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Name:___________________________________________ Grade/Section:___________________
Subject Teacher:_________________________________ Score:____________________________
I-Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the breaking down of rocks into small fragments?
a. erosion b. flooding c. runoff d. weathering
2. This is a type of weathering that involves change in the composition of rocks.
a. chemical b. mechanical c. both chemical and mechanical
3. What will happen to a rock when it is exposed to higher temperature?
a. contracts b. evaporates c. expands d. sinks
4. It is the physical wearing away of rocks.
a. chemical weathering b. mechanical weathering c. erosion
5. What are the agents of weathering?
a. water, wind, temperature, plants, humans
b. water, wind, temperature, plants, humans and animals
c. humans, wind, water, erosion
d. humans, animals, wind and water
II-Direction: Identify whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
___________1. The movement of rocks from one place to another is called weathering.
___________2. Sediments are materials transported due to soil erosion.
___________3. The faster the running water is, the slower the soil erosion would be.
___________4. Sand dunes are ridges of sand formed by waves.
___________5. Quarrying is the impact created by the blasting of rocks.
III-Direction: Read each statement below then choose your answer inside the box.
crop rotation strip cropping terracing prevent overgrazing contour plowing
_______________________1. It is alternately planting crops in strips.
_______________________2. It involves planting on terraces or steps built on slopes of mountainside.
_______________________3. It involves planting crops in different spots each year.
_______________________4. It involves plating on mountainsides that follow contours or curves of the land.
_______________________5. It is letting the animals eat in different spots or places to prevent soil erosion.
IV-Direction: Read each question and encircle the letter of your answer.
1. What type of rock is formed in volcanic regions?
a. sedimentary b. igneous c. metamorphic
2. Fossils of dead plants and animals are found in this type of rocks.
a. metamorphic b. sedimentary c. igneous
3. This type of rock is formed by heat and pressure.
a. Igneous b. sedimentary c. metamorphic
4. These rocks are examples of igneous rocks.
a. coal, sandstone, limestone b. quartzite and slate c. pumice and granite
5. These rocks are examples of sedimentary rocks.
a. pumice and granite b. coal, sandstone and limestone c. quartzite
6. Pieces of dead plants and animals in soil are called_______________.
a. clay b. humus c. sand
7. Which type of soil contains the largest grain particles?
a. silt b. sand c. humus
8. Which type of rock contains the smallest grain particles?
a. sand b. silt c. clay
9. It is the mixture of all types of rocks.
a. clay b. humus c. loam
10. These particles are smaller than those of sand.
a. silt b. sand c. humus
11. It is the only natural satellite of the Earth.
a. sun b. moon c. stars
12. What do you call the period it takes for the moon to complete its 8 phases.
a. 1 month b. 24 hours c. 1 year
13. Who was the first person to land on the moon?
a. Isaac Newton b. Albert Einstein c. Neil Armstrong
14. What was the name of space ship that first landed on the moon?
a. Mercury I b. Apollo 11 c. Hercules 11
15. What do you call the giant luminous ball of heated gases?
a. sun b. stars c. meteors
16. What is the closest star to Earth?
a. Betelgeuse b. Proxima Centauri c. Rigel
17. It is the distance light that travels in one year.
a. speed b. force c. light-year
18. It is the second star nearest to Earth.
a. Proxima Centauri b. Vega c. Sun
19. What do you call the group of stars that form distinct patterns?
a. Universe b. galaxy c. constellation
20. They made the official list of constellations.
21. What constellation resembles a big bear.
a. Ursa Minor b. Ursa Major c. Cassiopeia
22. What is the most recognizable constellation in the night sky and is visible throughout the world?
a. Orion b. Draco c. Rigel
V- Direction: Label each layer of soil. Choose your answer in the box below.
VI-Direction: Label each phase of moon.

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