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Doctoral Reflection #1: 50th Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court's Lau v.


Kia V. Johnson

Department of Educational Leadership and Administration, Loyola Marymount


Doctoral Colloquium

Professor Rebecca Stephenson, Ph.D.

March 26, 2024

The key takeaway from this panel was that “the most effective way for

meaningful participation is through equitable access to a high-quality multilingual

education for every child” (Claremont Graduate University, 2024).

My attendance at the virtual panel discussion celebrating the 50th anniversary of

the Lau v. Nichols Supreme Court ruling deepened my understanding of leadership for

social justice by providing historical context and insights into the legal foundations of

educational equity. I was able to learn from experts in the field, witnessing them engage

in critical discussions, and gaining perspectives on how policies and court decisions

influence and ensure equity for English learners in language acquisition programs. Not

only was it an honor to hear from individuals who participated in the landmark case, but I

also enhanced my knowledge of the challenges and progress in advocating for equitable

resources for English learners.

Understanding the implications of landmark cases like Lau v. Nichols can inform

my dissertation research by grounding it in a broader social justice framework and legal

context. For example, this case was the first time that the Supreme Court of the United

States had a case that dealt with equity issues at the classroom-level. Because my

dissertation focus is looking at services provided to multilingual learners in classrooms of

low-incidence districts, I can use the legal ruling to help justify and make

recommendations where inequity is evident in funding for resources and their teachers.

Furthermore, because this case, and the panelists who shared their work revolving around

its ruling, are taking affirmative steps to ensure meaningful participation of English

learners in core classrooms, I can use their resources, research, and work to guide my

chapter five content.


50th anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court Lau v. Nichols ·Claremont Graduate University.
Claremont Graduate University. (2024, January 6).

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