Presentation 2

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Hello everybody, we are Eustaquio and Martu and we going to talk about our university, UNPAZ.

In this presentation, we want to share with all the class some topics as:

*General information about UNPAZ.

*Tools that UNPAZ give us.

*Our experience.

UNPAZ is an Argentinian, public and free university located in José Clemente Paz. It was found
thirteen years ago and at the beginning there was three thousand students and just one building
and now there are thirty thousand students and four buildings, one of those are a library. In
addition, there are two more buildings under construction.

At this moment, our university have twenty different degrees and a big diversity of courses. To
organize all this things UNPAZ has seven different secretaries and known each one can help you if
you have any problem.

Now we going to talk about the most important topic of this presentation: the tools that UNPAZ
give us.

In our university, there is a team in charge of the area “Orientación y Accesibilidad”. Here we can
find tutorials that can help us with the problems of the first year in the university, to prepare an
exam or improve our oral presentations; these are just some examples because all the time we
have new tutorials to choose. At the same area, we have a team of teachers that can helps us with
any question that we need answer.

Another benefit that we have is the different scholarship that we can get. The first of them is an
economic help that we get if we are regular students of this university. The second scholarship
that UNPAZ give is if you are a disability student and the last one is the academic merit
scholarship, it means that the university give a scholarship for your marks.

UNPAZ has an area called “Extensión” too. Here we going to find that diversity of courses that we
said at the beginning. Also, there are activities for the people that is not students of our university

Actually and unfortunately, the gender violence it’s an important problem in our society the
UNPAZ has an free area where treat with that problems. In ORVIG, we can find a professional team
that can help with situations that happen inside the university and outside too.

The last help that we going to mention is the “student’s ticket”. This is not an UNPAZ’s benefit but
it’s a help that we have for be university students.

In conclusion, we are studying in a university that give us many tools to make easier our
experience in this place.

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