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IWA Planning Outline - Option 2

It’s time to start organizing your research for the IWA paper. Please complete the form below to
start planning your argument. Use as much detail as possible at this point in the process. The
more detail that you are able to provide, the more feedback you will be able to receive.
Remember, the elements listed below are REQUIRED by the rubric for the IWA. In addition,
remember, make this document work for you! Do you have more or less than 3 reasons to
support your argument? Adjust the chart accordingly. This chart should help you organize a
plan, not complicate your planning process.
Use this graphic organizer to help organize or outline your ideas for your IWA.


Intro/Hook the audience: In our current generation, the human psyche’s tenacity has slowly been
deterred by the spread of pop culture.

Context/Significance/Background (and define terms, if any): This matter is crucial for the well-being
of future generations, and it has the potential to shape whether humanity rises or falls.

Research Question (and relationship to thematic connection to 2 stimulus sources): Nelson

Mandela developed his mentality in prison, while the Haitians developed their resolve through their
culture and conditions. This brings current generations to the question: how can our environment
be used to influence our younger generations' mentality to be more resilient?

Argumentative Thesis/Claim:
One’s living conditions or societal conditions can heavily influence how strong of a resolve one has.


Claim 1 (Reason 1): Cultural Heritage plays a big role in the development of resilience.

Evidence/Source Evidence/Source Evidence/Source Evidence/Source

Zachary M. Jones, a Montas, a journalist
Postdoc Research reporting on the
Fellow in the TAU lab, immediate effects of
who is also an Adjunct one of Haiti’s
Professor at the earthquakes,
Politecnico di Milano, described their Commentary Commentary
emphasizes that behavior as a
resilience maintains a characterization of ”the
“close [link] to the discipline and
technical conservation resilience which
of built heritage” characterized that of
(Jones et. al. 1) their ancestors over
the previous two
centuries” (Montas).

Developed heritage Commentary
plays a major role in This statement made
the theme of by Montas essentially
resilience, as says that Haitians
resilience is built, not teach resilience in their
given. culture and that it isn’t
just a trait to them, but
it is part of their

Concluding Commentary (analyze and explain evidence): In conclusion, the culture that a person is
a part of and how their heritage is used to pass on certain teachings that can shape the resolve of
one’s psyche.

Claim 2 (Reason 2): Tough Environments/Circumstances

Evidence/Source Evidence/Source Evidence/Source Evidence/Source

Amy E. Nesbitt, a Nelson Mandela, the
professor at the first Black president of
University of Toronto, South Africa
and her colleagues at expressed that during
the University of his time in prison, he
Toronto and the felt that the challenge Commentary Commentary
University of British for every prisoner was
Columbia state that “how to survive prison
people in the intact”, and “how to
transition-age youth emerge from prison
who are resilient often undiminished”, and
“[live] with serious that he had to endure
mental illnesses” the pain with his
(Nesbitt et. al. 1). inmates, “[supporting]
each other and
[gaining] strength from
each other” (Mandela).

Certain mental
illnesses can cause a
person to tend to be Commentary
less mentally sensitive Harsh environments,
than normal, thus such as prisons, can
resulting in a stronger force people to
resilience in that convene with each
person. other and build
resilience within the
group, as well as the
individual members of
the group.

Concluding Commentary (analyze and explain evidence): In summary, tougher environments or

circumstances can be used to force oneself or others to endure pain longer to get through that
harsh condition with less damage (physically and mentally), ultimately developing the trait of

Claim 3 (Reason 3): Conventions in Locations/Regions of Circumstance

Evidence/Source Evidence/Source Evidence/Source Evidence/Source

The Public Library Of Othman A. Alfuqaha, an
Science, a non-profit assistant professor at
publisher of academic The World Islamic
journals states that the Sciences & Education
social resilience of the University with a Ph.D.
public “was held up by degree in psychological Commentary Commentary
social [entities]” during and educational
counseling from Jordan
the COVID-19
University, states that
pandemic (Kou et. al.
resilience is a
“protective factor
against various mental
illnesses” and that it can
be developed through
the hardships of life as
Commentary a “university student”
Social institutions play (Alfuqaha 1).
a vital role in
preserving social
resilience by fostering
connections and Commentary
maintaining Universities and
communication with colleges can create
others. stressful environments
for their students,
which can force them
to develop their
resolve to adapt to
these regions of

Concluding Commentary (analyze and explain evidence): Overall, places with a certain community
in a specific environment can help foster one’s or many people’s tenacity as a whole.
*May be placed between claims

*Counterclaim (counter-argument) - opposing/alternate view: Although building resilience is a good

thing to implement into society, it can also cause negative lasting mental conditions, such as
“pronounced signs and symptoms of PTSD following a crisis situation” (2).

Implications/Limitations: Some things that can be implied are that mental illnesses are a product of
incorrect development of resilience. Some limitations of this statement is that it misses the point
where these effects are a product of incorrect development.

Rebuttal A
Although building resilience has the potential to cause mental illnesses, these negative effects are
a product of faulty development in resolve. One’s resilience must be built in tough conditions, but
also in moderation.

Evidence/Source Evidence/Source Evidence/Source Evidence/Source

For instance, Nelson The Haitians’
Mandela’s resilience resilience was
was developed in developed through the
prison for 27 years. heritage of their Commentary Commentary
ancestor’s legacy and
their ethnic culture
Commentary surrounding the harsh
Although the setting geographical location.
was harsh, the
environment had
limitations, and did not Commentary
actually do any Even though their
psychological trauma. geographical location
was harsh, it
influenced the
Haitians’ way of
thinking to be more
optimistic and more
resilient when faced
with issues.

Concluding Commentary (analyze and explain evidence): In conclusion, the development of one’s
resolve is a beneficial thing, but should be done in moderation.
*May be placed between claims

SOLUTIONS/RESOLUTIONS (could propose one or several)

Solution/resolution 1: One possible solution could be to teach resilience in schools, and do

resilience exercises to prepare the newer generations with future-ready skills.
Limitations: Some limitations of this solution would be that not many people would take the
teachings seriously, and will not be effectively put into practice.

Implications: Some implications of this solution would be that although it will not be that effective,
awareness of the issue will increase.

Solution/Resolution 2: Another possible solution could be to hold monthly campouts/outdoor trips

through schools as a recommended program to build one’s resolve.

Limitations: Some limitations of the solution would be that not all parents would be willing to send
their children into harsher conditions and environments.

Implications: Although this method might get less approval, this method will be more effective in
developing one’s psychological resilience, as they are in the right environment to do so.

Solution/Resolution 3:




Restate argumentative conclusion/chosen solution to address question:

how can our environment be used to influence our younger generations' mentality to be more
Through the manipulation of their environment, the younger generation's minds will be in the right
headspace to develop their resolve.

Reiterate context/why important (“So What?”):

Again, this is critical to the future development of humanity and will determine how humanity will
take on existential crises in the future.

Restate why this is the best solution (connect claims): This is the best solution because it provides
a suitable environment for young generations to develop their mentality and it also prepares them
with similar environments to that of their predecessors.

Future implications (both if argument/solution is not accepted and if it is accepted): Some future
implications are that if it is accepted, the future of humanity will be ensured that the youth will be
ready to take on the challenges that life throws at them. If it is not acceptd, humanity will continue to
degrade until their mental capacity is reduced to almost nothing.

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