Work Life Balance Research Papers India

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Striking a balance between work and personal life is a challenge faced by many individuals,

particularly those pursuing higher education. In India, where academic demands can be rigorous,
crafting a research paper on work-life balance presents its own set of hurdles. The intricacies of
conducting comprehensive research, analyzing data, and articulating findings in a cohesive manner
require considerable time and effort. Add to that the demands of a full-time job, family
responsibilities, and other commitments, and the task becomes even more daunting.

Writing a thesis on work-life balance in the Indian context demands a deep understanding of the
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This study was conducted in order to fulfil these empirical knowledge gaps. The results also indicate
that the work-life balance of individuals affect their quality of life. This has resulted in a scenario in
which working women have tremendous pressure to develop a career as robust as their male
counterparts while sustaining active engagement in personal life. Through the analysis, the results
showed that various tips of developing satisfactory level of employee’s worklife balance in the study
area. The imbalances have a negative impact in both personal life and professional life, Thus,
maintaining an adequate balance between professional and personal life is very important. Thus, the
antecedents of these national issues have necessitated personal coping strategies utilized by
participants of current study as moderating buffers against role imbalances encountered. The data
collection was done using the instrument “work environment survey 2011 (we are finding patterns in
employee attitudes)” for assessing working condition and “work life conflict scale” to assess the
work life balance of these women. Download Free PDF View PDF WORK-LIFE BALANCE
JOURNAL The role of working women has changed throughout the world due to economic
conditions and social demands. Thus the present study focuses on the work life balance of the
working women. Answers were given with a five-point Likert scale, from 1 completely disagree to 5
completely agree. All people, young and old do things that really give them pleasure. Further when
these employees finish one such task, they must immediately move to a similar hard task. First, to
investigate the direct relationship, two exogenous constructs, work demand, and family demand and
two endogenous constructs, namely work satisfaction, family satisfaction were identified. It is also
about the impacts of work-life balance (WLB) on the commitment and motivation of women
employees in Nigeria. When such role demands overlap, multiple problems are faced leading to
losses for all concerned: the individual, the family, the organization and the society. This research
was conducted to determine the effect of work-life balance on job satisfaction and employee
performance partially, and the effect of job satisfaction on female employees in commercial banks in
Kendari City. It was tried to examine how the factors affecting work-life balance influence quality
of life of married working women. Evidently, work-life research is a social concept originating from
the western societies but over the years, advanced management and business studies are beginning
to emerge showcasing the relevance, significance and challenges of Work-Life Balance (WLB)
practices in developing nations. Download Free PDF View PDF A Study on Work Life Balance in
working women in Private and Public Sector in Sri Lanka iJSRED Journal, dulanga kodituwkku
Work life balance is an emerging concept, which plays a vital role in today's business world. The
companies solicit more time and energy from the employees to cope with realities and pressure of
competitive business environment. Thus, achieving work life balance is a necessity for working
women to have a good quality of life. The findings show that the work life balance is found to be
moderate among the women employees. The major factors responsible for affecting work life
imbalance are physical and mental stress, workload and family support, personal needs and time
management and the work itself. Further data were collected on millennials' preferences for working
in various healthcare sectors and with various patient populations. When the lesion is not visible or
palpable, difficulty in identification may lead to a larger incision and a resection wider than is
necessary. However, there are lacunas in empirical studies undertaken in private organizations
regarding the relationship between work-life balance and job performance. Though we are at home
till we check emails at all hours, take business calls at the dinner table and work on our laptops on
weekends. This study is all about work stress and WLB of female academicians. Hence, the
objective of this study is to test the relationship between work-life balance and job performance.
Typically, many analysts have targeted on employed men as well as women who are married or
perhaps living with a partner or those with children.
The targeted population was the employees across HBF which consisted a sample size of
90employees. Work life balance is a balance that an individual needs between time allocated for
work and other aspects of life. Practical implications: To select, retain and develop the next
generation of healthcare managers, it is incumbent upon organizations to better understanding
millennials' motivations and preferences. Subjective health measures and state dependent reporting
errors. Unraveling the actual network of reactions taking place inside the zeolite pores, however, can
be a very challenging task. Work-Life Balance is the extent to which an individual in equally
engaged in and equally satisfied with his or her work role and family role. For better outcomes like
increasing efficiency and effectiveness of an employee, also the motivation among employees it is
very important to set the goals of work life balance which will again beneficial for employees and
employers. It was found that worklife balance is a personal issue that varies across time and
situations and the underlying conflict experienced pertains to role overload and role interference.
Despite its importance, private organizations employ several work-life balance, promoting practices
to enhance the employee job performance as well as organizational performance. It has been noticed
that work life balance is a very important concept for the employees to have a peaceful life, work life
programs have the potential to significantly improve employee morale, reduce absenteeism, and
retain organizational knowledge etc. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Res Jour Managt Socio Human Job satisfaction of employees is essential to face the dynamic and
ever-increasing challenges of maintaining productivity of the organization. To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
The research adopted descriptive research design coupled with Harvard style of referencing. A
female employee faces more difficulties to balance between work and life than a male employee, this
study focuses on women working in different sectors. In offices conjointly, efforts area unit being
created to supply friendly work atmosphere for the workers by providing all varieties of
refreshments on the market for the worker. Download Free PDF View PDF Gender Differences in
the Perception of Work-Life Balance Mouse Mickey This paper addresses work-life balance across
genders. The findings highlighted that high staff turnover increases work load to the present
employees in HBF. Job satisfaction has a positive effect on performance but is not significant; it is
because of the low satisfaction with promotional opportunities in the work career. Different
statistical technique was used like mean, standard deviation, chi-square test, ANOVA test. With the
development of the diversity of family structures mentioned in today's workforce, especially with the
evolving level of dual work families, the importance of tackling the working life balance has grown
significantly in recent years. This research intends to discover the impact of variables like (working
hours, workload, leave policies, work arrangements, reward schemes etc.) on work life balance. This
paper reviews the work-life balance initiatives adopted by employers in different organizations. It
also suggested that the organization may conduct stress reduction program for working women. The
data has been analysed using the percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One Way
ANOVA. An Attempt was done to study the existence of work-life balance problem among the
working women in the specified area. KEYWORDS: employee, organization, satisfactory, worklife
balance. It was tried to examine how the factors affecting work-life balance influence quality of l.
The secondary information has been collected from varied analysis Journals, books and magazines.
Despite its importance, private organizations employ several work-life balance, promoting practices
to enhance the employee job performance as well as organizational performance. For this reason,
employee retention and employment continuity have been topics of interest among researchers in
business, human capital and psychology fields.
The position of the teachers was significantly and inversely related to the nine climate dimensions
such as challenge, freedom, idea time, idea support, trust and openness, playfulness and humor,
conflicts, debates, and risk-taking. The study shows that the reasons for which female employees are
facing trouble to maintain a work-life balance are mostly because of long working hours, job rigidity,
work overload, responsibilities related to child care, discrimination and biasness at work place, lack
of supervisory support, dominant managerial style and scarce family support.-INTRODUCTION The
need for balancing work-family of working women is very important. However, the process of
processing job and non-employment applications is one of the modern ways of paying attention to
both individuals and organizations. Now completely seen has changed due to increasing domination
of private education institutions. Download Free PDF View PDF Work Life Balance Editor IJTEMT
MANAGEMENT RESEARCH I J E T M R JOURNAL The role of working women has changed
throughout the world due to economic conditions and social demands. Further data were collected
on millennials' preferences for working in various healthcare sectors and with various patient
populations. By 2025, millennials will constitute approximately 40% of the U.S. workforce. The
existing research suggests that 60% of millennial employees will leave their employer within three
years from their start date imposing significant costs on the company to re-hire and train new
employees. Married female employees clearly have greater responsibilities in personal lives and
mothers, so in this case the ability to balance work and personal life or work-life balance (WLB) is
really needed. An Attempt was done to study the existence of work-life balance problem among the
working women in the specified area which can be executed on a large sample later on. As a result,
work-life balance is an increasingly hot topic in boardrooms and government halls today. However,
these policies and practices are more prominent in new economy organisations such as software and
services organisations. Many of the stressful life events are related to the workplace. Work Life
Balance is a very wide subject which talks about both career development on one side and the family
caring on the other side, it is important to know how the people balance their professional demands
and family demands. This study adapts explanatory research design and primary data is collected
through questionnaires from 500 respondents. In this respect, two research instruments were
developed one for measuring work-life balance and the second for measuring Emotional Intelligence.
The realities of African (Nigerian) patriarchal society have brought about serious challenges for
women employees both at home and in organisations causing them to be pressured, which is largely
responsible for the nature of motivation and commitment they bring to work. However, there are
lacunas in empirical studies undertaken in private organizations regarding the relationship between
work-life balance and job performance. The sample of 50, i.e. 25 male and 25 female was drawn
using purposive sampling procedure. It has been observed that females feel highly work interference
with their personal life and personal life interference with work as compared to male's customer
associates. It attempts to analyse the problems encountered by married women professionals by
virtue of combining family and career roles and to understand how they achieve equilibrium between
family and profession. The study finding also showed that staff turnover causes reduction in
effective service delivery to the customers and reflects poorly on the image of the HBF. This study is
all about work stress and WLB of female academicians. All sub hypothesis were tested with
correlations and dependency tests. The main motto of this study is to insight out about the
technology change, increased work Pressure with constant deadlines, co-existing virtual workplace
and changing demographic profile such as gender, experiences, an increase of disposable income
inflation, improving living standard have encouraged the importance of the provision of work-life
balance in the industrial sector. The study area is selected IT-units in the Pune city. Intraoperatively, a
mobile navigation probe was used to identify the lesion, matching surgical landmarks and the
preoperative computed tomography imaging, achieving the radical resection of the tumour with
correct b. If an employee is able to execute the workplace and personal responsibilities in a balanced
way, it leads to decrease in the appearance of tell-tale signs of poor work-life balance like
absenteeism, stress, job dissatisfaction and many other morale deteriorating signs. Though we are at
home till we check emails at all hours, take business calls at the dinner table and work on our laptops
BALANCE IN BANKING SECTOR International Res Jour Managt Socio Human The work
culture especially in the competitive era has change dramatically in the post liberalization era. In the
modern era, it is essential especially for females as they play a dual role.
The major factors responsible for affecting work life imbalance are physical and mental stress,
workload and family support, personal needs and time management and the work itself. For the
attainment of personal and professional goals one should look forward to work life balance. For
better outcomes like increasing efficiency and effectiveness of an employee, also the motivation
among employees it is very important to set the goals of work life balance which will again beneficial
for employees and employers. It has a great influence on overall quality of life. Intraoperatively, a
mobile navigation probe was used to identify the lesion, matching surgical landmarks and the
preoperative computed tomography imaging, achieving the radical resection of the tumour with
correct b. The relationship cannot be clearly defined and varies from person to person according to
their life demands. However, work-life balance is seen differently in different society. Download Free
PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently
unavailable. The study shows that the reasons for which female employees are facing trouble to
maintain a work-life balance are mostly because of long working hours, job rigidity, work overload,
responsibilities related to child care, discrimination and biasness at work place, lack of supervisory
support, dominant managerial style and scarce family support.-INTRODUCTION The need for
balancing work-family of working women is very important. It has been observed that females feel
highly work interference with their personal life and personal life interference with work as
compared to male's customer associates. Women in especially in teaching profession are studied to
understand the common as well as the unique problems experienced, and the strategies adopted to
balance family and professional roles See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This paper is
an attempt to explore the tough challenges faced by working women in maintaining a balance
between their personal and professional life. In this project, we strive that helping employees achieve
a working life balance should become a fundamental part of HR policy and practice in the event that
it is to get the best out of the organisation's relatives without throwing them dissatisfied, old and
dissatisfied, unfulfilled. The sample of 50, i.e. 25 male and 25 female was drawn using purposive
sampling procedure. The research design used in this study was the quantitative approach, which
allowed the researcher to use structured questionnaires when collecting data. A healthy work-life
balance assumes great significance for working women particularly in the current context in which
both, the family and the workplace have posed several challenges and problems for women. This
article attempts to bring out the intricacies of personal and professional commitments of employees
working in the selected new generation private sector banks and their effects on both family and
work life. The primary data has been collected from 72 teachers by using convenient sampling
method. This paper aims to understand the concept of work life balance, the utility and issues
affecting it in various professions and finally to identify the impact of Work Life Balance on various
aspects like physiological, professional, psychological, emotional and societal well-being of an
employees. With acceptance of alternative hypothesis of all three sub hypotheses, it was proved that,
there is no significant Work-Life-Balance with women in IT sector working in Navi Mumbai region
and this is leading to their personal and professional life on being toss. The study recommends a
modification in the work-life balance discussion with men converting their personalities of family-
direction to additional time spent with the family and organization management desisting from
viewing such choices as incompatible with men's achievement on the job. The ability to balance
between workplace's needs and personal life's need is perceived as an important issue among
workers globally. For better outcomes like increasing efficiency and effectiveness of an employee,
also the motivation among employees it is very important to set the goals of work life balance which
will again beneficial for employees and employers. The main motto of this study is to insight out
about the technology change, increased work Pressure with constant deadlines, co-existing virtual
workplace and changing demographic profile such as gender, experiences, an increase of disposable
income inflation, improving living standard have encouraged the importance of the provision of
work-life balance in the industrial sector. This study made use of review of related literature on the
relationship between the two concepts. Hence, the objective of this study is to test the relationship
between work-life balance and job performance. For the present investigation the data has been
collected in two ways i.e. primary data and secondary data. It is divulged from this analysis that
majorities (90%) of the respondents were not satisfied with their work life balance. An Attempt was
done to study the existence of work-life balance problem among the working women in the specified
area. Note: Copyright of all images in thesis on work life balance and job satisfaction content
depends on the source site.

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