Fce Writing

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- Has 2 parts
- Duration : 80 minutes
- Must write 140-190 words for each part.
- Scoring : Each part is marked out of 20.
+ According to 4 criteria :
1. Content Focuses on HOW WELL you have
completed the task
2. Communicative Focuses on HOW APPROPRIATE
Achievement the writing is for the task and
whether you have used formal or
informal style appropriately.
3. Organisation The way you put together the piece
of writing. ( Are the ideas logical or
ordered ? Have you used linking
words ?)
4. Language Vocabulary and grammar.

 Part 1 : Write an essay based on prompts :

 Format :
- You will be given an essay title + 2 ideas linked to the title
 Samples :
 Techniques :
- Must use all the notes which are given in the task.
- Add your own idea then add some notes to develop it.
- Do a brief internet search about this topic. ( Make sure you use
websites that in English ).
- Plan the structure of the essay before you write.
 Here’s a useful structure for an opinion essay :
Paragraph 1 Introduce the topic using a
general statement and give
your opinion. Say whether
you agree or disagree with
the statement
Paragraph 2 Give the first reason to
support your opinion.
Provide specific
justifications for your
opinion, using examples if
Paragraph 3 Give the second reason to
support your opinion.
Provide specific
justifications for your
opinion, using examples if
Paragraph 4 Give the third reason to support
your opinion. Make sure this is
clearly different from the points
you made in the previous 2
Paragraph 5 Summarise your ideas and repeat
your opinion using different
words to provide a strong

- Use connectors to define the development of the essay: firstly,

second, finally, etc.
- Use a range of suitable expressions to organise your essay and help
your reader understand the connections between your ideas :
+ One of the things that
+ In the last few decades,
+ For this reason,
+ First, / Second, / Third,
+ Finally,
+ By doing so,
+ For example,
+ In conclusion,
 TIPS :
- The essay will always need to be written using Formal English. You
should avoid using slang words and simple language – try using the
Passive as much as you can.
- Phrasal words can be used if you absolutely cannot think of
anything else to write BUT you should try to avoid them as much as
- Avoid using personal pronouns (words like I, me, my etc…) until the
final paragraph/conclusion.
- Try to include a variety of different grammar points and a wide
range of vocabulary.
- Can include Passives, Conditionals, Inversions, Complex tenses, Past
Modal Verbs etc… your essay will get a high mark for its Language.

 How to organise your time

- 5-10 minutes : Plan and think of ideas
- 20-25 minutes : Write
- 5-10 minutes : Check for spelling/grammar mistakes

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