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LMAO  OTOH-On the other hand

 RTM/RTFM-Read the (effing)

 Laughing my arms (or ankles) off. manual
 Laughing my ass off.  TIA-Thanks in advance
 Lick me all over!  TMI-Too much information
 Leave me alone, okay?
 TTYL-Talk to you later
 Let's meet (or last man) at the office.
 WTF-What the f***
 Let's make an oath/offer
 DL-Down low
 LOL (laughing out loud)  ATM-At the moment
 TY-Thank you
 LOLZ (more than one laugh)
 SMH-Shaking my head
 ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing)
 LQTM (laughing quietly to myself)
 LSMH (laughing & shaking my head
 LMHO (laughing my head off)
 HAHA (this one goes without
 :D (laughing emoji)
 AAMOF-As a matter of fact
 AFAIK-As far as I know
 AFK-Away from keyboard
 BC (B/C)-Because
 BFF-Best friends forever
 BRB-Be right back
 BTT-Back to topic
 BTW-By the way
 CYA-See you (or cover your a**)
 DIY-Do it yourself
 EOD-End of discussion
 FWIW-For what it's worth
 FYEO (4YEO)-For your eyes only
 GR8-Great
 IDK-I don't know
 IMO/IMHO-In my (honest/humble)
 opinion
 IRL-In real life
 JK-Just kidding
 L8R-Later
 LOL-Laugh out loud
 noob (n00b)-Newbie/newcomer
 NOYB-None of your business
 NP-No problem
 OMG-Oh my god
 OT-Off topic

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