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Together-build-ed-(ing)-ness = the act of making x built together


Down-build-ed-(ing)-ness the act of making x be built down

De-stroy-er = down-build-er = one who unbuilds x

Con-stru-al = together-build-ish(er)

Residual = re-sidu-al = back-sit-ish(er) something which sits back

Sub-sid-i-ary = below-sit-(ing)-ness-ish = p.t. the state of sitting below something

Sed-iment-at-ion = sit(ing)-ness(ize)-ed-(ing)ness

Sed-iment-ary = sit(ing)-ness-ish = p.t. the act of sitting

Accrete = ac-cre-te = toward-grow-ed(ize) to cause x to be grown towards

Cre-ate = grow-ed(ize) to make x be grown

In-cre-ase = into-grow-ed(ize) to make x be grown into

De-cre-ase = down-grow-ed(ize) to make x be grown down

Trans-port-at-ion = across-carry-ed(ing)ness = the act of making x carried across two things

Ex-port = out-carry(ed)(er) something which is carried out

Re-port = back-carry to carry back

In-tru-s-ion = into-thrust-ed(ing)-ness the act of making x be thrust into

Ex-tru-s-ion = out-thrust-ed-(ing)-ness the act of making x be thrust out

Pro-tru-s-ion = forward-thrust-ed(ing)-ness

Ex-trude = out-thrust to thrust out

Con-clude = altogether- shut

In-clu-s-iv-ity = into-shut-ed-(ize)ish-ness

Pre-clude = before-shut

e-merge = out-plunge to plunge out

sub-merge = below-plunge to plunge below

e-merg-en-cy = out-plunge-ing-ness the act of plunging out

re-ten-t-ion = back-hold-ed(ing)ness the act of making x be held back

con-tinu-an-ce altogether-hold-ing-ness the act/result of holding altogether

con-tinu-at-ion = together-hold-ed(ing)-ness the act of making x held together

con-tain = together-hold

ex-ten-s-ive = out-stretch-ed-ish

in-ten-s-ion-al = into-stretch-ed(ing)-ness-ish

p.t. the act of making x be stretched into

intensification = in-ten-s-ific-at-ion = unto-stretch-ed-make-ed-(ing)-ness

the act of making x be made stretched unto

dis-tend = apart-stretch

in-clin-at-ion = into-bend-ed-(ing)-ness the act of making x be bent into

declination = de-clin-at-ion = down-bend-ed(ing)ness = the act of making x be bent down

recline = back-bend to bend x back

conformity = con-form-ity = together-shape-(ing)-ness the act of making x shape together

disconformity = dis-con-form-ity = apart-together-shape(ing)-ness the act of making x be apart from

shaping together

transformation = trans-form-at-ion = across-shape-ed(ing)-ness the act of making x be shaped across

hydrosphere = hydro-sphere = watere-sphere

litho-sphere = rock sphere

mesosphere = middle-sphere

geodesy = geo-des-y = earth-division-ness

areodetic = atmosphere-division-ish

globoid = globe-like(er)
Meteor-oid = meteor-like(er)

Ellipsoid = ellipse-like

Stratiform = strati-form = layer-ed-shape(-ed)

Terraform = earth-shape(ed)

Stell-iform = star-shape(ed)

Oro-genet-ic mountain-produce-ing(ness)-ishp.t. the production of mountains

Oro-graph-ic = mountain-record-(ing)(ness)-ish = p.t. the recording of mountains

Oro-log-ic-al = mountain-study(ness)-ish(thing-s)-ish

Intermontane = inter-mont-ane = between-mountain-ish = occurring between-mountain

Trans-montane = trans-mont-ane = across-mountain-ish = occurring across mountain

Sub-mont-ane = below-mounntain-ish = occurring below mountain

Terra-montana = mountain-ish land = Montana

Litho-sphere = rock-sphere

Lith-olog-ic-al = rock-study(ing)-ish(things)-ish = p.t. the science of the study of stone

Paleolithic = paleo-lith-ic = old-rock-ish p.t. the old stone (age)

Petrography = petro-graph-y = stone-record(ing)-ness = the act of recording stone

Petrify = petr-ify = stone-make to make x into stone

Tectonophysics = tectono-phys-ic-s = structure-nature-ish-(thing)s

The physics of (earth’s) structures

Petrotectonic = petro-tecton-ic = rock-structure-ish = p.t. the structure of rocks

Neo-tecton-ic = new-structure-ish = p.t. new structures

Tectonophysics = tectono-phys-ic-s = structure-nature-ish-(thing)s = the physics of earth’s structures

Tectonostratipgraphy = tectono-strati=graph-y = structurelayer-record(ing)ness

The act of recording the layers of earth’s structures

Stratification = strat-ific-at-ion = layer-make-ed-(ing)ness -> act of causing layers to be made

Chronostratigraphy = chrono-strati-graph-y = time-layer-record(ing)-ness

The recording of layers of time

Aerodynamic = aero-dynam-ic = air-power-ish p.t. the power of air

Thermodynamics = thermo-dynam-ic-s = heat-power-ish-(thing)s = the science of the power of heat

Dynamometry = dynamo-metr-y = power-measure(ing)ness

Geothermic = earth-heat-ish p.t. heat involving earth

Hydrothermal = hydro-therm-al = water-heat-ish = p.t. heat involving water

Thermometry = thermo-metr-y = heat-measure(ing)-ness the measuring of heat

Morphology = morph-olog-y = shape-study-ness

Geomorphology = earth-shape-study-ness = the study of the shapes of earth

Lithomorphic = litho-morph-ic = rock-shape-ish = p.t. the shape of stones

Perimorphic = peri-morph-ic = surrounding-shape-ish = p.t. the shape of surrounding items

Hydromorphic = hydro-morph-ic = water-shape-ish = p.t. the shape of water

Paramorphic = beside-shape-ish = p.t. the shapes beside something

Topo-metr-y = place-measuri(ing)-ness = the act of measuring places

Top-olog-ic-al = place-study(ness)ish-(things)-ish

p.t. the science of the study of places

heliotopography = helio-topo-graph-y = sun-place-record(ing)-ness = the recording of the places of the


chronology = chron-olog-y = time-study-ness = the study of time

chronometric = chrono-metr-ic = time-measure-(ing-ness)-ish p.t. the act of measuring time

geochronology = geo-chron-olog-y = earth-time-study(-ness)

paleochronology = paleo-chimat-olog-y old-climat-study-ness = the study of old climates

paleo-ge-olog-y = old-earth-study-ness = the study of ancient earth

paleo-lith-ic = old-stone-ish

archaeologist = archae-olog-ist = old-study-er

archeo-zo-ic = first-life-ish(time) characterized by the first life

Mesolithic = middle-stone-ish = p.t. middle stone age

Mesosphereic = middle-sphere-ish = p.t. the middle spherical layer

Neotectonic = new-structure-ish = p.t. a new structure

Neozoic = neo-zo-ic = new-life-ish(time) characterized by new life

Neogenesis = neo-gen-es-is = new-produce-ing-ness = the production of new (things)

Revolve- again-turn

Convoluted = con-volu-t-ed = altogether-turn-ed(ize)-ed having been made to be turned al together

Involvement = in-volve-ment = in-turn-(ing)-ness = the state of turning in (with z)

Converter = con-vert-er = together-turn-er = a thing which altogether turns x

Conversion = con-ver-s-ion = altogether-turn-ed(ing)-ness = the act of making x be altogether turned

Traverse = tra-ver-se = across-turn-ed(ize) to make x be turned across

Vergence = verg-en-ce = bend-ing-ness the act of bending

Divergent = di-verg-ent = apart-turn-ing tending to turn apart

Convergent = con-verg-ent = together-turn-ing tending to turn together

Erosion = e-ro-s-ion = out-gnaw-ed-(ing)-ness the act of making x gnawed out

e-rode out-gnaw

e-ro-s-ive = out-gnaw-ed(ize)-ish = tending to make x gnawed out

corrosion = cor-ro-s-ion = altogether-gnaw-ed(ing)ness = the act of making x be gnawed altogether

distance = di-st-an-ce = apart-stand-ing-ness = the act of standing apart

persist = per-sist = through-stand =

consistency = con-sist-en-cy = together-stand-ing-ness = the quality of standing together

station = sta-t-ion = stand-ed(ing)ness the state of making x be stood

geostationary = geo-sta-t-ion-ary = earth-stand-ed-(ing)-ness-ish p.t. the act of making x be stood in

relation to earth

constant = con-st-ant = altogether-stand-ing =standing altogether

instance = in-st-an-ce = into-stand-ing-ness = the act of standing into something

absent = ab-s-ent = away-be-ing = being away

pre-s-en-ce = forth-be-ing-ness

essence = ess-en-ce = be-ing-ness

existence = ex-ist-en-ce = out-stand-ing-ness

micropaleontologist = micro-pale-ont-olog-ist = small-old-(be)-ing-study-er one who studies old small


ontology = ont-olog-y = (be)-ing-study-er one who studies being

geotropic – geo-trop-ic = earth-turn-ish = tending to turn towards the earth

heliotrope = helio-trop-e = sun-turn-thing (sunflower)

heliotropism = helio-trop-ism = sun-turn-ness = the tendency to turn to the sun

seismology = seism-olog-y = quake-study-ness = the study of quakes

seismologist = quake-study-er = one who studies quakes

seismometric = seismo-metr-ic = quake-measure(ing)-ish

seismotectonics = seismo-tecton-ic-s = quake-structure-ish-(thing)s

mesozoic = meso-zo-ic = middle-life-ish = pertaining to the middle life (period)

paleozoic = paleo-zo-ic = ancient-life-ish = characterized by the period of ancient life

patho-gen-es-is = disease-produce-ing-ness the production of disease

cytogenesis = cyto-gen-es-is = cell-produc-ing-ness = the production of cells

pathogenetic = patho-gen-et-ic = disease produc-ing-ish = p.t. the production of disease

cytogenetic = cyto-gen-et-ic = cell-produc-ing-ish = p.t.

pathogen = patho-gen = disease-produce(er)

hydrogen = hydro-gen = water-produce(er)

cytopathogen = cyto-patho-gen = cell-disease-produce-(er)

pathogenic = patho-gen-ic = disease-produce-ish producing of disease

petrogenic = petro-gen-ic = rock-produce-ish = producing rocks

anthropogenic = anthro-po-gen-ic = human-produce-ish = produced by humans

pathogenous = patho-gen-ous = disease-produce(ed)-full produced by disease

lthogenous = litho-gen-ous = rock-produc(ed)-full = produced by rock

terrigenous = terri-gen-ous = earth-produc(ed)-full = produced by earth

orogenous = oro-gen-ous = mountain-produce(ed)-full producing mountains

cytokinesis = cyto-kin-es-is = cell-move-ing-ness = the movement of cells

aerokinesis = aero-kin-es-is = air-move-ing-ness = the movement of air

cytokinetic = cyto-kin-et-ic = cell-move-ing-ish = p.t. the movement of cells

hydrokinetic = hydro-kin-et-ic = water-move-ing-ish = p.t. the movement of water

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