Assessment Task-WPS Office

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Assessment 1 .

I experienced the transition from working in a traditional office to remote work due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, and Lewin's Change Model of Unfreeze, Change, and Refreeze was
applicable. The pandemic created a sense of urgency and the need for change (Unfreeze),
followed by implementing remote work practices and providing training and communication
(Change). As time passed, remote work became the new norm, and we stabilized these
changes, reinforcing new work routines (Refreeze). The model helped us understand the stages
of this transition, from recognizing the need for change to establishing remote work as part of
our daily routines.

Assessment Task 2 : Compare and contrast the three planned change model discuss above ,
What are the advantages and dis advantages of each?

Lewin's Change Model:


 Simplicity: It's straightforward and easy to understand with its three stages (Unfreeze, Change,
 Provides a clear structure for managing change.
 Emphasizes the importance of preparation and gradual transition.


 Can be overly rigid: It may not be suitable for complex or rapidly changing environments.
 Assumes a linear process: Real-life change often doesn't follow such a linear path.

Action Research Model


 Emphasizes employee involvement: It encourages employees to participate and share their

 Iterative: Allows for adjustments based on ongoing feedback.


 Time-consuming: The cyclical process can be lengthy.

 Requires skilled facilitation: Effective implementation can be challenging without experienced
Positive Model

 Positive orientation: Fosters a more optimistic and engaged workforce.

 Aligns with organizational culture: It may fit well with organizations that emphasize positivity
and innovation.


 May overlook weaknesses: Overemphasis on strengths might ignore critical areas needing
 Not suitable for all situations: In crises or situations requiring rapid and decisive change, it may
not be the best approach.

Assessment 3 : CASE STUDY

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the benefits of the logical incremental approach to change used by John Lewis?

 Flexibility: This approach allows the organization to adapt to changing market conditions and
customer preferences by making incremental adjustments rather than radical changes.
 Reduced Risk: Incremental changes are generally less risky than large-scale transformations. By
implementing changes gradually, John Lewis can identify and address issues before they become
major problems.
 Learning and Feedback: Each phase of change provides valuable insights and feedback, enabling
the company to make data-driven decisions and refine its strategies.
 Minimized Disruption: Employees and customers experience less disruption when changes are
introduced gradually, leading to smoother transitions.
 Continuous Improvement: The logical incremental approach fosters a culture of continuous
improvement, ensuring that the organization is constantly striving to enhance its products,
services, and processes.
 Customer-Centric Adaptation: By regularly responding to customer requirements, John Lewis
can maintain a strong focus on delivering what customers want, which can lead to higher
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
 Cost-Effective: Making small, manageable changes often requires fewer resources than large-
scale transformations, making it a cost-effective approach.
 Improved Employee Engagement: Employees may find it easier to adapt to incremental changes,
as it reduces the stress associated with sudden and drastic alterations in their work
 Long-Term Sustainability: The logical incremental approach allows for the long-term
sustainability of the organization, as it continually evolves to stay competitive in the market.

2.How might the incremental approach to change sustain the company’s competitive advantage?

 Adaptation to Customer Needs: By continuously making small changes in response to customer

requirements, John Lewis remains agile and customer-focused. This ensures that their product
offerings and services stay aligned with changing consumer preferences, which is crucial for
retaining a competitive edge.
 Risk Mitigation: Incremental changes tend to be less disruptive and risky compared to radical
overhauls. This minimizes the chances of costly errors and disruptions to the business. The
company can learn from each step, correcting any issues before they become major problems.
 Employee Involvement: The involvement of employees, referred to as partners, in the change
process is a key strength. They provide valuable feedback and insights into consumer needs,
which can be quickly incorporated into incremental changes. This fosters a sense of ownership
and commitment among employees, leading to better service and a competitive advantage.
 Cost-Efficiency: Incremental changes often require fewer resources than large-scale
transformations. This approach allows the company to manage costs efficiently, which is
essential in the face of intense competition and economic challenges.
 Sustainable Growth: Sustainable growth is a hallmark of the incremental approach. Instead of
chasing rapid expansion, the company focuses on steady, manageable growth. This is
particularly relevant in the retail industry where overexpansion can lead to overstretching
resources and compromising quality.
 Maintaining Core Values: The incremental approach allows John Lewis to maintain its core
values and the 'never knowingly undersold' promise. These values are integral to the company's
identity and a key part of its competitive advantage.
 Innovation: Gradual change doesn't mean stagnation. John Lewis continues to innovate within
the bounds of its established strategy. It can experiment with new products, services, and store
formats while adhering to its logical incremental approach.
 Competitive Resilience: By staying responsive to market developments through incremental
change, John Lewis can better withstand challenges like online shopping and changes in the
competitive landscape. It ensures that the company doesn't fall behind in the face of rapid
industry evolution.

3. What lessons can be learned from using an incremental approach to change

 Adaptability: The incremental approach allows organizations to adapt to changing circumstances

and market conditions more effectively. It emphasizes the importance of being flexible and
 Risk Management: Incremental changes are typically less risky than large-scale transformations.
This approach teaches organizations to manage and mitigate risks by making smaller,
manageable adjustments.
 Balancing Tradition and Innovation: The John Lewis Partnership demonstrates that it's possible
to balance traditional values and innovative approaches. Organizations can integrate their
heritage with new strategies to maintain a strong brand identity.
 Preservation of Core Values: The incremental approach demonstrates that organizations can
maintain their core values and commitments even as they evolve. It emphasizes the importance
of staying true to principles that define an organization's identity.
 Customer-Centricity: By considering customer requirements and feedback, organizations can
remain customer-centric. This lesson underscores that customer satisfaction is a fundamental
driver of success.

Assessment Task 4. Having learned the essential character and necessary competencies of an OD
practitioner, assess yourself and answer the question “Do I have what it takes to be an organization
development practitioner?”. Write your answer through an essay of not less than 100 words.

As I reflect on the essential character and competencies required of an Organization

Development (OD) practitioner, I recognize the multifaceted nature of this role. An OD
practitioner must possess a blend of interpersonal skills, adaptability, and a deep understanding
of organizational dynamics.
I believe I have several qualities that align with the requirements of this profession. I have a
strong commitment to continuous learning and adaptability, as the field of OD is ever-evolving. I
am a good communicator, both in terms of active listening and conveying ideas effectively,
which is crucial for facilitating change within organizations. Moreover, I understand the
importance of empathy and building trust, as these are fundamental to fostering collaboration
and buy-in from stakeholders. However, I also acknowledge that there is a journey ahead in
honing the competencies needed to excel as an OD practitioner. To further develop my
diagnostic skills, intervention strategies, and the ability to navigate complex organizational
challenges, I am committed to ongoing education and practical experience.

Assessment 5 : Research on the ethical standards for OD professionals and identify the core values
and ethics governing OD practice.
Ethical standards for Organization Development (OD) professionals are crucial for maintaining integrity,
trust, and professionalism in their work. The core values and ethics governing OD practice include:

 Confidentiality: OD professionals are entrusted with sensitive information about organizations

and individuals. They must maintain strict confidentiality and not disclose information without
proper consent, except when required by law.
 Informed Consent: Before initiating any OD interventions, practitioners must obtain informed
consent from the client or organization, outlining the purpose, process, potential risks, and
 Conflict of Interest: OD professionals should avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any existing
or potential conflicts. They should prioritize the best interests of the client or organization above
personal gain.

 Competence: Practitioners must possess the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their
duties effectively. They should only take on assignments that align with their expertise and seek
further training when required.
 Diversity and Inclusion: OD professionals should respect and promote diversity, equity, and
inclusion. They should avoid discrimination and bias in all aspects of their work.
 Honesty and Transparency: OD practitioners should be honest and transparent in their
interactions with clients and stakeholders. They should provide accurate information and avoid
 Beneficence: Practitioners should strive to maximize benefits and minimize harm in their
interventions. The well-being of the organization and its members should be a primary concern.
 Non-Maleficence: OD professionals should do no harm. They should carefully assess the
potential negative impacts of their interventions and take steps to mitigate them.
 Accountability: Practitioners should be accountable for their actions and decisions. They should
accept responsibility for the outcomes of their interventions and address any errors or
 Professional Development: OD professionals should engage in ongoing professional
development to stay updated on best practices and evolving ethical standards in the field.
 Respect for Autonomy: Practitioners should respect the autonomy of clients and organizations,
involving them in decision-making processes and ensuring they have the final say in matters that
affect them.
 Social Responsibility: OD professionals should consider the broader social and environmental
impact of their work. They should strive to contribute positively to society and the community.
These core values and ethics form the foundation of responsible OD practice. Adhering to these
principles not only ensures the effectiveness of interventions but also upholds the integrity and
professionalism of the OD field.
Write down the first thing that comes to your mind in response to each question:

1. Who should be involved in an organization change effort, and how should they be involved?

In organization change efforts, it is important to involve various stakeholders to ensure a smooth

transition and acceptance of the change. Here are some key individuals who should be involved and how
they can contribute:

 Top Management: Senior leaders play a crucial role in setting the vision, direction, and goals for
the change effort. They need to be actively involved in planning, providing resources, and
communicating the rationale behind the change to employees.
 Change Agents: These can be managers, HR professionals, or experts who have the knowledge
and skills to guide the change process. Change agents facilitate the implementation of the
change, assist in problem-solving, and provide support to employees during the transition.
 Employees: The frontline staff who will be directly affected by the change should be involved to
ensure their concerns are addressed, and their perspectives are considered. Engaging
employees in the decision-making process fosters ownership, buy-in, and increases the chances
of successful implementation.
 Communication Specialists: Experts in communication should be involved in crafting effective
communication strategies to keep employees informed and engaged throughout the change
process. Clear, frequent, and transparent communication is vital to maintain trust and minimize
 External Consultants: In certain cases, bringing in external consultants can provide a fresh
perspective, objectivity, and expertise in managing organizational change. They can provide
additional support to the internal team and offer guidance based on their experiences with
similar change initiatives.

The involvement of these stakeholders can vary depending on the size and complexity of the change
effort. However, it is crucial to establish open channels of communication, involve all necessary parties,
provide support, and create a culture that embraces change and innovation.

Jade Errol Miscreola

2.Who should make decisions about the way in which a change effort of any kind is launched?
Implemented on a continual basis? Evaluated?
The responsibility for making decisions about how a change effort is launched typically falls on the
organization's leadership, including executives, managers, and key stakeholders. It's essential for these
decision-makers to consider input from various levels of the organization and involve those who will be
affected by the change. Effective change management often involves a collaborative approach, with
input from both top-down and bottom-up perspectives, to ensure successful implementation and
minimize resistance to change


Brasserie, Taj Dubai- CHEF

3. What do you believe about change in the world generally?

If you change yourself , you change the world’…

It means, to change yourself and your perceptions (on how you ‘see’ life). It means to live life, how it
really is, rather than how you think it should be.

Vicente Jazmin

Bobon Elementary School - TEACHER

4. What do you believe about change in today’s organizations?

change in today's generation is driven by technology, globalization, shifts in societal values, and
awareness of pressing global issues. It requires adaptability, digital literacy, and a commitment to
addressing challenges such as sustainability and social justice. Embracing and navigating these changes
is essential for personal and societal growth in the modern era.

Luz Nolasco

Former Captain of Brgy. Somoroy, Bobon

5. What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing decision-makers in organization change

Today, one of the biggest problem for decision makers in an organization is they tend to cater
everyone's suggestions that sometimes hinders them to choose on what is best for their organization.
Having solid a plan and a concrete goal especially seen by your members can greatly impact on
organization's future.
Paolo Balite

Professional Therapist

6. Where do you believe are the most profound changes occurring in the world and why do you think
as you do?

I believe the most profound change are driven by a combination of technological innovation, evolving
cultural and societal norms, environmental urgency, and shifting global dynamics. These changes require
individuals and institutions to adapt, innovate, and collaborate to address the challenges and
opportunities they present.

Jojie Villanueva

International Agency Supervisor

7. What do you believe are your strengths and developmental needs in enacting the role of “helper to
others” in a change effort? What do you do especially well?

I think my strengths as helpers to others are: one, i have the willingness and sincerity to help even when
I lack the resources. Two, having emoathy with how others feel is also one great strength in helping
others, because only when you feel how others feel will you truly be able to understanf their situation.

In terms of development needs, lack of resources is number one factor. Oftentimes, especially in
financial matters no matter how willing we are to help, we are not able to. Time is also anoyher aspect
that needs to develop especially ig someone is always pre occupied.

Pamela Quiñones

Bobon School For Philippine Craftsmen - Teacher

8. What I do specially well is I'm able to speak clearly what I want, and I am able to deliver the

I think my strengths as helpers to others are: one, i have the willingness and sincerity to help even when
I lack the resources. Two, having emoathy with how others feel is also one great strength in helping
others, because only when you feel how others feel will you truly be able to understanf their situation.
In terms of development needs, lack of resources is number one factor. Oftentimes, especially in
financial matters no matter how willing we are to help, we are not able to. Time is also anoyher aspect
that needs to develop especially ig someone is always pre occupied.

Darwin Salanguste

RRJ supervisor

9. Why should OD and change be a focus for managers? Other groups?

It's not only managers but all members of an organization who should be aware of and actively
participate in OD and change management efforts. Involving various groups and stakeholders helps build
a shared commitment to the process and increases the likelihood of successful outcomes. Change
should be a collective effort to create a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.

Jendra Lariosa

Regional Sales Manager/Team Leader

YFE Global Dba Container, Chassis and Parts, Inc.

10. What are some common examples of change in organizations?

Organizational change refers to any significant impact on the organization as a whole, including major
shifts to personnel, company goals, service offerings, and operations. So, there are some common
examples of organizational change like strategic change, it involves making significant changes to the
organization's overall strategy, structural change such as changes in the market, job duplication, or
process or policy changes.

Dwan Moslares

Skim and Surf Organizer

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