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Course: ICT50220 Diploma of IT (Advanced Networking)

Name: Mirza waseem baig Student ID: PCT230363

Unit Name and Code: ICTSAS526 - Review and update disaster recovery and
contingency plans

Assessment Task Number and Title: #2 Practical Demonstrations

Date Submitted: Trainer’s Name: Surendra Pathak

 All assessments must be in a neat and readable format.

 Students are required to retain a duplicate of any assignment submitted, both
written & disk copy.
 Please refer to the Student Handbook for the Assessment Policy.
 Plagiarism is an academic misconduct and is unacceptable to Pacific College of
I certify that the work submitted is my own. I have acknowledged material
taken from websites, textbooks and articles.

To be completed by Trainer

Competent Not yet competent to be reassessed


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Course : ICT50220 Diploma of IT (Advanced Networking)
Unit Code and Name : ICTSAS526 - Review and update disaster recovery
and contingency plans

Trainer/Assessor :
Assessment item : #2- Practical Demonstration
Due date : Week 3 (Extension upon trainer’s approval only)

Context and Purpose of the assessment:

This assessment will assess your skills and knowledge in the area of ‘ICTSAS526 -
Review and update disaster recovery and contingency plans’ unit. This
assessment activity deals with the following elements of performance and critical
aspects of evidence:

Task Element Performance Criteria

1-3 1-6 All (listed on observation checklist)

o The assessment tasks for the unit assume that you will work in the Information
Technology industry. Case studies/ exercises used in this assessment reflect a
workplace scenario.

o If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for
clarification from your assessor. If the assessment is not satisfactory, the trainer
will allow one more attempt to the assessment item.

o The responses to assessment questions should be in your own words and

examples from workplace should be used wherever possible.

1. Assessment environment for this Unit

The assessment of this Unit will be in a simulated environment where you will be
provided access to:

 a site or prototype where network and data integrity strategies may be

implemented and managed

 use of network support tools currently used in industry

 the organisation’s security policies, manufacturer recommendations and

network and data integrity protection standards.

Your trainer will provide further instructions on assessment conditions.

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2. The Assessment will cover

You are expected to demonstrate ability to perform following key tasks:

 Run tools msinfo32 and dxdiag to conduct audit on system hardware and
software assets
 Implement and test anti-virus / anti-malware solution
 backup and restore data
 monitor network performance

3. Specific instructions
To do this activity you’ll need:
 PCs,
 Backup software To do backup or similar software

4. Assessment task- What you are required to do

TASK 1: Scenario

You are an ICT technician. As part of your job role, you are required to back up the
system, restore information, secure the system and information in a stand-alone or
client-server environment.

Your client has advised you that when they were migrating all their data and
applications from disaster recovery environment to the cloud, they acknowledged
the applications and data were too complex and required too much horsepower
and caused significant downtime.

Through the initial analysis, you have identified that your client has two choices:
find a cloud service provider that could cost-effectively deliver the compute needed
to support the business, or move its DR environment to a third-party, on-premise
provider that could accommodate its complexity and horsepower requirements.

Activity 1: Impact of the system on the organisation

In this assessment activity, you are required to read and understand the
information provided above and complete the following activities.

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You will be assessed on understanding and documenting correctly the impact of
the system and the organization based on the information provided in the scenario.
You must use the template below to write your answer.

Impact analysis report

 Include the following information:

○ Executive summary

■ Describe the key information for decision making.

● Scope of impact analysis.

● Key findings.
● Recommendations

○ Scope of impact analysis

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■ Describe clearly the scope and the purpose of the evaluation.

○ Findings

■ The findings of the impact analysis address the following in response

to the key questions of the impact analysis.

○ Lessons learned

■ The lessons learned could be analyzed and should specify the

following questions:

● Which lessons learned were distilled from the impact analysis of

the project?
● Could these lessons be utilized as best practices in other
business areas?

● Recommendations

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○ Make clear recommendations that can be implemented:

■ Each recommendation must be from a previous evaluation.

■ Priorities will be identified for the implementation of recommendations

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Activity 2: Develop a contingency plan that identifies threats and minimize down
time for business critical functions.

This assessment activity is in continuation to the previous activity.

You are required to develop a contingency plan that identifies threats and minimize
down time for business-critical functions in this assessment activity.
Your contingency plan must include the following information:
a. Purpose
b. Applicability
c. Scope
d. Planning principles
e. Assumptions
f. Constraints
g. Concept of operations
h. Notification and activation
i. Recovery operations
j. Return to normal operations
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You must complete the contingency plan according to the information provided in
the template below.


This migration of data to the cloud Contingency Plan establishes procedures to recover the
migration of data to the cloud following a disruption. The following objectives have been
established for this plan:

 Maximize the effectiveness of contingency operations through an established plan

that consists of the following phases:

o Notification/Activation to detect and assess damage and to activate the plan.

o Recovery to restore temporary operations and recover from damage.
o Reconstitution of systems and normal operations.

 Identify the critical activities, resources, and procedures needed to carry out
operations during prolonged interruptions to normal operations.
 Assign responsibilities to designated personnel.
 Provide guidance for recovering operations during prolonged periods of interruption to
normal operations.
 Ensure coordination contingency planning stakeholders and staff.

The intended audience of migration of data to the cloud Contingency Plan is the project
manager, project team, project sponsor, procurement officer/office, and any senior leaders
whose support is needed to carry out acquisition plans.


The migration of data to the cloud Contingency Plan applies to the functions, operations,
and resources necessary to restore and resume normal migration of data to the cloud
operations at India. The migration of data to the cloud Contingency Plan applies to State
bank of India and all other persons associated with migration of data to the cloud as
identified in this document.

The migration of data to the cloud Contingency Plan is supported by Amazon Web Services
(AWS), Microsoft Azure.

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1.3.1 Planning Principles

Various scenarios were considered to form a basis for the plan, and multiple assumptions
were made. The applicability of the plan is predicated on:
 Data Volume and Complexity.
 Network Bandwidth and Connectivity.
 Cloud Service Provider Reliability.
 Downtime and Business Impact.
 Budget and Cost Management.

1.3.2 Assumptions
This section identifies the statements believed to be true and from which a conclusion was
drawn to define this plan.

1. Data Source and Destination: The plan assumes the availability and accessibility of the
data source and the cloud destination during the migration process.
2. Timeline: The plan assumes a specific migration timeline, including start and end dates,
as well as any critical milestones or phases.

1.3.3 Constraints

This section identifies any limitation that must be taken into consideration regarding the
content of this plan.
1. Bandwidth Constraints: Limited network bandwidth may slow down data transfer to the
cloud, especially for organizations with large volumes of data to migrate.
2. Cost and Budget Constraints: Limited budget or unexpected costs during the migration
can impact the choice of migration strategies and timelines.


Provide a diagram of the architecture, including security controls and telecommunications


System Architecture:
The system architecture for the data migration to the cloud contingency plan typically
consists of the following components:

Data Source: This represents the on-premises data systems, databases, applications, and
files from which the data will be extracted for migration.

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Data Transformation: Depending on the data format and structure, transformation may be
required to ensure compatibility with the cloud environment. This step can involve data
mapping, conversion, and normalization.

Data Transfer: This component encompasses the secure movement of data from the on-
premises environment to the cloud. Various data transfer methods like direct network
transfer, physical data shipment, or specialized data transfer tools may be used.

Cloud Infrastructure: This refers to the target cloud environment where the data will be
stored and accessed. It includes cloud storage services, databases, and other necessary
cloud resources.

Data Validation: After migration, the data should undergo validation to ensure accuracy,
completeness, and integrity. This step involves comparing the migrated data with the source
data to identify any discrepancies.

Monitoring and Logging: The system may include monitoring and logging functionalities to
track the progress of the migration, detect errors, and provide insights into the migration

Security Measures: Strong security measures must be implemented throughout the

migration process to protect data during transit and at rest in the cloud. Encryption and
access control mechanisms are essential components.

Contingency Measures: The architecture should incorporate contingency measures and

failover procedures to handle unexpected issues or disruptions during migration. This
ensures that the migration can be paused, rolled back, or resumed in case of any problems.

The functionality of the data migration to the cloud contingency plan revolves around the
seamless and reliable transfer of data while minimizing downtime and ensuring data
integrity. Key functions include:

Automated Data Extraction: To reduce manual effort and errors, the plan may include
tools for automated data extraction from the source systems.

Pre-migration Testing: The plan should involve thorough testing in a non-production

environment to identify and resolve potential issues before the actual migration.

Data Mapping and Transformation: If required, the system should handle data mapping
and transformation to match the format and structure of the data with the cloud environment.

Incremental Data Transfer: To minimize downtime, the system may support incremental
data transfer, where only the changes made since the last migration are moved.

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Error Handling and Logging: The system should have error handling mechanisms to deal
with migration failures and provide detailed logging for troubleshooting.

Data Validation: After migration, the plan should include mechanisms for data validation to
verify the accuracy and completeness of the migrated data.

Contingency and Rollback: The plan should define contingency measures, such as
rollback procedures, in case migration encounters significant issues.

By combining these functionalities and components, the contingency plan aims to ensure a
smooth and secure migration of data to the cloud, with minimal disruptions and data integrity
preserved throughout the process. The specifics of the system architecture and functionality
will depend on the organization's requirements, cloud provider, and the complexity of the
migration project.

Indicate the operating environment include:

Cloud Service Provider Infrastructure: The operating environment also encompasses the
cloud service provider's infrastructure, which includes virtualized servers, cloud storage, and
other cloud services that will receive and host the migrated data.

General Location of Users include:

 Internal IT Teams
 End-Users or Employees
 Cloud Service Provider's Support Teams
Partnerships with External Organizations/Systems include:
 Cloud Service Providers: Organizations partner with cloud service providers such
as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure.
Information regarding any other technical considerations include:
 Data Backup Strategy
 Incremental Backups
 Testing Backup Restores
A diagram of the architecture, including security controls and telecommunications
connections for data migration of data to the cloud Contingency Plan:

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Description of succession as follows:

Chief Information Officer (CIO):
 Name: Aparna Kumar (if inaccessible contact below)
 Contact no: 0414422952

Deputy CIO:
Name: Shri Prakash Chandra Kandpal
Contact no: 0411144295


In the event of a disruption or disaster during the data migration to the cloud, the following
individuals, teams, and departments may be trained and responsible for responding and
coordinating recovery operations:

1. IT Operations Team: Responsibilities: The IT Operations Team is responsible for

managing the organization's IT infrastructure, including on-premises systems. In the
event of a disruption, they are tasked with identifying the root cause of the issue and
taking necessary actions to resolve it.

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2. Data Migration Team: Responsibilities: The Data Migration Team oversees the
migration process from on-premises to the cloud. In case of a disruption, they need to
assess the impact on the migration project and devise recovery strategies to ensure
data integrity and continuity.

3. Cloud Service Provider Support Team: Responsibilities: The Cloud Service

Provider's Support Team provides technical support for the cloud infrastructure. In
case of disruptions affecting the cloud environment, they offer assistance and
guidance to resolve the issues.

4. Disaster Recovery Team: Responsibilities: The Disaster Recovery Team is

responsible for executing the organization's disaster recovery plan. They ensure the
recovery of critical systems and data in case of major disruptions or disasters.


Addressing the initial actions taken to detect and assess damage inflicted by a disruption
involves a well-structured incident response plan that outlines the steps to be taken in case
of any unexpected events. Here are the key items to consider:

Notification Options and Response Procedures:

Automated Alerts: Implement monitoring and alerting systems that automatically detect
and notify the relevant IT teams when certain predefined thresholds or anomalies are
exceeded. These alerts can trigger immediate response actions.

End-User Reporting: Encourage end-users to report any disruptions or issues they

encounter promptly. Establish clear communication channels (e.g., a dedicated helpdesk or
support email) for users to submit reports.

Internal Communication: Establish communication protocols within the organization to

quickly escalate and disseminate information about disruptions. Define who should be
informed, what information should be shared, and how to reach them (e.g., via email, phone,
or instant messaging).

External Communication: Prepare communication templates and contact information for

external stakeholders (customers, partners, vendors) to inform them about any potential
impact on services or operations.

Assessment Procedures and Associated Responsibilities:

IT Operations Team: The IT Operations Team is typically the first point of contact for
assessing the disruption. They identify the nature and extent of the issue, conduct initial

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troubleshooting, and attempt to restore services.

Data Migration Team: The Data Migration Team assesses the impact of the disruption on
the migration process and determines if any data integrity issues have arisen. They work
with the IT Operations Team to coordinate recovery efforts.

Alternate Assessment Procedures:

Failover and Redundancy: If the primary systems are affected, rely on redundant or
failover systems to assess the damage and continue operations.

Third-Party Assessments: In case of critical disruptions, consider engaging third-party

experts Addressing the initial actions taken to detect and assess damage inflicted by a
disruption involves a well-structured incident response plan that outlines the steps to be
taken in case of any unexpected events. Here are the key items to consider:

Notification Options and Response Procedures:

Automated Alerts: Implement monitoring and alerting systems that automatically detect
and notify the relevant IT teams when certain predefined thresholds or anomalies are
exceeded. These alerts can trigger immediate response actions.

End-User Reporting: Encourage end-users to report any disruptions or issues they

encounter promptly. Establish clear communication channels (e.g., a dedicated helpdesk or
support email) for users to submit reports.

Internal Communication: Establish communication protocols within the organization to

quickly escalate and disseminate information about disruptions. Define who should be
informed, what information should be shared, and how to reach them (e.g., via email, phone,
or instant messaging).

External Communication: Prepare communication templates and contact information for

external stakeholders (customers, partners, vendors) to inform them about any potential
impact on services or operations.

Assessment Procedures and Associated Responsibilities:

IT Operations Team: The IT Operations Team is typically the first point of contact for
assessing the disruption. They identify the nature and extent of the issue, conduct initial
troubleshooting, and attempt to restore services.

Data Migration Team: The Data Migration Team assesses the impact of the disruption on
the migration process and determines if any data integrity issues have arisen. They work
with the IT Operations Team to coordinate recovery efforts.

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Alternate Assessment Procedures:

Failover and Redundancy: If the primary systems are affected, rely on redundant or
failover systems to assess the damage and continue operations.

For independent assessments and technical assistance.

[List the procedures for all recovery options available for the restoration of normal operations
and the procedures for executing each option.]

Recovery Goal 1: IT Operations Team: The IT Operations Team is typically the first point
of contact for assessing the disruption. They identify the nature and extent of the issue,
conduct initial troubleshooting, and attempt to restore services.
Name: Gorock Shetty
Contact Information: 041119524
Responsibility: To restore services

Recovery Goal 2: Cloud Service Provider Support Team: The Cloud Service Provider's
Support Team provides technical support for the cloud infrastructure. In case of disruptions
affecting the cloud environment, they offer assistance and guidance to resolve the issues.
Name: Jan Gillbank-(case officer at Amazon web services)
Contact Information: 045562589
Responsibility: offer support and assistance and guidance to resolve the issues and bring
the data from cloud server.

Recovery Goal 3: Disaster Recovery Team: Responsibilities: The Disaster Recovery

Team is responsible for executing the organization's disaster recovery plan. They ensure the
recovery of critical systems and data in case of major disruptions or disasters.
Name: Aafarin Pathan-Head of DRS Team
Contact Information: 0413322568
Responsibility: To assist the organization's disaster recovery plan with the recovery of
critical systems and data in case of major disruptions or disasters.



Resumption procedures are crucial for ensuring a smooth transition back to normal
operations after a disruption. They involve a coordinated effort among necessary teams to
operate the system at the original or new site and thoroughly test it to ensure proper
functionality. Here are the outlined procedures:

Resumption Procedure 1: IT Operations Team objective:

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Verify the readiness of the original or new site for resumption.
Ensure that all required hardware and infrastructure are available and properly
 Conduct pre-resumption checks and tests to ensure that the site is ready for the
 Coordinate with the Data Migration Team to verify the successful migration of data to
the original or new system.
Name: Gorock Shetty
Contact Information: 041119524
Responsibility: To restore services

Resumption Procedure 2: Disaster Recovery Team

Name: Aafarin Pathan-Head of DRS Team
Contact Information: 0413322568
Responsibility: To assist the organization's disaster recovery plan with the recovery of
critical systems and data in case of major disruptions or disasters.
 Validate the successful completion of data migration to the original or new system.
 Perform data integrity checks and compare data between the contingency system
and the original or new system to ensure accuracy.
 Provide documentation and evidence of a successful migration to the IT Operations

Appendix A: Contingency Plan Approval

The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the migration of data to the Contingency
Plan and agree with the approach it presents. Changes to this Contingency Plan will be
coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives.

Signature: Date: 26/07/2023

Print Name: K. Chandrashaker rao
Title: Mr.
Role: CEO of The Bank

Signature: Date: 26/07/2023

Print Name: Johar ali Khan
Title: Mr.

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Activity 3: Develop clear and specific directions on how to handle serious down

This assessment activity is in continuation to the previous activity.

You are required to develop clear and specific directions on how to handle serious
You must use the template below to write your answer.

Write in 100-150 words how to handle serious down time according to the information
provided in the scenario.

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Install back up software tb_free(ie EaseUS ToDo Backup). Click on file

backup and backup a Test File located in your desktop. After a successful
backup, delete that file and recover again on your desktop. Take the
screenshot of installation, backup of file and restore in every step and attach it
with your submission.
Note: Do not forget to remove the tick from other folders.

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Feedback to candidate:





Assessor Date:

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