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Technical and

Business Reports
(Performance Task / Project in Advance English)

Submitted To: Ms. Maelyn D. Alavaro

Submitted by: Aljean B. Villaraiz
Grade and Section: 9 - SPJ
Technical Report
A technical report (also scientific report) is a document that describes the process, progress, or results
of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem.

Examples of Technical Reports

Proposal Examples:

A technical proposal is a type of document that outlines the precise

details of a proposed product or service. This document may contain any
of the following: Technical requirements. Design considerations.
Functional specifications. In a technical writing course, the proposal
assignment is an opportunity for you to present an idea to a specific,
named audience about an idea you have to improve a certain aspect of
that company, organization, center, or other business.


A technical regulation is “a document which lays down product characteristics

or their related processes and production methods, including applicable
administrative provisions, with which compliance is mandatory” (WTO 1995,
annex 1).
The administrative provisions are normally considered to include conformity
assessment, responsibilities of the regulatory authority, and sanctions. Technical
regulations are therefore legally binding prescription and must be applied by all


A technical manual is a “how-to guide or manual” created for a single objective of making
it simple for the end-user to understand the technicality of using a product or service.
Technical manual contains instructions for installation, use, maintenance, and steps for
effective deployment of equipment.

Describing the nuts and bolts of a product, the technical manual acts as a “how-to” guide
for your customers to get them up to speed with the product they are using and help them
solve any challenges they are facing while using it.

Such documents involve product-related knowledge and data, how to use it, and what to
do in case you run into trouble. A few decades ago, technical manuals were in fact, way
too technical for the common user to comprehend.

As a result, companies were bombarded with customer calls and messages day and night,
with angry and frustrated customers at the other end.

A lot has changed since then. Technical manuals nowadays are written in a way that’s easy
to read and understand. They are written with the sole purpose of helping customers solve
their problems themselves, providing faster query resolution to the customer, and less
overhead to the business.
Procedure Examples:

There are two types of explanatory reports: a Procedure

Explanation (which is a 2nd Person Instructional Report), and a
Process Explanation. These reports do not give opinions, only the
explanation on how to do something or how something is done.

A Procedure Explanation directly tells how to perform the steps,

using the second-person you, whereas the Process Explanation
explains how the steps are/were performed, using either the first-
person I / we, or third-person he/she/it/they.

Progress Reports

A progress report usually summarizes work within each of the three

following time periods:

-Work accomplished in the preceding period(s)

-Work currently being performed
-Work planned for the next period(s)

You write a progress report to inform a supervisor, associate, or

customer about progress you’ve made on a project over a certain
period of time. The project can be the design, construction, or repair
of something, the study or research of a problem or question, or the
gathering of information on a technical subject. Periodic progress
reports are common on projects that go on for more than a few
months. Whoever is paying for the project wants to know whether
tasks are being completed on schedule and on budget. If the project
is not on schedule or on budget, they want to know why and what
additional costs and time will be needed. For a year-long project, for
example, there are customarily three progress reports, one after
three, six, and nine months.

A business report is a crucial tool in the corporate world, acting as a comprehensive and systematic compilation of
facts tailored to address specific business-related issues, guided by established protocols. The essence of these
reports lies in their ability to provide stakeholders with an in-depth understanding of various business challenges
and the strategies to navigate them.

A business report is an amalgamation of essential business data, encompassing facts, analyses, statistics, and other
relevant information. The primary aim is to organize and present this data in a manner that aids in critical
decision-making processes and future planning. These reports are pivotal in guiding strategic planning, enabling
businesses to make informed decisions about budget allocation, promotional strategies, and advertising campaigns.

The significance of business reports extends beyond mere data presentation. They offer a lens through which the
business's health and progress can be assessed. For instance, a well-crafted report can highlight areas of strength
and pinpoint sectors requiring improvement, facilitating a more targeted approach to business development.

In business reporting, diversity is evident in the types of reports generated. These could range from financial
information, analyzing the economic stability and growth of the business, to marketing reports, focusing on the
effectiveness of marketing strategies and consumer engagement. Each type of report serves a distinct purpose,
contributing valuable insights specific to its domain.

The structure and formatting of a business report are as important as the content itself. A well-organized report
enhances readability and comprehension, ensuring stakeholders can quickly assimilate the presented information.
Effective formatting involves a clear structure, with sections like an executive summary, introduction, body, and
conclusion. Each segment plays a role in breaking down complex data into digestible parts, making it easier for
stakeholders to grasp the nuances of the information.

The executive summary, for instance, offers a snapshot of the report's key points, allowing busy executives to
understand the gist without delving into the details. The introduction sets the context, outlining the purpose and
scope of the report. The body delves into the facts, presenting data, analysis, and findings. Finally, the conclusion
ties everything together, summarizing the insights and providing recommendations or action plans.

Furthermore, using visual elements like charts, graphs, and tables in business reports must be balanced. These tools
transform raw data into visual narratives, making complex information more accessible and engaging. They aid in
highlighting trends, comparing figures, and illustrating points more effectively than text alone.

Business reports also serve as historical records, documenting the journey of a business over time. They provide a
track record of decisions made, strategies implemented, and outcomes achieved. This historical perspective is
invaluable for future planning, offering lessons from past experiences and guiding future strategies.

In the digital age, the role of business reports is evolving. With the advent of advanced analytics and big data,
reports are becoming more dynamic and interactive. Businesses now leverage these technologies to create more
nuanced and predictive reports, offering more profound insights into customer behavior, market trends, and
business performance.
Examples of Business Report:
Visual Financial Business Report Examples:
This first example focuses on one of the most vital and data-
driven departments of any company: finance. It gathers the
most essential financial KPIs a manager needs to have at his
fingertips to make an informed decision: gross profit margin,
operational expenses ratio (OPEX), both earning before
interests (EBIT) and net profit margins, and the income
statement. Next to these are the revenue evolution over a
year compared to its target predefined, the annual evolution
of operational expenses for various internal departments as
well as the evolution of the EBIT compared to its target.

The different sets of visual representations of data can clearly point out particular trends or actions that need to be
taken to stay on the financial track of a company. All your financial analysis can be integrated into a single visual.
When the presentation becomes interactive, clicks will provide even deeper insights into your financial KPIs and the
desired outcomes to make a company healthy in its financial operations. The importance of this finance dashboard lies
in the fact that every finance manager can easily track and measure the whole financial overview of a specific company
while gaining insights into the most valuable KPIs and metrics. Empowering a steadfast and operation-sensitive plan is
among the most important goals a company can have, and finance is right in the middle of this process.

Thanks to all this information displayed on a single dashboard, your report is greatly enhanced and backed with
accurate information for you to make sound decisions. It becomes easier to implement a solid and operation-sensitive
management plan.

Visual Investor's Business Report Layout

As mentioned earlier, holding an account of your activity,
performance, and organization’s assets is important for people
outside of the company to understand how it works. When these
people are investors, it is all the more critical to have a clean and
up-to-date report for them to know how successful is the company
they invest in and for you to increase your chances of having more
funds. This example provides just that: an exact overview of the
most important insights and specific values in a particular time

Calculating and communicating KPIs about the overall company situation is what this investors’ relationship
dashboard tries to focus on. You learn about the return on equity and return on asset, the debt-equity ratio,
and the working capital ratio, but also see the evolution of a share price over time. Each of these metrics is
crucial for a potential shareholder, and if they are not monitored regularly and kept under control, it is easy
to lose investors’ interest. Tracking them and visualizing them through a modern dashboard is a competitive
advantage for your investors’ reports. You can even see on this visual a clear set of data, so you don’t have to
dig through numerous amounts of spreadsheets, but clearly see the specific development over time, the
percentage gained or lost, ratios, and returns on investments. Not to be limited just to these data, you can
always customize and make sample business reports for your specific needs.
Visual Management Report Examples:

The management KPIs presented below focus on the

revenue and customer overview seen through a specified
quarter of a year. With just a click, you can easily change
your specific date range and make an overview of
different months or years.

When analyzing insights on a more specific level, you can easily spot if the revenue is approaching your
target value, compare it to the previous year, and see how much of the target you still need to work on.
The average number of your revenue per customer compared to your targets can also identify on a more
specific level how much you need to adjust your strategy based on your customers’ value. If you see your
values have exceeded your goals, you can concentrate on KPIs that haven’t yet reached your target
achievement. In this specific example, we have gained insights into how to present your management
data, compare them, and evaluate your findings to make better decisions.

This clear overview of data can set apart the success of your management strategy since it is impossible to
omit vital information. By gathering all your findings into a single CEO dashboard, the information
presented is clear and specific to the management’s needs. The best part of this example report is seen
through its interactivity: the more you click, the more data you can present, and the more specific
conclusions you can look for.

These report templates that we have analyzed and presented in this article can be a roadmap to effectively
create your own report or customize your data to tailor your needs and findings.

SaaS Management Dashboard

A SaaS company report example that packs a real informational

punch, this particular report format offers a panoramic snapshot
of the insights and information every ambitious software-as-a-
service business needs to succeed.

With visual KPIs that include customer acquisition costs, customer

lifetime value, MMR, and APRU, here, you will find everything
you need to streamline your company’s initiatives at a glance. This
is an essential tool for both short- and long-term evolution.
Marketing KPI Dashboard Example:

Without a solid multichannel marketing strategy, it’s

unlikely that you’ll ever see a consistently healthy ROI
from your promotional efforts. Shooting in the dark
regarding marketing will also see you fall behind the
competition. Enter our marketing dashboard.

This business report format template brimming with insight, lets you set accurate performance
benchmarks while uncovering a wealth of insight from one intuitive dashboard.

To optimize your promotional campaigns and activities, talking to specific audience segments and
using the right touchpoints at precisely the right time is essential. Without a targeted approach, all
you’re doing is throwing your time and money away.

This effective company report example offers a balanced overview of your campaigns’ performance by
offering the tools to dig deep into vital metrics like cost per acquisition (CPA), customer lifetime value
(CLTV), and ROI.

This perfect storm of metrics will show you where your communications or campaigns are failing to
drive engagement and where they’re yielding positive results. Armed with this critical information, you
can optimize all of your efforts to make the biggest possible impact across channels. An essential
report design for any modern organization looking to scale swiftly and consistently.

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