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Q. Rowlatt Act was the major cause of Amritsar massacre 1909-1919.

Do you
agree or not?14M
At least one level must be with the question.
The view you want to support at the end must contain more reasons.
3:1:1:1:1 rowlat act and others
4:1:1:1 Rowlatt act and others
Rowlatt act.
1. Background (conflict due to world war 1)this act gave britishers the right
to ban any political gathering of Indians.
The Indians were angry. As they gave a lot services to british during world
war1. They were expecting good reforms, political rights (separate
electorate) and even economic reforms (jobs, reduced taxes on trade and
industry). However when Indians found that british were not responding
properly, instead they introduced Black Law. so they decided to ignore the
warning of rowlatt act. They gathered to mark their protest and this further
led to the massacre.
2. this act gave the right to british officer to arrest anyone without a warrant.
Warrant was a legal document by court which actually allow the arrest. This
act was declared as Black Law by Mr. Jinnah and muslim league and congress
too rejected it. This made Indians very angry. They wanted to show british that
they are not doing justice to them. Therefore they not only rejected this law
but also gathered to protest against british which finally led to this massacre.
3. the british officer could detain/ hold in jail anyone as long as he wanted by
cancelling the right of bail( a right of an arrested person who can get free on
the orders of court ). This act gave enormous and unchallengeable powers to
british officer. They only had one solution to all problems which was use of
force. They didn’t want to listen to any of the Indian demands and had become
so arrogant that any Indian movement or action was considered as disrespect
which must be dealt harshly. So when local people gather at Jalianwala bagh,
general dier took it as his disrespect and to teach Indians a lesson he shot at
them and caused this massacre. gave britishers the right to ask anyone to leave his native town, property,
home and go to some other area or even city.
However there were other reasons too,
1. Minto morley reforms. 1909
2. Motague chlemsford reforms.
1. this act introduced diarchy.. however the Indians rejected this as they
stated that the areas of responsibility given to them were of no
importance. They were expecting that british would honour their
suggestions however when they found that british were not responding
properly they become disappointed and decided to go for a protest.
Following this the Indians gather in Jalianwala bagh which led to this
2. this act stated that a british minister will be appointed above Indian
minister who monitor the Indian minister, had the right to dismiss the
Indian minister or even dismiss any of his action.,,, Indian rejected that
as they didn’t want to be a puppet minister.
From the points given above it is clear that due to R1, R2, R3 and R4 rowlatt
act was the major cause of Amritsar massacre. Therefore I agree to the
given question.

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