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1ST Summative Test (1st Quarter, 1st Sem

Name_____________________________________ Section_________________ Score________


1. Is also viewed as “organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and worldviews that relate
humanity to an

order of existence.

a. Religion b. Belief systems c. Culture d. Tradition

2. The following were among the five major religions of the world except one:

a. Christianity b. Islam c. Shintoism d. Judaism

3. Christians believed that this book is the word of God

a. Gemara b. Mishnah c. Bible d. Talmud

4. A particular way of ordering the realities of one’s world

a. Religion b. Belief systems c. Culture d. Tradition

Focuses on spiritual things and the spiritual world instead of physical/earthly things.

a. Philosophy b. Religion c. Beliefs d. Spirituality

To whom did God said this, "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your

great, and you will be a blessing.”

a. Noah b. Abraham c. Sarah d. Moses

The study of the nature of God and religious belief.

a. Theology b. Philosophy c. Science d. Religion

Also known as The Promised Land

a. Jones b. Lala Land c. Canaan d. Jerusalem

Involves a quest for the meaning and ultimate value of life

a. Spirituality b. Religion c. Theology d. Worldview

10-13. Identify the worldview of the following people:

a. Atheistic b. Monotheistic c. Agnostic d. Polytheistic

10. Laila believes that there is only one God and that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
11. Karlos claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

12. Lukas usually spends most of his time praying into different gods and goddesses.

13. Laura doesn’t believe that God exists.

14. Civilisations typically develop in and around ______________ where easy access to water, and

systems become possible, which allows them to grow crops and move from the hunter gatherer lifestyle


a. River systems b. Mountains c. Plains d. Plateaus

15. Variations in people’s _____________ create different religious inclinations which incorporate their

environments into their rituals, mythologies and iconography.

a. Social status b. Culture c. Way of thinking d. Race

16. Some observers believe that modern-day religions remain largely a response to _________________

a. human fear b. poverty c. a and b d. a only

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true or correct, otherwise, write FALSE.

1. Religious practices may involve worship services, prayers, sacrifices, festivals, wedding, baptism, and

aspects of culture.

2. Religion includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a

for meaning in life.

3. Religions were originally based on the particular beliefs of their founders and prophets. Thus, there
are few

points of similarity among the various spiritual paths.

4. Your belief system doesn’t affect think and feel the way you do.

5. Religion brings people together with common religious beliefs and practices.

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