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Here's a comprehensive guide to configuring Spring Boot Security:

1. Adding the Dependency:

● Include the spring-boot-starter-security dependency in your project's build file (Gradle

or Maven). This pulls in the necessary Spring Security libraries.

2. Understanding Default Configuration:

● Spring Boot automatically secures your application with basic authentication when it
detects Spring Security on the classpath.
● It generates a random password that's printed in the console logs at startup.
● All HTTP endpoints are protected, requiring a username (user) and the generated

3. Customizing Security:

● Creating a Security Configuration Class:

○ Extend WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and annotate the class with
○ Override the following methods to define your security rules:
■ configure(HttpSecurity http): Configures authentication, authorization, and
other security features.
■ configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth): Configures user accounts
and authentication providers.

4. Common Security Rules:

● Basic Authentication:
○ http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated().and().httpBasic();
● Form-Based Login:
○ http.formLogin();
● Authorization Rules:
○ http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/admin").hasRole("ADMIN").antMatchers
("/user").hasAnyRole("USER", "ADMIN").anyRequest().permitAll();
● Disabling Security:
○ @SpringBootApplication(exclude = {SecurityAutoConfiguration.class})

5. Additional Features:

● Custom Login Page:

○ Set a custom login page URL using http.formLogin().loginPage("/login");
● Remember Me:
○ Enable remember-me functionality with http.rememberMe();

“This is written by Bard AI”

● CSRF Protection:
○ Enabled by default. Can be disabled with http.csrf().disable();
● OAuth 2.0:
○ Spring Security supports OAuth 2.0 for authorization.
● Method-Level Security:
○ Use @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize annotations to secure specific

6. Best Practices:

● Use strong passwords and store them securely.

● Keep Spring Security updated for the latest security patches.
● Consider using multi-factor authentication for enhanced security.
● Regularly review and update security configurations.

For more detailed information and examples, refer to the official Spring Security


“This is written by Bard AI”

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