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Exercise 1

Choose the present simple or present continuous to complete the sentences below.

1. In Johannesburg most people _______________ at least ve languages. (speak)

2. Languages _______________ very fast. Half of world's languages will disappear by 2100.

3. You can't see Tim now; he _______________ a bath. (have)

4. Please keep quiet, I _______________ to the radio. You know I _______________ to the news
in the mornings. (listen)

5. I ______________ a scarf, but today I ____________ one because it's unusually cold. (wear)

6. I nished watching the series you recommended. Now I ____________ another one. (watch)

7. Nobody _______________ they will win the match. (think)

8. You look worried. What _______________

A. do you think B. are you thinking

9. What time _______________ ?

A. does the rst train leave B. is the rst train leaving

10. What _______________ tonight? Would you like to come and watch the game?
A. do you do B. are you doing

Exercise 2

Choose the present simple or present continuous for each gap below.

A: We ______ to the cinema tonight. B: ______ to the cinema?

a. are going / Do you often go
b. go / Do you often go
c. are going / Are you often going

A: What time ______ this afternoon? B: I don't know. We ______ tomorrow.

a. does the train leave / leave
b. does the train leave / are leaving
c. is the train leaving / leave

A: ______ ? B: Yes, but I ______ to quit.
a. Are you smoking / try
b. Do you smoke / try
c. Do you smoke / 'm trying

A: I ______ on holiday two or three times a year. B: That's great! And where______ this year?
a. go / do you go
b. ’m going / do you go
c. go / are you going

I think it's better to stay. It ______ and we ______ an umbrella.

a. 's raining / don't have
b. rains / don't have
c. 's raining / aren't having

Exercise 3

Fill the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the present simple or present continuous.

Rainforests 1. _______________ (disappear), and we all 2. _______________ (know) that humans

are the main cause of this destruction. Every year we 3. _______________ (cut down) an area of
rainforest the size of New Jersey. Every hour we 4. _______________ (destroy) 6000 acres of
rainforest (that’s 4000 football elds). What we 5. _______________ (not realize) is that we 6.
_______________ (destroy) the planet where our children and grandchildren have to live. We 7.
_______________ (need) the rainforests; they 8. _______________ (produce) oxygen and 9.
_______________ (eliminate) carbon dioxide (C02), cleaning the atmosphere.

But why 10. _______________ (the forests/disappear) so quickly? Well, experts 11.
_______________ (agree) that there are two main reasons. The most important is human activity.
Big companies 12. _______________ (cut down) more and more trees every day and this 13.
_______________ (cause) damage to the land. The way of life in the rainforests 14.
_______________ (also/change) because of climate change. Now there is less rain and this 15.
_______________ (cause) more and more trees to die. As a consequence of the droughts, the
risk of res 16 (increase) dramatically.

Fortunately, it 17. _______________ (seem) that now some governments 18.

_______________ (begin) to understand the problem, and they 19. _______________ (try) to
control these activities. Some of them really 20. _______________ (want) to put an end to this
problem, although a few big companies with a lot of power are in their way.

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