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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Comprehensive Thesis on the Mid Day Meal Scheme in


Crafting a thesis on the Mid Day Meal Scheme in Maharashtra is no small feat. This critical research
paper demands a deep understanding of the socio-economic landscape, policy intricacies, and the
intricate details of the implementation of the Mid Day Meal Scheme in the state. As scholars embark
on this academic journey, they encounter a myriad of challenges that make the task both demanding
and time-consuming.

One of the primary hurdles lies in the extensive research required to gather relevant and up-to-date
information. The Mid Day Meal Scheme is a multifaceted initiative, and a comprehensive thesis must
delve into various aspects such as its historical context, policy formulation, budget allocation,
logistical execution, nutritional impact, and educational outcomes. Navigating through diverse data
sources, official documents, and academic literature becomes a complex and time-consuming process.

Additionally, scholars face the challenge of ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information
incorporated into their theses. Given the dynamic nature of government policies and the evolving
socio-economic scenario, staying abreast of the latest developments is a constant struggle.
Distinguishing between credible and unreliable sources requires a discerning eye and a considerable
amount of time.

The process of analyzing and interpreting data further adds to the complexity. Scholars need to
critically evaluate the information gathered, draw meaningful conclusions, and present them
coherently in the thesis. The need for meticulous attention to detail in the analysis phase amplifies the
difficulty of the task.

For those navigating these challenges, seeking assistance from professional writing services can be a
prudent decision. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for individuals aiming to produce
a high-quality thesis on the Mid Day Meal Scheme in Maharashtra. The platform provides access to
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If you have any doubts then ask it in the comment section below. Cases of malpractices and
corruption were found in Ghazipur and Saharanpur districts also, as per CAG report of 2015. In the
northeastern states, the contribution of the centre is 90 per cent and the respective state is 10 per cent
and the scheme is funded 100 per cent by the central government in all union territories. The MDMS
has catered to the nutritional needs of low-income groups in bothrural and urban areas (Planning
Commission, 2007)4. He added that it was the verification process that was causing the delay in
disbursing money. “District officials have to check utilisation of previous funds, hence the delay.”
However, “instructions have been issued to transfer the money within a week”. States will have the
flexibility to use the existing machinery or set up separate mechanisms. Sources said this will only
deepen the crisis in MDM scheme that got only Rs 9,000 crore in this year's budget though HRD
demanded Rs 16,000 crore. Kamaraj’s encounter with a group of boys grazing livestock. All these
incidents were reported from one state in the span of three months. Several amendments have been
made to the scheme whenever required. Actually mid-day meal most similar to the United States
National School Lunch Act. At present, Bengal, Telangana, Odhisha, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand,
Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh are the states where eggs are served in the
mid-day meal. Kerala is the lone state where no solitary case identifying with unacceptable food was
accounted for as long as three years. In 1925, a Mid Day Meal Programme was introduced for
disadvantaged children in Madras Municipal Corporation. Promoting school participation;
b.Preventing classroom hunger; c. The cooking cost, infrastructure development, payment of
honorarium shared by central and state. Meal Programme is the largest school meal programme in the
world, feeding. The plan offers free snacks for kids in elementary, auxiliary classes in government,
the government helped, nearby body financed, chose NGOs which uphold government activities,
NGO serving and preparing intellectually and actually tested youngsters and so forth As indicated by
gauges, around 1.2 crore kids are served free lunch each day, making it the enormous suppers
conspire on the planet. In Uttaranchal, mothers are appointed as Bhojan Mata and Sahayika in
primary schools. CAG suggested that the Human Resource Development (HRD) service ought to get
the information submitted are analyzed through free checks, and an arrangement of shock checks
ought to be acquainted with check misbehaviours. What is the reason for providing mead day meals
in government schools. The financial fund for the scheme is allocated to the central and state
government. Poverty is the most crucial problem in developing country India. The state has recently
announced that it will be adding 1 fruit per day with its regular meals. In Lakh ) 60% 68% 32%
Payment received Rs. 66937.7 Outstanding 4697.92 lakh upto 31st January, 2012 Ministry of HRD,
Govt. India ranks 65 th out of 79 countries, no change since 2001; Anything over 10 is very serious.
In the budget 2019-20, MDM was allocated a sum of Rs. 11,000 crore which is about Rs. 500 crore
more than the budget allocated in the year 2018-19. From the table 1, one can decipher that rice and
wheat allocations for MDMS havedeclined in between 2001-02 and 2006-07. As per the government
data, in the year 2018-19, MDM scheme served about 9. 17 crore children in 11.35 lakh schools
across the country. Educated children will lead to the progress of our society nation.
The government provides Rs 4 per child for one fruit serving per week. The expenditure shared
between State and Central Govt. Readers will be able to edit existing articles and post new articles
directly on their online archival encyclop?dia only after its formal launch. Curryleaves and drum-
stick trees are grown in the school premises. Issues Food Safety and Standard Act 2006 (Rules 2011)
provides requirement of License for food business operator if turn over exceeds 12 lakhs and
registration if turn over less than 12 lakh. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our Privacy
Policy and Cookie Policy. Accept. Under this program, rural children are excited to come to school
and along with rural education, mid-day meals are also provided to the children, so that children
come to school in this program. Even along with Rs. 1000 a month 19 states and Union Territories
have given some additional sums but in the states, such as Uttar Pradesh, Assam, and Maharashtra,
those workers received only just Rs. 1000 a month. National Health Policy (NHP), 2017 The
National Health Policy (NHP) was formulated in 1983 and 2002. Actually mid-day meal most
similar to the United States National School Lunch Act. It launched the mid-day meal program for
Madras Corporation in 1925. UTILISATION Quantity in MTs 62% 67% 52% 80% Children age 6-
35 months are anaemic. (In which 73.8% are U and 83.6% are R)Sabarkantha, Banaskantha,
Panchmahal, DahodSurendranagar, Amreli and Dangs. NDTV spoke with experts and government
officials to understand the challenges in the effective implementation of MDM. One of the
successful of the ventures is AkshayaPatra, which started with leadership from ISKCON in the
Bangalore community. Even in beginning the mid-day meal scheme only focuses on special
categories students but present day more than 120,000,000 get benefits from the scheme. The mid-
day meal scheme is also one of them and is also promoting Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. To avoid wastage
of resource, the state government seeks approval on the basis of the average attendance in their
respective states. In 1925, a Mid Day Meal Programme was introduced for disadvantaged children in
Madras Municipal Corporation. In October 2007, the Scheme was extended to cover children of
upper primary classes i.e. class VI to VIII as well. In order to ensure transparency and accountability,
it is required to display the following information suo-moto: a. For this, external agencies, including
IIM-Lucknow, Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute and Lucknow University will be roped
in. It also improves the socialization process of children by improving their self wellness also. ? Mid
day meal is important to increase the nutrition level of students. ? Mid day meal is important to
increase the level of Women Empowerment. For instance, it found that in Marihan block of Mirzapur
district of Uttar Pradesh, 89.58 million tonnes of foodgrains valuing Rs. 4.47 lakh was lifted by
district-level officials in October 2013 and foodgrains were delivered at irregular times to schools.
Bengaluru also operates two decentralised kitchens where women self-help groups. Midday meal
scheme govt schools MDM in Rural education India. Saakshar Bharat. Growth rates of population
India, EAG States and non-EAG States and Union Territories, 1951-1961 to 2001-2011. The scope
of the scheme was further extended to cover the students of Upper Primary (Class VI to VIII) in
2007. For nine remarkable years, the campaign touched lives, changed habits, and inspired a
healthier nation, to emerge as one of India’s longest running public health campaigns. It was later
made universal by extending the coverage to all government and government-aided schools in 2001,
following the Supreme Court order dated November 28 of the same year. Patra has been working in
this field for more than 15 years now, so we can say.
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) The Government of India launched the Rashtriya Bal
Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), an innovative initiative under the National Health Mission. Enhancing
enrollment Retention AttendanceNutritional levels among childrenImproving the nutritional status of
children in classes I-V in Government, Local Body and Government aided schools, and EGS and
AIE centres.Encouraging poor children, belonging to disadvantaged sections, to attend school more
regularly and help them concentrate on classroom activities.Providing nutritional support to children
of primary stage in drought affected areas during summer vacation. However, due to the poor quality
of food served, in the past three years, a total of 154 children were reported ill, according to MHRD.
Literally, the mid day meal scheme was launched in Tamil Nadu, that’s why Tamil Nadu is called the
pioneer of mid day meal. K. Kamraj was the then chief minister of Tamil Nadu. State Minister for
Women and Child Development (WCD) Pankaja Munde said that the government has held two
meetings in this regard already. “We are positive in moving this file,” she said. Privatization of higher
education leads to mushrooming of private professional institutes in the country. Barrow Motor
bills are banned for clearing at district level, till the actual money for SHG grants goes to school.
Tamil Nadu was the first state to start the mid-day meal scheme in India. Q.3 What was the aim of
introducing the mid-day meal scheme? Ans. It has the maximum number of complaints (14) against
corruption the implementation of MDM in the last three years, MHRD informed in its response to a
question raised in Lok Sabha on November 25. Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) The
Government of India launched Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram in 2011to provide completely free
and cashless services to pregnant women and sick new-borns in government health institutions in
both rural and urban areas. In some states, the scheme is run in partnership between the state
government and private organisations (Non-Governmental Organisations) like Akshaya Patra
Foundation, and Annamrita among others. The mid-day meal scheme was launched on 15 August
1995. Q.2 Where was the mid-day meal scheme started first in India? Ans. The final report
enumerating the health hazard effects of heavy metals on population in Punjab will be presented
after compiling the data analysis. The Pandya dynasty was one of the ancient Tamil dynasties that
ruled parts of southern India, primarily in the Tamil Nadu region. In Andhra Pradesh, 82 per cent of
children are availing MDM. The government can manage and produced lunch for all the working
days and the recipes are different every day. In the budget 2019-20, MDM was allocated a sum of
Rs. 11,000 crore which is about Rs. 500 crore more than the budget allocated in the year 2018-19.
Procurement of millets has, however, not yet picked up. The state has time and again made to the
headlines for irregularities and corruption in the implementation of MDM. For the children of upper-
primary schools, the mandated breakup is 150 grams of food grains, 30 grams of pulses, 75 grams of
vegetables and 7.5 grams of oils and fats. The poor people could not afford their children to send to
schools for getting a good education. The cooking cost, infrastructure development, payment of
honorarium shared by central and state. In mid day meal where centralised kitchen are working no
issue of FSSS act. The government provides Rs 4 per child for one fruit serving per week. The plan
guarantees that the food should be cooked in legitimate clean conditions in schools. Karnataka,
Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal got an unfamiliar guide to assist with the plan’s execution.
Mid day meal is most important to eliminate classroom hunger. ? Mid day meal is important to
increasing school enrolment. ?Mid day meal is important due to increasing the attendance of students
in schools. ? Mid day meal is important to improve the socialization process among the different
castes. The supervising body for MDM in the state, Uttar Pradesh Mid-Day Meal Authority, has
devised an elaborate menu that is supposed to be served to the children at the state-run schools
which includes pulses, rice, rotis and vegetables along with fruits and milk to be served on certain
days. This initiative gave a boost to girl education in the backward areas.

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