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PATMF Secretaria t<> 9 September 2023 at 20:04


Arusha, Tanzania. Photo by Blue Ox Studio on Pexels

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are very pleased to announce our upcoming Masterclass Series and hope
you will join us during three Wednesday evenings in October to take your travel
medicine knowledge to the next level!

Travel Medicine Masterclass Series

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Belvedere Medical Center Mail - Register Today for the Travel Medicine Masterclass Series! 13/9/2023, 08:08

October 11, 18, 25, 2023

19:30 – 21:00 CAT

This event has applied for CPD points.

See the Masterclass programme

Learn and interact with the experts

The Masterclass Series is for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and allied health
practitioners from across Africa. Here's what you can expect:

The Business of Travel Medicine

October 11
Find out what makes a travel clinic successful and how to harness the
opportunities and challenges of working in an area where travel medicine is
not yet well-known among patients and medical practitioners.

Speakers: Dr. Paul Yonga (Kenya) and Dr. Charles Tarimo (Tanzania)

Travel Insurance – Reading Between the Lines

October 18
Learn about the exclusions and limitations of travel insurance and how they
can adversely affect unsuspecting travellers. As a practitioners you can help
your patients understand the basics so they are adequately covered in case of
an emergency abroad.

Speakers: Dr. Walaa Shabana (Egypt) and Dr. Simbarashe Makuni (Zimbabwe)

Vaccinate – Don’t Procrastinate!

October 25
Vaccinations are a gateway to raising awareness about travel medicine. Get
the latest information on vaccinology and how to ensure your patients are up-
to-date with their childhood and adult vaccinations.

Speaker: Dr. Steven Miller (South Africa)

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Belvedere Medical Center Mail - Register Today for the Travel Medicine Masterclass Series! 13/9/2023, 08:08


Members: Cost per class: 175 ZAR | All 3 classes: 400 ZAR
Non-members: Cost per class: 250 ZAR | All 3 classes: 600 ZAR -
includes PATMF membership until 31 December 2023.

Note: The registration deadline is Sunday, October 8.

Yes, I want to register today!


Please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat if you have any questions.
Visit our website at

Contact us

Please forward this notice widely to your network!

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