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The Rats at the Tricolor Prairies is an independent production by Rachi and is not
affiliated with Losing Games. It is published under the Mausritter Third Party Licence.

A suplement adventure
Compatible with Mausritter
By Rachi
The Tricolor Prairies are a region of tall grass, Regions of the Prairies
muddy bogs and little to no food. The Prairies are
now lair to two factions of refugee Rats from the The Tricolor Prairies are divided into 3 main
faraway lands of Ratandia: the mercantile Ratocracia regions:
and the religious Sonho Azul. These factions are at • the Blue Bog, where the Sonho Azul live over
war with each other and are suspicious of anyone the Old Morta;
who might be working with the other side, specially • the Yellow Prairies, where the Ratocracia
since the disappearances started. They both want the Council founded the Straw Hamlet;
same thing: control over the fertile Green Prairies, • the Green Prairies, the fertile but un-
and the tools to farm it’s rooty, muddy grounds. plowable lands of tall grass.

Disappearances & the Truth

Both sides have been suffering with the
1d6 Blue Bog Encounters
disappearances of rats. Both sides blame each other for 1 d4 Novices patrolling
this, since all (or most) of the disappeared rats were 2 A single scout from the Community,
important members of their community. This has collecting Moonlighters.
since fired up the factions and turned “hostile Green Prairie Encounters
3 1d6 Novices fighting 1d4 Knights
disagreement” into all-out war.
4 1d4 plantheads from the Community,
The hidden truth is: the disappeared Rats have going to the Creek for water
chosen to go into hiding on their own volition. They Yellow Prairie Encounters
are friends and families who have been separated by 5 A Prairie Dog using a rune as a
the disagreements between the two main leaderships. necklace.
After publicly stating their concerns, one by one 6 1d6 Knights patrolling for spies
they’ve been approached by the first of the
disappeared, the mysterious blacksmith Pedro, and Hooks
taken into the dangerous Higher Shrubs, where none
of the factions would dare search. 1d6 Hooks
1 A two-times refugee you met
1d6 Rumours somewhere else will pay you plenty to
1 Padre Teodoro has been using Vow end the war so they can go home.
Magic to turn the unfaithful into fearless 2 The Ratocracia Council wants you to
soldiers. investigate the disappearances secretly.
2 The Ratocracia Council is letting rats 3 Padre Teodoro wants you to
go hungry while hiding luxurious food. investigate the disappearances heroically.
3 Mice can resist the rat-maddening gas 4 You find the mysterious Blacksmith
that surrounds the Higher Shrubs. Pedro, who wants you to deal with
4 Cursed rat-plant hybrids sneak incoming searchers from both sides.
around the Lower Shrubs killing on 5 A wandering Cavaleiro wants you to
sight. help them discover the secrets behind
6 Squire Patricia, whose senile mother
5 The Ratocracia Council found a way
disappeared, needs help finding her.
to control the Swamp Frogs so they can
Council states that they can’t do anything,
attack the Old Morta.
6 - The [other faction] is kidnapping our as she is unlikely to be linked to the other

citizens! disappearances.
Optional Rule: Vow Magic Drawing Power
To Draw Power from a Vow, your mouse must
In Ratandia, runes don’t exist. Instead, rats use
be trying to do something that directly contributes to
powers similar to spells by using the innate magic of
fulfilling their Vow. Then, mark one usage of the
Vows, which draws from the user’s spirit. Those who
Power. The effects usually lasts until the mouse has
receive powers from Vows are called Vowers, and
overcome whatever obstacle they were trying to, if
those who give power are called Heirs.
they are not instantaneous.
To make a Vow, the Vower pledges to do
Vows can not be recharged, they must be
something for their Heir for a determined amount of
time. The Vower then receives some kind of power
that should help them fulfill the Pledge. Vows must
Forcing a Vow
be carried in the inventories of both Vowers and
Heirs until fulfilled. Your mouse may Force a depleted Vow, using
Those who are already Vowers or Heirs can’t their own spirit to Draw it’s power. When they do
become either until the current Vow is fulfilled. Only this, they take d6 damage to WIL.
those who have already fulfilled Vows before can
become Heirs.
Those who break their Vows before the agreed
time are Cursed until their Heirs decide to lift the List of Vows
curse. If a Heir directly contributes to this failure,
Use the contents of this table as examples of
they are cursed instead.
different Vows and their curses and powers.
1d6 Vow Power Curse

1 To Retrieve [Something] Teleports somewhere you can see at a Dominant paw becomes frail
maximum distance of 10 rats lying down, and useless, can’t carry items there.
then teleports back.

2 To Protect [] Damage done to the protected transfers Damage done to party members
to the protector instead, halved. increased by d6, always.

3 To Defeat [] d6 extra damage on attack. d8 if user has 2d6 permanent damage to STR,
0 HP. or until lifted.

4 To Deliver [] Travels 2 hex per Watch, ignores Movements become slow. All
difficult terrain. travel times are doubled.

5 To Nurture [] The nurtured may have the benefits of a Mark one usage on everything
Full Rest during a Long Rest, as long as the Cursed touches or carries,
the Nurturer is around. always.

6 To Pledge Loyalty to [] Ignore external influence, such as fear The Cursed’s head becomes the
forever and other mental or spiritual conditions. head of a cat, but rat-sized.
1. Old Morta 2. The Grass-Bog
Surrounded by a lake of deep mud, the Old Covered by both tall grass and thin mud, this area
Morta is the body of an old dead tree, lying tough makes it extremely hard to travel. During the day, a
and swimming thanks to the acidic environment of strong acidic stench rises with the heat. By night,
the Blue Bog. The name identifies both the glorious carnivorous plants called Moonlighters glow in a
gray log and the small village of Visão Azul rats that fluorescent blue, giving the Blue Bog it’s signature
live on it. This is a village of 150 rats, commanded by name.
the priest Padre Teodoro and his Novices.
It has been protected by the fact that rats can’t 4. Lower Shrubs
reach it by swimming trough the mud, so
it’s dwellers created boats from parts of the Morta. Fertile, plain and empty, except for a few green
bushes here and there. The Lower Shrubs are
the glowing gem of the Green Prairies.
3. The Creek of the
Slimy They would be a safe haven for
rodents if not for the now warring
The only big body of clean rats that constantly patrol these
water around, the Creek parts.
glimmers by the sun.
This area is now lair 5. Higher
to a large group of Shrubs
frogs. They don’t
As they are now, it’s
mind small groups
impossible to see 2 feet
of wandering rats
ahead inside the Higher
coming for water, but
Shrubs. This whole area is
they are very wary of bigger
covered in tall grass which any
rodent would stay far away from.
As if not enough, a weird gas
6. Dusty surrounds the outer parts of the area.
Rats who breath it have a 4-6 chance of

This plain open area seems empty at first glance, getting the Mad condition.

but the small dry bushes scattered around it hide

holes to a intricate system of tunnels. It’s dwellers are 7. The Straw Hamlet
Prairie Dogs.
Home of the Ratocracia rats, this village of 200 rats
If searching the tunnels in the night, there is a 2-6
was built almost entirely from dry plants found
chance of finding a hidden magic rune and a 4-6
around the Yellow Prairies.
chance of waking up a very angry Prairie Dog.
It is commanded by the ominous Ratocracia
Council, and protected by the loyal Cavaleiros de
Ratocracia, an order of knight rats who vowed
loyalty to the Council.
Factions of the Prairies
Ratocracia Council Sonho Azul’s Church
Resources Resources

• Order of loyal knights • Fearless Novices

• Considerable wealth • Bog-wood boats
• Control over a storehouse of food • The power of blind faith

Goals Goals

〇〇〇 Get a rune capable of controlling frogs 〇〇〇 Build an army of faithful Vowers
〇〇〇 Find out where Blacksmith Pedro is 〇〇〇 Find out what happened to the disappeared
〇〇〇〇〇 Take control over the Green Prairies 〇〇〇〇〇 Take control over the Green Prairies

Important NPCs
“The” Ratocracia Council Padre Teodoro

Nobody truly knows how the Alliance of Six Rat This big old rat has been around since forever. The
Merchants became a hivemind. Most wise old rats charismatic leader gave hope to the Refugees during
believe this: when the Alliance was first formed, all dire times, and sincerely believes he is the right
six rats Vowed to say the truth to each other forever. person to lead them.
As they went on to break their Vows, each one of Actually, he believes it so sincerely that he has
them became cursed to share their thoughts with been pressuring sinners (those who confess to him)
their Heirs, eventually becoming what the Council is into Vowing eternal loyalty to him in order to cleanse
today. themselves from their traitorous tendencies.
The Council runs the Ratocracia fairly, which by The results of the Vows are the Novices, fearless
their standards means they are still drinking but untrained warriors who always fight to the death,
expensive wine while many of their subjects starve. which is very likely to happen since they are going
The war is more of an opportunity than a burden, against heavy armored knights.
really: getting rid of the Church is getting rid of
competition over power.
Blacksmith Pedro

This mysterious rat was the first to disappear. Pedro invented a metal plow that could make farming
possible in the Green Prairies. Fearing none of the leaderships deserved it, and predicting a war over the
lands, Pedro ran away to the High Scrubs, then started recruiting others to build a small farming Community.
The Community wants to live away from the war, and refuse to take part or intervene. They would easily
kill those who approach the truth about the disappearances, if that means they can stay neutral a little longer.
They use Moonlighters caps as helmets to filter the maddening gas around the High Brushes.

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