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design sprint
Full agenda and +10 tools included
Why this Running a design sprint without AI, is like running a marathon
without shoes.
Using creative AI as a co-pilot, you can supercharge your

innovation process.

An AI-powered innovation sprint allows you to generate 100s of

ideas, test them against AI-modeled personas, and make them
come to life through various rounds of design.

We have made this guide to help you get started with running your
own AI-powered innovation sprint. Experience the exponential
breadth and speed of AI.

From agenda to tools - this guide has got you covered. Use it as a
jumping-off point to design your own AI-powered innovation
Setting you up for

What is a design sprint and
why did we stop doing it? 5 days in person
is a lot of time

Low-fidelity concepts
Selection bias is and no quant backing
Lack of strong ideas Too much
beyond the obvious overthinking

The main
benefits of an Remove bias Improve quality
AI-powered All available data is considered
in the selection of ideas, and
The quality of concept writing
and visualizations gets

synthetic testing of concepts drastically improved

sprint Move faster Look broader

Efficiency gains at every step Generate more options and
of the innovation process creative springboards and
result in a faster become more “MECE”

Iterate sooner Think harder

Use Creative AI tools to test As an editor you can spend
new concepts earlier in the more time thinking critically,
process with synthetic users strategically and creatively

Who you need
in the room
Project Lead
Marketing and R&D AI support
Innovation is where marketing, All tools in this guide are no-
consumer insights and R&D or low-code. However, you
people meet. This will not do want people in the room R&D Marketer
change, though you become who are more advanced with
less reliant on certain people GenAI prototyping and
with certain insights/domain prompting in general, also to
expertise, because this can support data processing. Visual Prompt Designer AI Data analyst
be embodied in your LLM.

Legal & AI Ethics

Those who deal with legal Legal & AI Ethics Prompt library
questions and regulatory
aspects related to AI and
the industry subject.


steps to make it Autonomous


happen strategy
Define a clear vision and
coherent set of initiatives to
Transforming all innovation
processes, roles and tools in the
supercharge your innovation organization to become fully
process and organization with AI empowered by the latest AI

1. Select a case & AI sprint team

AI sprint / Autonomous
2. Build an AI toolstack & prompt library Demonstration Innovation Engine

project Build a separate AI-led
innovation pipeline -
3. Collect all relevant data and train your Demonstrate Creative AI’s (semi)autonomously creating a
models potential for your businesses on constant flow of validated new
business concepts
a strategic innovation project
with the help of our team

4. Run your first AI-powered Sprint &

document all learnings
Keynote / Autonomous
BONUS: Run an AI strategy sprint to training innovation

ensure you’re defining the right playbook
Inspire your organization with a
ambition, strategy and governance. tailored keynote highlighting the
Playbooks and learning modules
opportunities and pitfalls of
that scale to build key
Creative AI or get hands-on and
capabilities within your teams.
explore the future of innovation
through a 1 day sprint
Proposed agenda
Before Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 After

Train Generate Validate Curate GTM

Data review & Exponential Insights & Synthetic High fidelity Iterate
Model training ideation Testing & design Concept design or go to market

● Gather all existing ● AM: Review synthesized ● Overnight: Conduct ● AM: Concept writing ● Capture all learnings
competitive, user and research, explore the full (synthetic) testing to and refinement, by from a process and
trend research and problem and redefine prioritize ideas adding specifics like outcome standpoint
generate more the opportunity areas ● AM: Stretch your ideas name, description, ● Build your final
● Train & build your own ● AM: Generate Jobs to further by feeding claims and benefits, presentation w/
LLM incl. synthetic Be Done for each back top rated ideas reasons to believe learnings,
user input opportunity area ● PM: Refine the ideas ● PM: Cross-check your recommendations
● Scoping and setup of ● PM: Ideation of 100s of from your shortlist, competitive positioning and next steps
all the tools for all ideas in minutes using iterate on synthetic ● PM: Invite consumers
sprint participants generative AI feedback and work on and end off with
your first visual real-user testing

Tools Tools Tools Tools

GPT-3.5 GPT-4
Claude 2 TasteGPT Midjourney Durable
Chatbase Adobe Firefly

Iterate sooner and
faster than ever. Concept

The 3 pillars of an
Generate Validate

innovation sprint.



ht ig

AI-powered Innovation Engine (Board of Innovation, 2023) 9

Day by day
rundown of actions

Day 1 - Generate
Before Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 After

Train Generate Validate Curate GTM

Data review & Exponential Insights & Synthetic High fidelity Iterate
Model training ideation Testing & design Concept design or go to market

● Gather all existing ● AM: Review synthesized ● Overnight: Conduct ● AM: Concept writing ● Capture all learnings
competitive, user and research, explore the full (synthetic) testing to and refinement, by from a process and
trend research and problem and redefine prioritize ideas adding specifics like outcome standpoint
generate more the opportunity areas ● AM: Stretch your ideas name, description, ● Build your final
● Train & build your own ● AM: Generate Jobs to further by feeding claims and benefits, presentation w/
LLM incl. synthetic Be Done for each back top rated ideas reasons to believe learnings,
user input opportunity area ● PM: Refine the ideas ● PM: Cross-check your recommendations
● Scoping and setup of ● PM: Ideation of 100s of from your shortlist, competitive positioning and next steps
all the tools for all ideas in minutes using iterate on synthetic ● PM: Invite consumers
sprint participants generative AI feedback and work on and end off with
your first visual real-user testing

Tools Tools Tools Tools

GPT-3.5 GPT-4
Claude 2 TasteGPT Midjourney Durable
Chatbase Adobe Firefly

Day 1 - focus on Generation

Quantity that
does lead to
Quantity will lead better quality
to better quality
Ideation Idea selection

Chemist and two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus
Pauling already knew decades ago: the best way
Generate Validate to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.

However, human capabilities have been limiting

us when trying to process all available insights,
and when assessing which ones to move forward.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Scan your market

entry risks
Leverage GPT-4 to quickly make sense of
whether to enter a new market or not

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Tap into the brain

of synthetic users
Run custom scripts with +/-3 users per
demographic and feed them into your LLM

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Fine-tune your
own LLM
Augment your own data with synthetic users,
Amazon reviews (B2C) or annual reports (B2B).

Our preferred no-code tools for this are the

AskYourPDF plugin for GPT-4, Claude 2 (allows
for up to 100k tokens!) or
AskYourPDF Claude 2

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Uncover formerly
hidden patterns
The first wave of AI was particularly excelling at
seeing patterns where none were found before.
DisplayR is our favorite tool to find the best
clustering of large consumer data sets.

Source: AI_designed_this_product 16
By Board of Innovation
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Mix and match

online trends
Sprinklr, YouScan and Tastewise (if you’re in
food) are just three amazing tools for social
listening. We use to make sense of
concrete trends - let’s say ‘Lavender coffee’.
Sprinklr YouScan Tastewise

Source: AI_designed_this_product 17
By Board of Innovation
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

At BOI we (still) predominantly use GPT-4 for
ideation purposes: it’s easy to get everyone on
board + GPT-4 has proven to generate ideas of
higher (average) quality, especially when you
feed it back some top performing ideas.

Source: AI_designed_this_product 18
By Board of Innovation
Day 2 - Validate
Before Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 After

Train Generate Validate Curate GTM

Data review & Exponential Insights & Synthetic testing High fidelity Iterate
Model training ideation & design Concept design or go to market

● Gather all existing ● AM: Review synthesized ● Overnight: Conduct ● AM: Concept writing ● Capture all learnings
competitive, user and research, explore the full (synthetic) testing to and refinement, by from a process and
trend research and problem and redefine prioritize ideas adding specifics like outcome standpoint
generate more the opportunity areas ● AM: Stretch your ideas name, description, ● Build your final
● Train & build your own ● AM: Generate Jobs to further by feeding claims and benefits, presentation w/
LLM incl. synthetic Be Done for each back top rated ideas reasons to believe learnings,
user input opportunity area ● PM: Refine the ideas ● PM: Cross-check your recommendations
● Scoping and setup of ● PM: Ideation of 100s of from your shortlist, competitive positioning and next steps
all the tools for all ideas in minutes using iterate on synthetic ● PM: Invite consumers
sprint participants generative AI feedback and work on and end off with
your first visual real-user testing

Tools Tools Tools Tools

GPT-3.5 GPT-4
Claude 2 TasteGPT Midjourney Durable
Chatbase Adobe Firefly

Day 2 - focus on Validation

Synthetic liking
makes involving

Quantity will lead real customers

better qualityValidate more rewarding
ideas After having ran an overnight screener with your
idea longlist and a synthetic and/or “real”
customer panel, you may want to build further on
your top ideas:

- Feeding them back to the ideation engine for

s i


proven better results


Curate - Feeding them to synthetic users for further

validation on a feature / jobs-to-be-done
- Feeding them to genAI prototyping tools for a
more tangible concept that can be criticized
by humans
AI-powered Innovation Engine (Board of Innovation, 2023) 20 20
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Double down on
top-rated ideas
This is one of our most-liked features within, for proven better results.

Source: AI_designed_this_product 21
By Board of Innovation
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Prepare for front-

end validation
To give your idea some meat on the bones, you
want to generate a prototype. Our go-to tools
are Midjourney, Dall-E 3, Adobe and TasteGPT
(the latter only if you’re in food).
Midjourney Dall-E 3 Adobe


Day 3 - Curate
Before Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 After

Train Generate Validate Curate GTM

Data review & Exponential Insights & Synthetic testing High fidelity Iterate
Model training ideation & design concept design or go to market

● Gather all existing ● AM: Review synthesized ● Overnight: Conduct ● AM: Concept writing ● Capture all learnings
competitive, user and research, explore the full (synthetic) testing to and refinement, by from a process and
trend research and problem and redefine prioritize ideas adding specifics like outcome standpoint
generate more the opportunity areas ● AM: Stretch your ideas name, description, ● Build your final
● Train & build your own ● AM: Generate Jobs to further by feeding claims and benefits, presentation w/
LLM incl. synthetic Be Done for each back top rated ideas reasons to believe learnings,
user input opportunity area ● PM: Refine the ideas ● PM: Cross-check your recommendations
● Scoping and setup of ● PM: Ideation of 100s of from your shortlist, competitive positioning and next steps
all the tools for all ideas in minutes using iterate on synthetic ● PM: Invite consumers
sprint participants generative AI feedback and work on and end off with
your first visual real-user testing

Tools Tools Tools Tools

GPT-3.5 GPT-4
Claude 2 TasteGPT Midjourney Durable
Chatbase Adobe Firefly

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Validate synthetically,
curate w/ real customers
Your customers don’t easily give you their time. So when
involving them in the design sprint process, they do expect you
to have something (almost) ready for them to use.

By sense checking your concept features and concept writing

earlier on with synthetic users, you can make the best use of
your limited time with actual customers. We use and for this, and when
we don’t have enough data to train the synthetic user model.

Run your own
AI-powered sprint

We can help you EXPERIMENT SCALE

to set up your own Autonomous


sprint – tomorrow strategy
Define a clear vision and
coherent set of initiatives to
Transforming all innovation
processes, roles and tools in the
supercharge your innovation organization to become fully
Over the past months we’ve run dozens of process and organization with AI empowered by the latest AI
AI-powered innovation sprints and set up
(semi)autonomous engines for our clients.
AI sprint Autonomous
Innovation Engine

Including leading companies in food & Unlock the power of exhaustive
insights, exponential ideation and
beverage, healthcare, energy and raw (semi)autonomous validation and Build a separate AI-led
innovation pipeline -
simulation, with your team and
materials. our experienced facilitators. (semi)autonomously creating a
constant flow of validated new
business concepts

Looking to do the same? Let’s talk.

Lennert Decuypere
Artificial Intelligence Lead Keynote / Autonomous
training innovation

Inspire your organization with a playbook
Let’s talk tailored keynote highlighting the
Playbooks and learning modules
opportunities and pitfalls of
that scale to build key
Creative AI or get hands-on and
capabilities within your teams.
explore the future of innovation
through a 1 day sprint
products with AI
Check out how we worked with Tata
Consumer Products to fuel food and
beverage innovation through an AI-powered
innovation sprint.

To accelerate their future product portfolio

across four key categories, Tata Consumer
Products aimed to fill their product
innovation funnel with an array of
exceptional, new products.

Check it out

Want to know
more about AI
for innovators?
Explore AI with us:
The Autonomous Innovation Summit
The Age of Creative AI Report
Our AI hub
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AI-powered innovation services
Join our Webinars on AI

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