Krzysztof Bąba s1115492 Marekting Communication

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Marketing Communication
The blue ocean marketing communication
Teacher: Sebastian Sadowski
Student: Krzysztof Bąba
Number: s1115492
Analysis: 549 Words
Strategy: 456 Words
Tactics: 756 Words
Control: 283 Words


AI Shoes
Step into the future

The footwear market is dynamic and has a wide range of consumer expectations;
innovation and branding are important factors in this sector. An increasing consumer interest
in smart wearables is driving a substantial shift in the footwear business right now toward the
integration of technology into traditional footwear. As a result, there is now more emphasis
on footwear that provides practical advantages like adaptable support and health monitoring
in addition to comfort and style. Furthermore, consumers are increasingly favouring brands
that exhibit environmental responsibility, making sustainability a critical issue. In spite of
these developments, there are still a lot of brands in the market that are fighting with one
another on a number of fronts, including price, quality, innovation, and brand prestige.

Key Competitors
Key players in this sector include established brands like Nike, Adidas, and Puma, in
addition to more recent technology-focused firms like Fitbit and Garmin. A brand cannot
expand without strong USPs since Nike and Adidas have been employing their massive R&D
and strong brand presence to innovate constantly, focusing on high-performance, technology-
infused footwear.
Unique Selling Proposition
The main idea behind AI Shoes is to develop an extremely interactive and adaptive
shoe experience. These shoes have artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and smart sensors
built into them that adjust to the wearer's pressure points and foot anatomy. With the use of
this technology, the shoes may modify their cushioning and support in real-time, improving


comfort and lowering the chance of foot problems. Additionally, a health monitoring system
that tracks the wearer's physical activity and provides insights and recommendations via a
linked mobile app is built into the AI Shoes.

SWOT Analysis

 Strengths
The clever way that AI Shoes combine ergonomic design and artificial
intelligence is their main strength. These shoes stand out in the footwear
market because they provide a special combination of individualized exercise
insights, health monitoring, and adaptable cushioning. A level of comfort and
adjustability not found in conventional footwear is made possible by the smart
sensors and AI algorithms.
 Weaknesses
The high production costs linked to combining cutting-edge technology and
eco-friendly materials pose one of the possible obstacles for AI Shoes and
might result in a higher retail price. This could restrict the market to
individuals who can afford to pay a higher price.
 Opportunities
AI Shoes are in a good position to benefit from several new trends in the shoe
industry. AI Shoes immediately respond to the increased demand for smart
devices that provide fitness and health tracking. Furthermore, AI Shoes have a
great chance to benefit from the trend toward personalized products because
their technology offers a degree of personalization that isn't currently possible
with most footwear solutions.
 Threats
In the fiercely competitive footwear industry, well-known companies like
Adidas and Nike are always coming up with new sustainable and
technological innovations. These businesses may be able to outperform more
recent competitors like AI Shoes thanks to their substantial marketing budgets
and strong brand loyalty.


Target Group Identification and Objectives

Finding the AI Shoes target market requires a thorough understanding of the STP
(Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) methodology. Initially, the process of market
segmentation involves breaking down the larger market into groups of consumers that share
similar wants and interests. The segmentation criteria for AI Shoes include health
consciousness, tech savvy, and lifestyle. The main target market is made up of people who
are interested in health and who appreciate new technology. These people are usually middle-
class to upper-class, with a range of occupations including young professionals and middle-
aged exercise fanatics. The goal of placing AI Shoes is to draw attention to their distinctive
fusion of comfort, sustainability, and technology. The advertising presents AI Shoes as a
lifestyle option for people that value innovation, health, and environmental responsibility in
their products rather than just shoes.
The advertising objectives for AI Shoes have been precisely specified through the application
of the Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results (DAGMAR) model. The
main goal is to raise awareness and understanding of the remarkable qualities of AI Shoes,
particularly their eco-friendliness, health monitoring capabilities, and AI integration. The
objective is to inform the intended audience about the enhanced, customized experience that
AI Shoes provide over conventional footwear.
SMART Methodology
The SMART technique is used to make sure these goals are accomplished. This indicates that
every goal is Time-bound (established within a certain timeframe), Relevant (aligned with the
larger marketing strategy), Achievable (realistic), Measurable (quantifiable results), and
certain (clearly stated). For example, "Build consumer awareness of AI Shoes so that 40% of
Gen Z and millennials can recall the brand after a year of online and offline marketing
campaigns" may be a SMART goal for our recently launched brand. This aim offers a
measurable target for campaign success as well as a defined direction for the campaign.
Theoretical Framework and Models
Applying pertinent theories and models is crucial to developing an AI Shoes strategy.
The Consumer Decision Process Mode is the primary model for our product. grasp how
customers might engage with a novel product like AI Shoes requires a grasp of this paradigm.
It includes steps including identifying the issue, gathering information, weighing your
options, making a purchase, and acting after the purchase.


For example, during the information search stage, the target group's tech-savvy and
health-consciousness can be catered to by means of tailored internet material and educational
advertisements that showcase the novel features and health advantages of AI Shoes. During
the assessment stage, analogies with traditional footwear might be made to highlight AI
Shoes' distinctive selling features.
In the post-purchase phase, a combination of the app's essential and pertinent features and the
shoes' pleasant, functional, and flawless operation will guarantee product satisfaction.


Creative Idea
The slogan "Step into the Future" is crucial to the marketing idea for AI Shoes. The story
will centre on the revolutionary experience of donning AI Shoes, highlighting their capacity
to adjust to specific requirements, enhance exercise and health tracking, and promote
environmental sustainability.
Execution Strategy
First, a commercial showcasing the AI Shoes' adaptability to all situations will be created.
After a run, health metrics can be viewed on a linked smartphone, the cushioning adapts to
rough terrain, and the fashionable style goes well with business attire. This commercial,
which targets regions frequented by the health-conscious, tech-savvy group, will be
disseminated across internet platforms, television, and cinema commercials. In addition,
interactive pop-up displays will be part of the campaign in key cities, giving prospective
buyers a first-hand look of AI Shoes. Visitors will be able to try on the shoes and see their
adaptive features in action on treadmills and pathways in these displays.
Example of a Promotional Message
For example, "Transform your walk, enhance your health, and tread lightly on Earth with AI
Shoes" could be a typical campaign promotional phrase. Discover the footwear of the future,
where comfort, sustainability, and technology coexist peacefully. Come with us as we usher
in a new era of customized footwear. This message invites customers to participate in a
transformative footwear experience while showcasing the technological innovation and
health and fitness integration that are AI Shoes' unique selling points.
Appeals and Marketing Communication Mix
AI Shoes' appeal method will heavily emphasize logical arguments. The technology
advancements, health advantages, and sustainability of AI Shoes will be the main points of


appeal. Features like health monitoring, eco-friendly materials, and adjustable cushioning
will be highlighted in informative content.
Integration of Different Communication Tools
The marketing communication mix for AI Shoes will integrate various tools to maximize
reach and impact:

 Advertising: Digital advertising, which targets online channels that members of the
target demographic use, will be the main tool. Search engine marketing, social media
advertising, and display adverts on pertinent websites will all be a part of this. The
campaign will also leverage traditional media, such as print and television, to increase
its audience.
 Sales Promotion: Promotional strategies will include time-limited deals, first-time
customer discount codes, and pairing AI Shoes with related goods (such as eco-
friendly socks or exercise applications).
 Events and Experiences: Customers will be able to interact with interactive pop-up
exhibits and AI Shoes directly through participation at tech and fitness expos,
resulting in unforgettable brand experiences.

Media Planning

The media planning for AI Shoes focuses on a blend of digital and traditional channels,
chosen to maximize reach and engagement with the target audience.

 Digital Media: A large amount of the campaign will be run through digital
channels due to the target demographic's tech-savvy character. This includes
social networking sites where users can be engaged via interactive
advertisements and visually appealing content, such as Instagram, Facebook,
and Twitter. To attract potential clients who are actively looking for smart
footwear or health and fitness products, Google AdWords and SEO techniques
will be used.


 Traditional Media: Traditional media, including print periodicals on lifestyle,

technology, and health, radio, and television, will be employed to reach a
wider audience. Among a larger population that might not be as active online,
these channels work well for increasing brand recognition and credibility.

 Outdoor Advertising: Billboards in urban areas and transit advertisements in

buses and trains will be used to reach commuters and city dwellers,
reinforcing brand visibility.

Frequency, and Reach of the Campaign

The campaign will be scheduled in two phases: the launch phase and the sustained awareness

 Launch Phase: A complete campaign will be launched in the first month through
higher frequency distribution across all specified media platforms in order to create
excitement and awareness for the debut of AI Shoes. This includes daily social media
posts, weekly TV and radio commercials, and continuous digital ads.
 Sustained Awareness Phase: After launch, the campaign will go into a sustained
awareness phase when it shows up less often but continuously. This means biweekly
social media posts, monthly TV and radio ads, and ongoing web advertising that is
targeted and modified based on initial reaction data.
As digital efforts focus on reaching a global audience, whereas conventional media primarily
targets national and regional markets, it is expected that the campaign will reach a broad
spectrum of the target demographic. The goal of the frequency and schedule is to keep AI
Shoes at the front of consumers' minds while maximizing the budget for a longer campaign


Control: Measuring the campaign efficiency

To effectively control the campaign after it is released, it is crucial to keep track of the key
performance indicators (KPI for short). By analysing and evaluating data it is possible to
enhance the campaign accuracy in the middle of it using different methods:

 Launch Phase Evaluation:

 Immediately following the campaign launch, monitor website analytics for increased
traffic, user interaction, and conversions.
 -To gauge audience attitude and real-time responses, use social media monitoring
 -Use surveys to gain target populations' opinions on the campaign's early impact.

 Mid-Campaign Assessment:

 To gauge how the campaign is affecting product demand, assess sales data and
compare it to predetermined benchmarks.
 -Keep an eye on social media statistics to see audience expansion and sustained
 -Evaluate the success of strategies (like pop-up displays) by seeing how visitors
interact and providing comments.

 Post-Campaign Review: Perform a thorough examination of sales data, contrasting it

with pre-campaign data and predetermined goals.
 Use consumer surveys to learn more about perceived product value, brand recall, and

 Return on Investment (ROI) Calculation


a. Evaluate the campaign's financial success by comparing the total campaign

cost to the generated sales and other measurable outcomes.
b. Assess the ROI in terms of brand visibility, customer acquisition, and overall
campaign impact.

 Continuous Social Listening

a. Implement ongoing social media monitoring to track long-term brand
sentiment and conversations.
b. Identify and address any emerging issues or negative feedback promptly.

 Adaptation and Optimization

a. Utilize real-time data and insights to make agile adjustments to the campaign
b. Optimize digital advertising efforts based on performance analytics, adjusting
budgets, and targeting as needed.
c. Fine-tune messaging and tactics based on customer feedback and market

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