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ELISA Troubleshooting Guide:

Problem Probable Cause Solution

Signal is high, stan- Standard reconstituted Reconstitute lyophilized standard with
dard curves have with less volume than correct volume of solution recommended in
saturated O.D.’s required the protocol.

Plate incubation was too Decrease incubation time.


Detection antibody incuba- Decrease detection antibody incubation

tion time is too long time.

Avidin-HRP incubation time Decrease Avidin-HRP incubation time.

is too long.

Substrate solution incuba- Decrease substrate solution incubation

tion time is too long time.
Sample readings Samples contain no or If samples are below detectable levels,
are out of range below detectable levels of it may be possible to use higher sample
analyte volume. Check with technical support for
appropriate protocol modifications.

Samples contain analyte Samples may require dilution and

concentrations greater reanalysis.
than highest standard
High variation in Multichannel pipette errors Calibrate the pipettes.
samples and/or
standards Plate washing was not Make sure pipette tips are tightly secured.
adequate or uniform Confirm all reagents are removed
completely in all wash steps.

Non-homogenous samples Thoroughly mix samples before pipetting.

Samples may have high Remove the particulate matter by

particulate matter centrifugation.

Insufficient plate agitation The plate should be agitated during all

incubation steps using an ELISA plate shaker
at a speed where solutions in wells are
within constant motion without splashing.
Cross-well contamination
When reusing plate sealers check that no
reagent has touched the sealer.
Care should be taken when using the same
pipette tips used for reagent additions.
Ensure that pipette tips do not touch the
reagents on the plate.
ELISA Troubleshooting Guide:

Problem Probable Cause Solution

Background is high Background wells were Avoid cross-well contamination by using the
contaminated sealer appropriately.
Use multichannel pipettes without touching
the reagents on the plate.

Matrix used has en- Check the matrix ingredients for cross
dogenous analyte or reacting components (e.g. interleukin
interference modified tissue culture medium).

Insufficient washes Increase number of washes.

Increase soaking time between washes
prior to addition of substrate solution.

TMB Substrate Solution TMB Substrate Solution should be clear and

was contaminated colorless prior to addition to wells.
Use a clean container prior to pipetting
substrate solution into wells.

No signal Incorrect or no Detection Add appropriate Detection Antibody and

Antibody was added continue.

Avidin-HRP was not added. Add Avidin-HRP according to protocol and

Substrate solution was not Add substrate solution and continue.

Wash buffer contains Avoid sodium azide in the Wash Buffer.

sodium azide
Low or poor signal Standard was incompletely Reconstitute standard according to
for the standard reconstituted or was protocol. Store reconstituted standard
curve inappropriately stored in appropriate vials. Store reconstituted
standard at -70°C.

Reagents added to wells Check for pipetting errors and correct

with incorrect concentra- reagent volume.

Incubations done at Assay conditions need to be checked.

inappropriate temperature,
timing or agitation

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