P ATSC. CAM. WOR... ACEC, ng EBON a PAB AEE PY NSWARER Benet? ..ArNn&.... CAMA... nap ony. bec. valbecs Ma leafed. ees quiche, None... he, dead. ‘ous lies “el (6) Describe the purpose of an interrupt in a computer system. SPADE Aone Bre earagnade {e) The computer in the ticket machine has an operating system. (One function of the operating system is to provide an interface for the user. State three other functions of the operating system, Funetion 1 ..AUNE.... Function 2 . S26 “a Mock papert Pagel Mis Rania Samir Scanned with CamScanner 3 Five statements are shown about Random Access Memory (RAM), an internal Solid State Drive (SSD) and a USB flash memory drive. Tick (V7) to show which statements apply to each component. Some statements may apply to ‘more than one component. Component Statement RAM minal a ” ” itis a type of primary storage - 2 itis volatile Vv ituses NAND and NOR technology v7 a Reoesnathave anymovingpars V4 x wv Ww itis not directly connected to he cental processing unt (CPU) Ff (5) 1 Complete the question using an appropriate item from the list given. Blu-ray disc drive © DVDRAMdrive Harddisk drive Keyboard —_Laser printer LCD monitor Magnetic tape drive Mouse Pen drive ssp (a) enity to sl state storage devies rm he ooo. = 2 Wad. dK dviv.d, a {b) Identify two optical storage devices from the lst, ATSS... AME. Mock paper? Page ls Mis, Rani Sim Scanned with CamScanner Explain what is meant by primary and secondary storage. Primaty NF A AIRANY ASR SSID... N.S Are, LPM Bk ONTO AE on beet. RAM ance Secondary dS out OMn shicedly:. wf $5.20. buy. Aes... PK MN ORS oc RAIA STO AG. PS PAGE oo ES LPIRS oo A. on. 0ed...8 FARR Keckaalegyy.... (b) Priya needs to transfer files between the school and her home computer. Identify one off-line storage device she could use to transport the files. MSD... Plo shr.n6MOY ANUE ccna [th 3 Priya studies music at school. She is buying a new computer to complete her school work at home. (a) Priya has a choice between an internal Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and an intemal Solid State Drive (SSD) to store data. (i) Give one similarity between an HDD and an SSD. bathe... Error diagnostics is a feature of an IDE. Identify three other features of an IDE, 1 2 - mc Mock paper? Pige le Firs Rania Samir Scanned with CamScanner Which utility programs are being described below? [5] : Name of utility program a Software that uns inthe background and checks for malware; suspect {9 antivirus programs are quarantined and deleted if necessary b Software that rearanges data on a hard cisk drive (HDD) to reduce the >) scattering ofthe data stored onthe HDD Ddragwrouhdon ¢ Software that manages acess control and user accounts andalso. = fey, | protects network interfaces Seen Ny

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