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Graphic Organizer

Objective: Using their graphic organizer, students will describe about the setting, characters,
and key details from The Story of the Leprechaun

Description: After reading the story students used teh graphic

organizer to write down specific ideas about character,
setting, and details from the story. They will include specifics
from the story to organize their thoughts and they can
continue to write during free time if they wish. They will also
be able to draw a picture that matches what they were writing.

Rationale: Students will use both the academic language and

specific ideas and examples from the story to write down
ideas on the graphic organizer. Using three different sections,
setting characters, and details will help them break down the
story and reiterate that those are the important parts of all

Scoring Guide: It will be based on 9 points, the three sections will include, writing ideas for each
section, including images, and clear writing. The student will earn max points in the first
category if they include one-two ideas of each section and they will earn max points if they
include an image with it. The last category is if their writing is clear and correct.

Differentiated scoring guide: The scoring guide will help struggling writers, with the help of
starters they will be able to complete the ideas given

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