10.84 MC Works64 Resolved Issues

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MC Works64 V10.

Resolved Issues

April 2014
Platform Services .......................................................................................................................................... 3
BACnet ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Cloud Connector for Windows Azure ....................................................................................................... 4
Communication ......................................................................................................................................... 4
FrameWorX ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Global Aliasing........................................................................................................................................... 5
Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Unified Data Manager ............................................................................................................................... 5
Security ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
SNMP......................................................................................................................................................... 6
TraceWorX ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Web Services ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Workbench Classic .................................................................................................................................... 7
Workbench-SL ........................................................................................................................................... 7
MC Works64 ................................................................................................................................................... 7
AlarmWorX64............................................................................................................................................ 7
AssetWorX................................................................................................................................................. 9
ConverterWorX ....................................................................................................................................... 10
EarthWorX............................................................................................................................................... 10
GraphWorX64 ......................................................................................................................................... 11
GridWorX ................................................................................................................................................ 12
ReportWorX Express ............................................................................................................................... 13
ScheduleWorX64..................................................................................................................................... 14
ScriptWorX .............................................................................................................................................. 14
TrendWorX64 .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Video Control .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Platform Services

The BACnet Runtime is now more robust and can handle malformed packets without
27322 issues. Fixes relating to the BACnet Stack have been drawn from customer cases in
order to handle real life examples of BACnet responses.
Large BACnet EDE files have previously had difficulty importing based on size. The
32833 files are now divided into packages of 5000 rows and user feedback will display
imported device information.
BACnet EDE files containing duplicate names are now imported and renamed.
Duplicate names are not allowed in the database even if they are of a different object
type. Manually addition of devices still functions normally. Previous imports should
be checked for accuracy if it is suspected that duplicate names exist.
An issue has been fixed within the BACnet Configuration that prevents BACnet
Network Discovery from working when moving to a new network. Previously it was
required to clear the cache or stop the BACnet Runtime executable to refresh the
An issue previously found in the Workbench-SL BACnet provider incorrectly showed
BACnet devices as 'offline' when Security was enabled, but this has been fixed.
An issue has been fixed in the BACnet Runtime that previously caused issues when it
is configured such that the Resolve Object Name is unchecked. On doing a network
33231 discovery, the devices are discovered, however, on trying to add a device into the
cache, it would never complete the process and the end of the scan would not be
detected properly. This no longer occurs and the end of scan is detected.
The option to "Clear cache at startup" has been removed from the BACnet Runtime
as with Manual Discovery it is not necessary and leads to an unnecessary
requirement of adding devices to allow the software to clear it. There is now only the
option to manually clear the cache.
BACnet Discovery has been updated. It will first send out a Who-Is for desired range,
i.e. 0 to 50000. Depending on the I-Am responses from devices, it sends another
Who-Is with a smaller range with the following logic: Devices with ID 20000, 20001,
20002... up to 20100 responses to first Who-Is. ScadaEngine then sends another
Who-Is with range 0 to 19999 to re-ping devices in that range. It also sends another
Who-Is with range 20101 to 50000. If device 30100, 30101, 30102… up to 30110
responses, then a new Who-Is with range 20101 to 30009 is sent and also one with
30111 to 50000 is sent. If no new devices respond, then the discovery completes.
A BACnet error was fixed in the configuration forms that could appear while
attempting to expand devices.
Upgrade scripts have been fixed in the BACnet database to allow smoother upgrade
to 10.83.
With large numbers of BACnet tags an issue previously could cause values written to
34108 the Priority Array Property to fail to reach the device. Specifically this was tested with
the Priority 8 for local control overrides. This issue has been fixed.
An issue with the settings in the Workbench-SL BACnet configurator specifically
related to the use of periods (.) and commas (,) as culturally-based numeric
separators has been fixed. Previously BACnet values could be translated improperly
causing multiplied values to appear.

Updates to the treatment of BACnet data in GraphWorX64 have been made.

Enhanced Status Codes (for more detail on BACnet Quality) will now appear. When
the device is offline or the object is not accessible the status code should be
BadCommunicationError and the value is not updated. When the flag "out-of-service"
is set to TRUE the status code should be BadOutOfService and the value is updated.
When the flag "fault" is set to TRUE the status code should be BadSensorFailure and
34726 the value is updated. When the flag "overridden" is set to TRUE the status code
should be GoodLocalOverride and the value is updated. Otherwise the status code
should be Good and the value is updated. For backwards compatibility an INI option
has been added to allow users to treat bad status flags as good quality. In the
IcoSetup64.ini users can change the value for [BACNET\Compatibility]
TreatBadStatusFlagsAsGoodQuality=1. The BACnet Runtime needs to be restarted to
apply the changes.

Cloud Connector for Windows Azure

An issue that arose in the Cloud Connector for Windows Azure has been fixed in the
34003 FrameWorX Server that previously caused an interrupt that closed connection to the
cloud service after 12 hours, but this has been resolved.
When combining MC Works64 with the Cloud Connector for Windows Azure the
34389 system has been updated to respect Proxy settings for users requiring the use of a
network Proxy to access the Cloud Connector.
Support has been added in the Platform Services for HTTPS connections to the Cloud
Connector for Windows Azure.

An issue that prevented writing to XML-DA servers that required authentication has
been fixed. Basic Authentication can now be used as the system will always send
34610 authorization information in the HTTP header. When using Basic Authentication it is
important not to proceed user names with '.\' (to indicate no domain). For Windows
Integrated Authorization the user must enter 'domain\username'.

An issue has been fixed in the FrameWorX Server to prevent a crash that had been
32613 previously triggered by the AX Application Point Manager, which handles data
connections for AX Application.
An issue was found with memory consumption of the FrameWorX Server when
32920 remote licensing is setup, but no licenser server is specified. A problem in the method
to get the license status was found and fixed.
A rare memory issue in FrameWorX caused by a combination of negative offset
(Western Hemisphere) time zones and GenBroker tracing has been fixed.

External OPC Tags occasionally could count twice with the new change in licensing
33075 (that limits counting to external points). This has been resolved to work as expected
and count once. The MonitorWorX Viewer can be used to verify the count.

A missing resource was discovered when a rare FrameWorX Server memory issue was
found while browsing the AlarmWorX64 Logger when operating on a machine with
33127 only MC Historian installed. The missing resource has been checked for all
installations that require it, but the AlarmWorX Point Manager has been removed
from the MC Historian installation as it is not necessary.
An issue in the Energy Star Reports has been fixed that could in some cases fail to
33477 save portions of the Report if multiple Report types where used in the same
Case insensitivity and wildcards have been added to new tracing in FrameWorX. This
will allow FrameWorX to find out what client is requesting a tag.

Global Aliasing
Previously the Global Aliasing service could show that it was stopped in the System
33754 Services panel of Windows even though the service would run. This has been fixed
and verified.
An issue in an underlying component of the FrameWorX Server Communication
previously caused Global Aliases to stop working in some cases after a value was set
multiple times within the ScheduleWorX64 Control. This has been resolved and will
now act as expected.

The cause of a Workbench installation issue that resulted in a silent exit from the
33197 installation process was linked to either a failed user setting or a missing database.
The causes have both been fixed.

A new standalone installation of ReportWorX Express is now included for users

attempting to create reports via the free Excel-based service.

Unified Data Manager

The Expression Editor has been updated to recognize Equipment Class Aliases
32598 (/?alias?/) so they can be used within AssetWorX to create dynamic expressions for

Unified Data Manager Expressions can now take negative numbers as parameters.
The parameters were limited to positive values before this fix.
A rare issue that could cause the Unified Data Manager to discontinue proper
operations shortly after starting a machine has been located and resolved. Even
previously this affected a very small minority of applications, but has been fixed for
all cases.
An issue in the Unified Data Manager database was fixed related to editing
33990 expressions while they are on scan. This could previously cause an issue with the
Unified Data Manager process.

Fully qualified domain names have been added to support in the Security Server so a
32597 full domain.location.com syntax can be used. This allows auto-login to preform
correctly, but previously would fail unless the domain prefix was used instead.
An issue when configuring in the Workbench through WebHMI has been fixed to
32655 allow security enabled applications to support user password changes. Previously an
error appeared when it shouldn't have that prevented this change.
Previously enabling the Security feature to require users to change their password at
33236 first login could trigger a dialog for the password change that would continually
reappear in a loop. This has been resolved.
Security groups are no longer limited to 1500 members. Active Directory
synchronization of groups that have more members will complete successfully.
An issue that could prevent editing of Security Groups in both Workbench Classic and
Workbench-SL has been fixed in the underlying Security component.

In large domains it was proved that Security login was taking longer than expected
34058 (up to 30 seconds in some cases). This has been fixed so that login will happen much
more quickly even for large security configurations (or Active Directory imports).

An issue with the functionality of the 'Apply' button in the Classic Workbench
34709 Security Provider has been fixed so that Group Settings will receive updates correctly
from users.

SNMP Network Discovery has been updated to return a root IP if the DNS can only be
33185 resolved (e.g., instead of all). DNS resolution can still be slow based on the
system. For timeouts, users can scan smaller networks or disable DNS resolution.

The TraceWorX feedback has been updated to provide better information concerning
32951 Unified Data Manager issues to aid users in finding the root cause of problems like
growing CPU usage.

Web Services
The use of Unicode characters is now included in the Web Services Provider. It was
not included previously in error.
Workbench Classic
An issue related to the Workbench Classic failing to connect to Secondary Node
Databases for redundant scenarios has been fixed and should now work as expected.

An issue relating to a dialog in Workbench Classic appearing when unintended has
31949 been resolved. The "Save Modified Document" dialog should only appear when
An error within the Workbench Monitor View has been fixed that could previously
32271 cause the process to hang in memory after close. The connection to FrameWorX was
improperly handled and has been updated to terminate when closed.
An issue on less powerful clients attempting to export data from the Workbench in
32427 Internet Explorer has been resolved. Specifically the issue is working even for 32-bit
clients with 2 GB of RAM (the original test case).
An issue with Platform Services configuration previously caused a saving error
without user feedback if the user lacks sufficient permissions. This has been resolved.

33135 The Platform Services Backend Server tree can now be exported.

Users creating a new database in AX Application will now be forced to use the
'Simple' option for Recovery Mode. Previously the database would force the 'Full'
option and this can cause the database transaction log to become extremely large
which will prevent the overall application and system from functioning properly.

MC Works64
An issue logging changes that prompt the Save command in the AlarmWorX Logger
Configuration has been fixed. Previously when editing an AlarmWorX Logger Column
Definition, changing any of the configuration options and closing the Workbench
Form would not prompt users to save.
Filters will now be indicated in the AlarmWorX64 Viewer so that users are alerted
29589 that a filter has been applied. The new placeholder for the filter is in the Details
section of the Grid View.

The combination of AlarmWorX64 Logger and Language Aliasing has been updated as
31284 translation text was not always being logged properly. This has been resolved and
after the Hot Fix is applied will work as expected.

There is a behavior in the AlarmWorX64 Server to interpret any Base text containing
32085 or beginning with a colon (:) character as a number. To prevent this, users can add a
string delimiter quotation mark (") in front (and optionally behind) of strings.
An issue found in Redundant setups has been fixed regarding the logging of
AlarmWorX64 alarms after the FrameWorX Server on the primary server has been
shut down. Previously if the machine shut down then alarms would log from the
secondary, but not if just the FrameWorX Server was shut down. This has been fixed.
An issue has been fixed related to AlarmWorX64 Alarms that were associated with
multiple Alarm Areas. Previously the 'Area_Active' and 'Area_Active_Count' would
32745 report incorrect values. If one associated had zero alarms and another had more than
zero a value of zero could be reported in error. This has been resolved and no user
changes need be applied to AlarmWorX64 Configurations.

Custom Conditions in the AlarmWorX64 Viewer were the root of an issue with
32884 opening 10.71 displays in 10.81 as GraphWorX64 threw a serialization error. This has
been fixed and Custom Conditions are now supported for upgrade.

A WinForms issue that caused errors for WPF controls running inside of Internet
33137 Explorer has been fixed. Modal dialogs would fail to show correctly, but fixes have
been implemented for all GraphWorX64 controls.

An issue with Language Aliasing has been fixed in the AlarmWorX Server, which
33255 previously did not recognize a Second-level alias (folder/alias) when sent through an
alarm. Second level aliasing can now be utilized as expected.

A few issues were fixed relating to changes in the API that created scripting problems
for some users. The changes have been fixed to be backwards compatible.

An issue in the AlarmWorX64 Viewer related to Language Aliasing has been resolved
where the Column Name wouldn't accept Language Alias values (ex: /+Line4+/).

Filtering previously effected the alarms that were acknowledged in the AlarmWorX64
Viewer when the Acknowledge All, Acknowledge by Comparison and Acknowledge
Inactive actions were used. Now all alarms that fit the action will be acknowledged
instead of just the filtered results.
An issue fixed in AX Portal-SL related to the inability to expand columns has been
33918 added. Previously users would have to right-click on the viewer and click the
Show/Hide Details option to enable expansion.
It is now possible to customize the columns to show in AlarmWorX64 reports. By
default all columns will be visualized when the user prints a document. For 10.83 it
will be required to set "IsReportVisible" to TRUE for each column. 10.85 will include
checkboxes to enable and disable the columns for the report.
It is now possible to open AlarmWorX64 Reports automatically when it is saved via an
option in the Advanced tab of the AlarmWorX64 Viewer Configuration. Reports will
be automatically saved to a specified location or if empty, will prompt the user to
save the report.

Message Text within the AlarmWorX64 Viewer has been updated to handle multiple
Language Aliases. Previously the use of multiple aliases could fail to resolve.

It is now possible to customize the columns to show in AlarmWorX64 reports. By

default all columns will be visualized when the user prints a document. For 10.83 it
will be required to set "IsReportVisible" to TRUE for each column. 10.85 will include
checkboxes to enable and disable the columns for the report.
An error in the AlarmWorX64 Viewer related to the Simple, Tracking and Condition
34572 filters when applied to Historical Alarms/Events. An empty AlarmWorX64 Viewer
previously resulted, but this has been fixed.

The Acknowledge Visible command in the AlarmWorX64 Viewer has been changed
slightly to acknowledge any alarm row that is visible even if only a single pixel of the
row is visible. This is changed from logic that required the entire row to be visible
even if the text was still readable within the row, but not fully on-screen.

Sample data for AssetWorX has been updated so that it can be included in the OEM
An erroneous '-' was added during AssetWorX Export that prevented Import in
special cases, but this has been resolved and AssetWorX is now freely able to import
and export in all cases. Removing the '-' before the <ImportExportTree> element will
resolve this for other users with the same issue.
An issue preventing users from accessing data within AssetWorX Assets with an
active Security configuration has been resolved. Out-of-process use of the
FrameWorX Server will still require username and password through the Platform
Services Configuration.

An issue with the Set Filter AssetWorX Command has been fixed that previously could
33035 result in a client crash. The Filter Expression parameter used to filter on Related
Values was being resolved incorrectly. User filters do not need to be changed.
An issue with exporting assets from the Workbench-SL AssetWorX configuration has
33287 been resolved. Failure in the export resulted from an error when connecting to the
database, but the logic has been fixed.
An issue found after importing a large amount of Asset Property Tags has been fixed
33288 related to the configuration database preventing user edits in a 'Recovery Pending'
mode. This no longer appears and the database can be edited normally after import.
Within AssetWorX it was previously allowed to save an Equipment Property with an
33594 empty string for a Dynamic Tag Source. This caused issues in the FrameWorX Server
communication as it attempted to resolve the tag, but has since been resolved.
An issue that could cause AssetWorX Equipment Property Tags to become read-only
33901 has been fixed. Previously processes utilizing AssetWorX to write to other
components (e.g., GridWorX) would fail due to the read-only status.

A few properties of the TrendWorX64 Viewer were previously not converting
correctly through the ConverterWorX process, but they have been fixed.
Some issues with Search and Replace have been fixed within ConverterWorX to allow
for better operation.

Inconsistency in Key Tile Cache construction caused EarthWorX tiles to be resolved as
32577 downloaded even if they in fact were not. This caused some tiles to appear blank at
certain zoom levels in error, but it has been fixed.
An issue was found when EarthWorX tile caching is enabled and multiple displays are
being accessed and exception could occur that would indicate that the cache is being
used by another process. In this case EarthWorX tiles will be processed through
normal methods (as if the cache is disabled).

For Silverlight use of EarthWorX an issue that prevented tiles from being downloaded
in some cases has been fixed, but requires that the display not use the newer multi-
layer support for EarthWorX (thus only the Base Layer will be shown). When using
other platforms this does not occur, but it has been fixed for Silverlight.

A three second timeout has been added to the download process in Silverlight for
EarthWorX map tiles. Tiles that are not downloaded at first are requested again.

An issue with the setting of Default Regions in EarthWorX has been fixed. Previously
34135 regions could erroneously be set to the top of the screen instead of in the expected
and intended location.

An issue with the EarthWorX Cache has been fixed related to cached tiles not
34455 including information on what Map Type (Hybrid, Road, etc.) was cached. This
previously could cause different Map Types to show up on screen at the same time.

An issue was fixed in EarthWorX that occurred when the operator attempted to use
box zoom (ALT+drag mouse). Previously, the resulting zoom would display a different
34730 location than the one you selected.
This only happened when the display was set to scalable and the user zoomed all the
way out to the World Map.
The option to type symbol names into the Smart Binding Editor of GraphWorX64
Smart Symbols has been added to alleviate the requirement to choose from the list.

An issue with GraphWorX64 Silverlight Pick Actions that would fail to trigger when
31281 multiple dynamics were applied to a single object. The issue has been fixed, but was
originally attributed to the combination of Location and Pick Dynamics.

Value Sets used in GraphWorX are normally separated by commas, but previously
31295 when using non-English formats a semi-colon was expected to be used. The separator
now translates properly when the region is changed.

Some issues with GraphWorX64 local simulations (localsim:property) that caused

them not to resolve properly have been fixed.

When using a GraphWorX Pick Action to load an Alias text file a failure to load or find
32093 the file previously resulted in no acknowledgement to the user. An error message has
been added with the invalid path.

In order to match previous functionality of drop-down menus, MC Works64 and

ConverterWorX have been updated to allow drop-down menus to use the color of
32400 the associated label instead of the default black text on white background. Manually
changing the StateFieldDropDownUsesSystemColor property to 'False' (default is
True) the colors appear correctly as they did previously.
An issue with GraphWorX64 3D primitives was found and fixed relating to the default
material becoming translucent in error. The default Back Material is still clear such
that camera views from the inside can view out, but the Front Material has been
Location dynamics using the Copy Path to Dynamic Location option previously led to
animations proceeding in a direction reverse of what was expected. Using the
32909 ReverseAnimateWhenFalse flag did not previously fix the issue either. A fix has been
applied to the resources such that the Copy Path to Dynamic Location will use the
correct expected orientation for animation.
An issue with the Security Login redirection has been fixed. Users in some cases were
33041 not redirected to displays after security interaction. Due to the random nature of this
problem refreshing the page can alleviate the issue.

Issues related to modal dialogs have been fixed for scenarios when a modal dialog is
33063 open, a user logs out and then continues to use the dialog. This has been handled in
GraphWorX as well as the new ScheduleWorX Viewer, each of which held references.

A fix for script event bindings has been included for embedded WinForms controls.
33076 This issue did not effect WPF controls so although WinForms have been fixed it is
suggested that WPF be used for custom controls whenever possible.

Loading GraphWorX64 3D displays in previous versions (10.7x) was failing due to the
33247 Natural User Interface changes, but this has been fixed so that displays using no new
features from 10.8x are able to be opened in 10.7x without issue.
The context menu with the Copy, Paste and Delete functions are now available in the
Data Entry Process Point.

Issues with the HTML5 implementation of Local Aliasing in GraphWorX64 have been
33660 fixed related to parameterization of aliases to allow sending to loaded displays and
resolving those parameters.
A crash was fixed in GraphWorX64 that could be caused by displays attempting to
33891 connect too many other GraphWorX64 displays and failing to reach those remote
An issue was fixed related to the New Settings in GraphWorX64. Previously if the user
customizes the default save location in the New Settings form (New Display form),
the save location would not get saved for the next time the user opens that form, but
this has been resolved.
Previously Global Color Palette bindings were removed when saving GraphWorX64
34029 displays for Mobile (GDFXP). These bindings were removed in error because global
colors are supported on WinRT and Windows Phone so this has been fixed.
An issue was fixed in MC Mobile relating to displays opened with the Set Global Color
Theme Command. This has been resolved within the WinRT version of GraphWorX64.

An issue was found in MC Mobile that disables buttons when they have a Set Global
34376 Color Theme Pick Action attached to them. Other commands were still working
correctly, but this has been fixed for the Set Global Color Theme command.

It was previously possible to zoom within Scroll Panels in WinRT. This has been
34419 removed as it was possible to reduce the size of content within the scroll panel
accidentally and users would have to refresh the page to fix the issue.
Updates to the Keypad that can be visualized in GraphWorX64 have been added to
34664 the system to allow limited scaling and resolution changes. Previously the Keypad
would clip buttons when scaled down and couldn't scale up as expected.
An issue tied to the use of Remote Desktop and Touch Panels has been fixed that was
34680 previously caused by issues in GraphWorX64 and WPF. Zoom gestures will continue
to work on Touch Panels even if GraphWorX64 is launched via Remote Desktop.
Scenarios where customers had created custom key combinations for hotkeys have
been fixed to work as expected. Some pre-existing combinations were failing with the
previous versions due to the added MC Mobile faceplate features which became
responsible for interpreting keystrokes, but were unable to.

A compatibility error was discovered between GridWorX and Business Productivity
Analytics (BPA) relating to an erroneous error during a Stored Procedure call for a
shift summary. This has been resolved and GridWorX will now return the same values
as the Stored Procedure.

An issue has been fixed that prevented a Database connection from being created via
the GridWorX Server provider when using Workbench Classic in Internet Explorer.
It is now possible to reorder the column schema in GridWorX after creation. It is
dangerous to reorder columns, but in some rare cases necessary. The order of the
31960 columns in the Schema List Box should always match the SELECT command result set
- if it does not GridWorX will send the wrong data to the GridWorX Viewer as the
columns will not match.
It is now possible to use GridWorX to read data from the TrendWorX64 Logger
32924 database. Due to its design changes had to be made in order to allow GridWorX
If a GridWorX data source with update capabilities is created on top of a table that
33610 has NULL values for some fields, the GridWorX Server will now be able to update the
row in the database correctly.
There was an issue in GridWorX functionality that enabled users to execute a
34151 command via clicking on a cell. Previously any command using Global Aliases could
fail, but this has been resolved.

ReportWorX Express
An issue has been fixed within ReportWorX Express that was preventing updates in
31457 data when previous data was not deleted. Reports update data if new data is
available when requested by the user as expected.
When working with a new document in ReportWorX Express previous Data
Connections were sometimes shown to still be active from a closed report. This has
been fixed to make sure New documents are not connecting to erroneous points in
ReportWorX Express previously had an issue saving historical alarm mapping from
32905 AlarmWorX64. When the Excel document was saved the mapping would disappear,
but this no longer occurs.
The AX Portal-SL ReportWorX Provider Tree has been updated to refresh
automatically. It is no longer required to manually refresh the tree to show reports.
An issue that could cause users to be unable to send a report from the ReportWorX
32918 Provider Tree to the Report Executer has been fixed. The Report Executor will now
load the desired Report as expected.
When attempting to load a Report Folder in the ReportWorX Viewer in AX Portal-SL
32919 some users saw that folders could not be sent. This has been resolved so Report
Folders can now be sent by selecting them into the ReportWorX Viewer.
TraceWorX integration has been added to ReportWorX Express to allow for better
diagnostics. To enable tracing open TraceWorX and Select the Trace Level
corresponding with ReportWorX Express. Save the configuration, perform actions and

A few small issues previously prevented parameters use in the Report Executor in AX
33131 Portal-SL, but these have been resolved and it is now possible to use parameters (ex:
ReportWorX Express can be enabled and disabled via the Start Menu under Tools >
ReportWorX Express Manager (Run as Administrator).
For the ReportWorX Express stand-alone installation, there is no default FWX Server.
The user will be prompted to connect to a remote server via a dialog that asks the
user to specify the server name. This will allow users to browse remote tags from the
stand-alone installation.
Updates have been made to ReportWorX Express to allow better integration with
historical trend data aggregates. The updates include support for
MinimumActualTime, MaximumActualTime, Average, Minimum, and Maximum
which apply to both TrendWorX32 and TrendWorX64.

The Save Configuration option in the ScheduleWorX64 Silverlight Web Part was
erroneously included in past versions, but due to the inability to save remote
configurations through Silverlight it has been removed (hidden) for the Silverlight
Event creation in ScheduleWorX Viewer has been updated to utilize WinForms
32857 controls to ensure proper visibility and modality. Dialogs for ScheduleWorX and
BACnet Schedules have been updated.
Validation in the ScheduleWorX64 Provider has been fixed to allow the use of
Unicode characters.
Underlying components of the ScheduleWorX64 Viewer have been updated to
include support for the 24-hour time format. This applies to the settings for day,
week and timeline views (applies to the Weekly, Holiday, Exception, and Preview

An issue with ScriptWorX could cause a rare crash when creating a UDL configuration
21781 database. Starting ScriptWorX with an active configuration dataset stored in the SQL
Server could also produce the crash. This has been fixed and tested.

The TrendWorX64 Viewer now handles Bad Quality in the Pie Chart Type correctly.
Previously Bad Quality could skew the look of Pie Charts.

Fixes have been applied to TrendWorX64 to allow for better visualization of 3D

Labeling in the TrendWorX64 Viewer is updated to reflect the User Preference to 'Use
31089 UTC Timestamps’ when selected in the Time & Rate tab of TrendWorX64
Previously Totalizer Units were not saved in GraphWorX64 when using a
TrendWorX64 Viewer. This has been resolved.
An issue the prevented Alarm Limits from being drawn on TrendWorX64 charts has
31560 been fixed. Alarm Limits in the configuration allow users to visualize Hi, HiHi, Lo and
LoLo limits to monitor trend data.
A TrendWorX64 API change prevented certain Create Custom Pen scripts to fail, but
31994 backwards compatibility has been enabled for this method [ex:
customPen.Samples.Add(new Ico.Twx.TwxDataSample(now, 10));].
User configuration of tick marks for x-axis scaling in TrendWorX64 is now respected in
32210 all cases. Previously, when scaled, the tick marks could take a hardcoded value to best
fit, but the user preference is now respected in all cases.
An issue found within the TrendWorX64 Viewer Range settings for Charts has been
32281 fixed. Previously when switching the range selection to manual the runtime
visualization could fail to reflect changes.
An automated process that took the Data Source of TrendWorX64 Pens and
automatically applied it to the Description was creating an issue when the Data
Source contained a Global Alias. Previously saving changes was prevented, but this
has been resolved.
Changing plot types within TrendWorX64 Configuration will no longer delete
32611 configured Pens. This was an error that has been fixed to allow for quicker editing of
the TrendWorX64 Viewer.
Previously some properties in TrendWorX64 were shown in error during multi-
32612 selection of Charts and Pens. For Charts the RangeAxis, TrendAxis and
TrendPeriodButtons as well as the Pen RangeAxis are now hidden for multi-selection.
A missing feature in TrendWorX64 that allowed users to delete Pens via Legend or
Toolbar has been re-added. It is now possible via Legend Context (right-click) Menu.
TrendWorX64 Viewer Zoom has been re-implemented to work as expected. Mouse
32639 wheel zoom is now preformed with consideration of mouse position and separate
axis zooming is enabled via Shift (X-axis) and Ctrl (Y-axis).
An issue with Historical Pens previously caused requests for time-shifted data to go
32640 unseen as only non-time-shifted data was displayed. This could show the user a
different data set than expected, but it has been resolved to show the correct data.

TrendWorX64 Viewer Tick Marks previously disregarded some user’s settings of tick
mark length, but this has been resolved.

Fixes related to Global Pen Ranges in TrendWorX64 have been added in relation to
auto scaling, global ranges and pen ranges.

An issue in TrendWorX64 that prevented Pen Global Ranges from being saved has
32941 been resolved. They are now saved correctly. Users with this feature configured
should resave their displays after checking for accuracy.
TrendWorX64 Viewer issues related to the implementation of the
UseRealTimeInterpolation function have been fixed. Changes have been compared
with earlier versions and the True/False cases have been checked in Runtime and
Freeze Mode.
The Create Pen command has been updated to better support parameters.
Parameters such as this example are now accepted.
The TrendWorX64 Viewer was mistakenly not plotting static data as the trend
33196 progressed into the future due to changes in the data buffering. The changes have
been re-enabled so static tags will draw into the future.
An issue was found and fixed in TrendWorX64 regarding zoom areas. Previously issues
were seen with selecting a range of hours on the summary view and getting a
resultant view that was similar, but not exactly the selection the user attempted to
see. This now works as expected and the zooming is accurate.
Issues with the ability to add annotations to TrendWorX64 Pens have been fixed.
33264 Status Code previously returned as 'Bad', but with no detailed explanation, but this
now functions normally. Annotations can now be added as expected.
An issue in the GraphWorX64 API incorrectly reset columns in the TrendWorX64
33304 Viewer when a user activated a script that used the FileSaveAs method to save a new
display. This previously would cause part of a configuration to be changed on save.
A TrendWorX64 historical data issue has been resolved that prevented some pens
33331 from drawing when attached to historical trend tags after upgrading from 10.71. This
has been fixed.
An issue with TrendWorX64 would cause it to not animate correctly if the display is
33334 loaded with a transition animation. This could cause rendering of the TrendWorX64
Viewer to partially fail. The issue is resolved within TrendWorX64 initialization.
An issue while looking at TrendWorX64 Viewers in the Workbench and activating the
33349 context menu (right-click). If users right-click again while the context menu is active
the Workbench could become unresponsive.
Issues with the ability to add annotations to TrendWorX64 Pens have been fixed.
33364 Status Code previously returned as 'Bad', but with no detailed explanation, but this
now functions normally. Annotations can now be added as expected.
Russian Characters (Unicode) are now allowed in the TrendWorX64 Provider in
Workbench Classic.
An issue related to dragging and dropping pens into a TrendWorX64 Viewer has been
33886 fixed relating to the Legend exhibiting a flashing behavior that prolonged as more
pens were added.
An issue was found and resolved within TrendWorX64 relating to WebHMI freezing
with WPF and Silverlight displays when the user has configured a plot to show
Uncertain & Bad data in the 'Span Over' mode. Mouse interaction often caused the
browser to freeze, but this has been fixed.
An issue that was found in the TrendWorX64 Viewer when using the End aggregate
type previously caused no data to show in the viewer due to the functionality in the
34142 aggregate. For long ranges and high collection rates, the End aggregate type
generates many samples with a NoData flag. These sample were preventing "good"
samples from appearing in the viewer. This has been resolved.
Performance issues in the TrendWorX Viewer were fixed to improve overall drawing
of pens in all versions. Issues were originally seen in Internet Explorer, but were found
to be centered on TrendWorX64. A new property (enabled by default) will allow
decluttering of samples the will filter samples based on the number of samples and
the size of the TrendWorX64 Control on-screen. It can be disabled in the Advanced
tab of the Pen Configuration (under 'Data') if desired.
A change to the TrendWorX64 Viewer Summary Plot was made so that it will now
respect settings for bad quality pens and use a bad quality color within the Summary
View. Previously the Summary View could appear to be showing incorrect data
because of the way it displayed uncertain or bad quality data.

An issue with the High and Low Ranges set up in TrendWorX64 Logging or the MC
Historian was not being used in the TrendWorX64 Viewer, but this has been resolved.

Cross-display commanding has been fixed when targeting a TrendWorX64 Viewer in a

34383 different GraphWorX64 Display. Previously only local commands (in the current
display) would work with TrendWorX64.
Chart settings in the TrendWorX64 Viewer have been updated so that sample tooltips
34439 can be hidden. The ShowSampleTooltips setting previously failed to respect the user's
choice in some cases.
Issues with the persistence of Numeric Format on TrendWorX64 Viewer Pens have
been fixed. Previously exiting runtime sometimes undid user changes.
It is now possible to show two axes of arbitrary TrendWorX64 Viewer Pens but
34500 selecting them in the Legend. A new Chart Property 'AxisSorting' is available in the
'Axis' section of configuration.
An issue that could cause a crash in the TrendWorX Historical Data Server has been
34506 fixed. Related to the reading of data from a 3rd Party HDA Client, a memory
management issue was resolved to fix this issue.
An issue that was raised for TrendWorX64 Viewers set to small time ranges where an
End Aggregate is used caused issues when no samples fell within the specified time
range. To alleviate this for some customers it is now possible to change an INI setting
in the IcoSetup64.ini to plot the Last Known Value even when the time range is too
small to contain any points from that Pen. This can be enabled by setting:
[TWXHDA64\Runtime Settings] EndAggregateBounds=1.
The TrendWorX64 Viewer Time Scale format has been fixed to show labels more
34640 efficiently. When multiple labels will not fit within the x-axis the text will now wrap
over several lines (trimmed by ellipses if necessary).
Performance updates have been made in the TrendWorX64 Viewer to alleviate issues
that caused delays and slow functionality when adding TrendWorX64 Pens via script.
An issue with Operator Comments was fixed in MC Historian related to the use of the
34704 comments creation timestamp instead of the tag sample's timestamp to mark the
Operator Comment.
An update for the TrendWorX64 Viewer y-axis functionality has been made to ensure
that the system respects user settings for the Numeric Format of the Range Axis.

An issue related to the AlarmWorX64 Alarm Limits and Regional Settings for the
numeric format of decimal places (either '.' or ',') has been fixed. Non-English settings
are respected. Users upgrading should verify that correct values are shown in all
Annotations or Operator Comments in the TrendWorX64 Viewer now correctly follow
35009 the 'Use UTC Timestamp' property of the Chart configuration. Previously comments
would show UTC timestamps even if the chart was configured to use local time.
An issue that caused the TrednWorX64 Freeze Mode Operator Comments to unlink
from the Pen they are associated with has been fixed.

Video Control
An issue with the new Camera Control relating to H.264 connections has been fixed.
32215 An Exception was previously thrown when switching from a display with the Camera
Control related to disposal of resources.
The new Camera Control has been updated to be correctly visualized within
32735 Silverlight Displays. Loaded in Internet Explorer some Silverlight displays would fail to
load entirely with the Camera Control in them.
The video codec related to H.264 integration has been updated after a crash was
discovered after more than a day running continuously.
Performance testing revealed an issue with the Camera Control freezing its image
33338 after hours of running uninterrupted. This has been fixed in the Camera Control

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