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Q1 : Why did Sir syed ahmed khan had to write the ‘causes of Indian mutiny.’?

Q2: Write a short note on partition of Bengal.

Q3: What was the reaction of hindus to the partition of Bengal.

Q4: When and why was the khilafat movement launched?

Q5: What is the political importance of Pakistan resolution?

Q6: Briefly describe the Pakistan ideology.

Q7: Write down any three basic objectives of Aligarh movement.

Q8: What were the objectives of All India Muslim League at time of its formation?

Q9: What is Islamic theory of nationhood?

Q10: What is two nation theory?

Q11:What do you know about the formation of All India Muslim league?

Q12: Why did Cripps mission failed?

Q13: What were the proposals of Cripps mission?

Q14: Write a short note on Non-cooperation movement.

Q15: why was Shimla conference failed?

Q16: What are the main points as background of Pakistan resolution?

Q17: Why did muslims of subcontinent demanded for separate electorate?

Q18: What was treaty of Sevres? Why was it signed?

Q19: What was the response of political parties of India when cabinet mission

Q20: Describe third june plan.

Unit 2
Q1: Quote a statement of Quaid-e-azam regarding national integrity.

Q2: How was Radcliffe award unjust to Pakistan?

Q3: What piece of advice Quaid gave to students?

Q4: Write a short note on issues of settlement of refugees.

Q5: Enlist the Quaid’s important steps for rehabilitation of refugees.

Q6: How did the Radcliffe award became the base of Kashmir issue?

Q7: Why did Mountbatten selected Radcliffe as head of boundry commission?

Q8: Quaid believed to solve political disputes through negotiation. Elaborate.

Q9: Write a short note on canal water dispute between Pakistan and India.

Q10: Interpret Quaid’s advice to public officers.

Q11: How did injustice in partition plan create Kashmir issue?

Q12: What was the saying of Quaid to avoid provincialism?

Q13: How was kasmir issue started?

Q14: Why were British officers employed in Pakistan?

Q15: What did Quaid say when fighting against regionalism and parochialism?

Q16: How did the issues of division of assetsaffected Pakistan.

Q17: What were the remarks of Field marshal Auchinleck about indian govt.

Q18: What were the guiding principles of foreign policy adopted by Quaid?
Chapter 3
Q1: Write a note on mountainous regions of continental climate.

Q2: In how many temperature zones Pakistan is divided?

Q3: Write a short note on seasons of Pakistan.

Q4: Draw the flow chart of the physical divisions of Pakistan.

Q5: Write a short note on climate and temperature of the upper Indus plain.

Q6: Why the people are migrating towards cities?

Q7: What is the role of feudalism in keeping the rural society backward?

Q8: How did Pakistan resist in the expansionist stance of Soviet union?


Q10: Write three main catagories of tourist attractions in Pakistan.

Q11: Identify the physical properties of Pakistan?

Q12: Which temperature zones in Pakistan has the highest variation in


Q13: What is the importance of central importance of central Asian states.

Q14: Write the names of mountains lying to the north-west and west of

Q15: Write down the names of three types of maps.

Q16: Why the people are migrating towards cities?

Q17: Why was Pakistan considered as important state against expansionism of

communism. State briefly.

Q18: What is the importance of central Asian states?

Chapter 4
 What type of constitution Quaid demanded for Pakistan.
 By which constitution of Pakistan Islam was claimed as state religion and
prime minister and president could be a muslim only?
 By which constitution Islamic ideology was established?
 Which law was adopted at the time of independence? Why Islamic law
was not adopted?
 Define muslim according to 1973 constituion.
 Give an account of measure taken after 1977 for Islamization of financial
 What steps were taken for Islamization of judiciary and laws?
 What is meant by sovereignty of Allah written in constitution of Pakistan?
 Write any three points regarding importance of objective resolution.
 Write a short note on basic human needs.
 Compare and contrast hajj ul widdah sermon and UN declaration of
human rights.
 Give any three basic characteristics of Rights.
 List any six Islamic provisions of 1962 constitution.
 Give any three characteristics of rights.

Chapter 5
 When and why was devolution plan introduced?
 Write a short note on Senate.
 Write a note on federal judiciary of Pakistan.
 Write a short note onNational assembly.
 List any six obstacles in the way of good governance.
 Elaborate the subjects enlisted in the federal list.
 How many governments are working in Pakistan?
 Write a short note on federal Legislature.
 How many members does the national assembly consistes of and how are
they chosen?
 How the president is elected?
 What measures were taken by Hazrat Omar(R.A) to ensure social security.
 Write a note on provincial judiciary.
 What is citizen community board?
 What eligibility is required for becoming the member of senate of

Chapter 6
 Define culture. Why is it important in human life.
 Define Culture in word of T.S Eliot.
 Write four important features of culture of Pakistan
 Describe the relationship between culture and nationality.
 What are important buildings of muslim period
 Enlist salient characteristic features of Muslim architecture.
 Which of the calligraphists important in Pakistan.
 What do you know about KOT DIJI.
 What is significance of HARAPPA in cultural heritage.
 What do you know about ancient city of Mansura?
 Land of Pakistan remained in the cradle of ancient civilization.
 Describe about Taxilain concern to ancient civilization

 Define culture and language.
 How did Urdu take the shape as distinct language.
 Write down the historical background of Punjabi.
 When was born the language of sindhi? How sindhi script was derived?
 Of which language wereShah abdul lateef Bhittai and sachal sarmast
famous poets? Also write the contributions.
 Write the names of some writers of modern sindhi.
 Enlist important sindhi dialects.
 Why did Quaid declared Urdu to be National language of Pakistan?
 Write the different dialects of sindhi language.
 Signify the role of urdu with reference to national solidarity.


 How do centripetal and centrifugal forces effect the survival of a nation.\

 Belonging to different languages, races, culture and geography. Why did
muslims of south-east Asia unite them to get Pakistan.
 Write down the five major obstacles interposed in the way of N.I?
 How should the people of Pakistan promote national integrity and
 What is the role of Islamic culture and tradition for national integrity.
 What is the role of administration in N.I.
 Give Laski’s definition of nationality.
 What is our role in National Integrity? Explain briefly.
 How can promotion of Islamic culture and tradition brings N.I.
 Highlight the importance of education of ideology of Pakistan for
promoting N.I. in the country.
 What is role of Bicameral legislature in N.I.
 Why is separation of power b/w the central govt. and the federating
units, essencial for national integrity of Pakistan.

Chapter 9
 What is the importance of I.T. in modern world.
 Write down the failure and achievements of 1st five year plan.
 When the sixth five year plan started and what was the strategy.
 Why planning is required for development.
 What did Quaid say about the natural resources of Pakistan.
 When and why was policy of nationalization given up and privatization
 What was Pakistan’s condition at time of partition in respect to
industrial development.
 What do you mean by resources.
 What is HRD? What is its importance.
 Signify the importance of conservarion of resources by quoting an
example of prophet P.B.U.H
 What do you know about E-commerce.
 Enumerate the kinds of natural resources.
 Give professor Lewis definition of Fiscal planning.
 Briefly describe the importance of I.T. in trade.
 Why is agriculture sector important for economic development? Write
any three reasons.

Chapter 10
 Write any three fundamental principles of Pakistan’s foreign policy.
 What are main obstacles in way of developing relations between
Pakistan and India.
 Define foreign policy.
 Write a short note on simla pact in 1972.
 When was Pak iran economic commission established
 How can hudibia peace pact guide us in framing our foreign policy.
 Whenm were relations between Pakistan and Iran established.
 What is importance of gawadar port. Which country is supporting in
this project.
 How China viewed the matter of Pakistan voting against membership
of China in united nations?
 Pakistan’s foreign policy supports for the right of self determination
for all nations. Elaborate.
 In what respect Pakistan was helful to China on international issues.

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