How To Stop Binge Eating

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How To Stop Binge Eating

It can be really tough to control food craving. No matter how

hard we try to follow a healthy diet plan, we often tend to fall
short due to our uncontrollable urge to eat. Well, a few simple
techniques can help you overcome this urge to a great extent. 6
Ways to control food craving:

Don’t Skip Meals

It is commonly believed that skipping a meal can help you

reduce weight. However, this is a wrong notion. In reality,
staying hungry for a long time dips our blood sugar level and
leads to food craving. It is thus suggested to have all your meals
on time. You must also have some light snacks or fresh fruits in
between your meals. The idea is to have something every 3–4
hours to make sure your blood sugar level stays intact and
doesn’t fluctuate too much as this fluctuation can impact your
metabolism adversely leading to food craving.

Avoid Consumption of Processed Foods

Most of us reach out for processed foods because of their

scrumptious taste and also because of time constraints. It is
suggested to avoid the consumption of such foods as these are
loaded with extra salt, spices, sugar and certain addictive
ingredients that leave you craving for more and you end up
consuming many more calories than your body requires. It is
better to go for fresh fruits, nuts or other low calorie foods

De-stress yourself

As mentioned above stress is one of the major causes of food

craving. Learn to de-stress yourself to avoid the intake of
hundreds of calories during the day. Instead of trying hard to
control your desire to have those fried potato chips or cheese
pizza, concentrate on reducing your stress level if you have
already figured out that the reason for your food craving is
stress. Try simple things such as deep breathing, listening to
your favourite music or chatting with an old pal. These simple
things shall help in lowering your stress level thereby reducing
the food craving.

Distract yourself

Learn to distinguish between craving and hunger. If you are

yearning to have a particular food such as a pizza, burger or a
glass of chocolate shake then it is definitely not hunger — it is
craving. It is said that craving lasts only for 10 minutes. So
distract yourself by watching your favourite show, calling up
your friend, playing your favourite video game or indulging in
any other such activity that can keep you engrossed for this
duration of time. This would help in controlling food craving.

Take a power nap

Food craving usually occurs when you are tired. It is thus
suggested to take a quick power nap of 10–15 minutes in
between work to re-gain your strength and fight food craving.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising does not only help in keeping our body fit but also
helps relax our mind. It reduces the stress hormones in our body
and increases those that make us feel good.

Remember, controlling your food craving doesn’t necessarily

mean that you need to deprive yourself from food. What really
matters is to eat right and in the quantity as required by your

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