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Psychiatry Research 121 (2003) 1–9

Homocysteine metabolism and B-vitamins in schizophrenic

patients: low plasma folate as a possible independent risk factor
for schizophrenia
Jan-Willem Muntjewerffa,*, Nathalie van der Putb, Tom Eskesc, Bart Ellenbroekd,
Eric Steegersc, Henk Blomb, Frans Zitmane
GGz Nijmegen, Mental Health Institute, P.O. Box 7049, 6503 GM Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Laboratory of Paediatrics and Neurology, University Medical Centre St Radboud, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen,
The Netherlands
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Medical Centre St Radboud, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen,
The Netherlands
Department of Psychoneuropharmacology, University of Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Psychiatry, Leiden University Medical Centre, BIP, P.O. Box 9600, 2300 RC, Leiden, The Netherlands

Received 4 September 2002; received in revised form 29 July 2003; accepted 9 August 2003


Two apparently unrelated disorders, neural tube defects (NTD) and schizophrenia showed increased risks in birth
cohorts exposed to famine during early gestation. NTD is associated with impaired folate metabolism. We investigated
whether schizophrenia is also linked with a dysfunctional folate metabolism. In addition to the prevalence of the
677C™T mutation in the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, we compared plasma and red
blood cell (RBC) folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and homocysteine (Hcy) concentrations of 35 schizophrenic
patients with those of 104 unrelated controls. Schizophrenic patients had significantly lower plasma folate
concentrations after adjustment for Hcy levels, and elevated RBC folate levels compared to controls. Vitamin B6,
vitamin B12, and Hcy levels did not differ from control values. Plasma folate levels below the 10th percentile of
controls were associated with an approximate 4–7-fold (before and after adjustment of folate levels for Hcy,
respectively) risk of having schizophrenia. In addition, a significant dose-response relation between plasma folate
concentrations and risk for schizophrenia suggested a protective effect by high plasma folate concentrations. Elevated
Hcy levels and, in line with this finding, homozygosity for the 677C™T mutation in the MTHFR gene were not
associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia. Evidence is presented suggesting that folate metabolism is
disturbed in schizophrenic patients, independently of Hcy.
䊚 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Schizophrenia; Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene; Polymorphism; Homocysteine; Vitamins

*Corresponding author. Tel: q31-24-328-3911; fax: q31-24-328-3355.

E-mail address: (J.-W. Muntjewerff).

0165-1781/03/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 J.-W. Muntjewerff et al. / Psychiatry Research 121 (2003) 1–9

1. Introduction MTHFR deficiency, which results in (mild) hyper-

homocysteinemia in plasma, has been associated
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting with schizophrenia-like psychosis in several case
that there may be abnormal development of the reports (Freeman et al., 1975; Pasquier et al.,
brain, arising possibly in utero or in early life, in 1994; Regland et al., 1994). This positive associ-
some cases of schizophrenic patients (Weinberger, ation is inconsistent with the previous finding that
1987). Genetic and environmental factors have platelet MTHFR activity of schizophrenic patients
been frequently discussed as the agents disrupting and normal subjects showed no significant differ-
neurodevelopment (Waddington, 1993). The find- ence (Berger et al., 1977). Homozygosity for the
ings of an increased risk of both schizophrenia thermolabile variant of MTHFR (TyT), a poly-
and neural tube defects (NTD), as observed in a morphism which results in hyperhomocysteinemia,
birth cohort exposed to maternal nutritional defi- has not been consistently linked with schizophre-
ciency during early gestation (Susser et al., 1996), nia. An increased frequency of TyT among cases
is therefore of great interest. The authors suggested as compared to controls was recently found (Ari-
that NTD-like defects could play a role in the nami et al., 1997; Joober et al., 2000), whereas
aetiology of schizophrenia. Low folate levels (Smi- others could not replicate these findings (Kunugi
thells et al., 1976), mild hyperhomocysteinemia et al., 1998; Virgos et al., 1999).
(Steegers-Theunissen et al., 1994) and homo- Evidence for a folate-sensitive genetic defect in
zygosity for the 677C™T mutation (TyT) Hcy metabolism in schizophrenic patients is still
of the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase meagre, especially because of some non-reproduc-
(MTHFR) enzyme (Van der Put et al., 1995) are ible findings. We examined the relationship
reported to be associated with NTD. Periconcep- between a disturbed folate and Hcy metabolism,
tional folate administration reduces occurrence and schizophrenia by exploring plasma and red
(Czeizel and Dudas,´ 1992) and recurrence (MRC blood cell (RBC) folate levels, vitamin B6, vita-
Vitamin Study, 1991) risk of NTD. Probably by min B12 and plasma Hcy levels in schizophrenic
overcoming a mild folate-related defect in homo- patients and comparing them with levels in healthy
cysteine (Hcy) metabolism, the developing child controls. The relative risk for having schizophrenia
is protected against NTD. Folate (vitamin B11), was estimated at different cut-off levels of Hcy
together with pyridoxal 59-phosphate (an active and folate. In addition, we investigated the pres-
form of vitamin B6) and cobalamin (vitamin B12), ence of the 677C™T mutation. This is the first
is essential for an adequate metabolism of Hcy. time such potential risk factors, such as Hcy,
In contrast to NTD, controversy and a lack of vitamins B6 and B12, plasma and RBC folate
evidence remains regarding the association levels, and the 677C™T mutation in the MTHFR
between lowered plasma folate, (mild) hyper- gene have been examined in the same study in
homocysteinemia, MTHFR dysfunction and schiz- schizophrenic patients.
ophrenia. Low levels of plasma folate have been
reported to be related to psychiatric illness in a 2. Methods
consistent manner, in particular to depression. The
association of folate deficiency to any form of 2.1. Subjects
psychosis is less clear (Levi and Waxman, 1975;
Smythies et al., 1997; Hutto, 1997; Herran ´ et al., Thirty-five unrelated Dutch schizophrenic
1999). Supportive evidence linking impeded Hcy patients (27 men and 8 women; mean age
remethylation to schizophrenic patients has been w"S.D.x: 39.4"9.0 years) took part in the study,
reported in three controlled studies (Regland et al., which was conducted at an outpatient clinic and
1995; Susser et al., 1998; Levine et al., 2002). several inpatient clinics of the GGz Nijmegen,
Findings of a recent study failed to demonstrate Institute of Mental Health in Nijmegen, the Neth-
a significant difference in plasma Hcy levels erlands. All enrolled cases fulfilled the DSM-IV
between cases and controls (Virgos et al., 1999). (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria
J.-W. Muntjewerff et al. / Psychiatry Research 121 (2003) 1–9 3

for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and most of them For the control group, the blood sampling and
had chronic or refractory illness. All patients were determination procedures of Hcy were the same as
receiving regular antipsychotic treatment. The the methods used for patients. Vitamin levels were
exclusion criteria were hormonal therapy, the use determined by using the Dualcount Solid Phase
of vitamins or folate antagonists, overt liver and Boil Radioassay (Diagnostic Product Corporation,
renal dysfunction, cleft lip and NTD, which were Los Angeles, CA, USA).
verified by medical records. After complete expla-
nation of the study to the subjects, written 2.3. Mutation analysis
informed consent was obtained.
Comparison data were derived from a reference The investigated mutation in the MTHFR gene
population consisting of 104 healthy and unrelated is a C to T substitution at basepair 677, altering
Dutch hospital employees (30 men and 74 women; an alanine into a valine residue. The prevalence of
mean age w"S.D.x: 35.5"8.4 years) who had this mutation was investigated by polymerase
participated in a health survey of risk factors for chain reaction and HinfI digestion, as reported
NTD, as described elsewhere (Heil et al., 2001). before (Frosst et al., 1995).
The protocol of this study was approved by the
medical ethics committee of the University Medi-
cal Centre St Radboud in Nijmegen and a local 2.4. Statistics
ethics committee.
In order to correct for differences in determina-
2.2. Homocysteine and vitamin analysis tion methods between patients and controls, con-
cerning plasma and RBC folate, vitamin B6 and
Venous blood samples were collected after an vitamin B12, regression formulas were used. Data
overnight fast. Hcy, plasma and RBC folate, vita- are presented as medians (range) because of their
min B6 and vitamin B12 levels were determined skewed distribution. Prior to the statistical analy-
in all patients. Blood samples for measurement of ses, variables were logarithmically transformed to
total Hcy concentrations in plasma were drawn in achieve a normal distribution. P values for differ-
ethylenediamine tetra-acetate (EDTA) vacutainer ences in Hcy and vitamin levels between patients
tubes of 4 ml and centrifuged within 30 min at and controls were calculated using linear regres-
3000=g for 10 min. The plasma was separated sion analysis, and were adjusted for age and sex
and immediately stored at y20 8C. Total Hcy because of marked differences between both
concentrations were measured by high-perform- groups. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence
ance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluori- intervals (95% CIs) were calculated as estimates
metric detection (TePoele-Pothoff et al., 1995). of the relative risk of schizophrenia for different
Folate and vitamin B12 levels were determined in Hcy and vitamin concentrations using logistic
EDTA plasma using ion capture IMx (Abbott regression analysis, and were also adjusted for age
Laboratories, Abott Park, IL, USA). For RBC and sex. To examine possible trends in ORs for
folate hemolysates were prepared by diluting a 50 schizophrenia, linear trend tests using logistic
ml whole blood sample with 1 ml of IMx folate regression were performed on the consecutive 10th
RBC Lysis reagent. Determination, using ion cap- percentiles of the different Hcy and vitamin con-
ture IMx as well, was followed by calculation of centrations. Correlational analyses were done with
the RBC folate using % hematocrit and plasma Spearman rank correlation tests. The OR and 95%
folate concentration. The determination of vitamin CI were calculated to estimate the relative risk of
B6 as pyridoxal-59-phosphate (PLP) in EDTA- homozygosity for the 677C™T mutation in rela-
whole-blood was performed with an HPLC tech- tion to schizophrenia. No analysis of genotype
nique (Schrijver et al., 1981), using precolumn could be performed in one patient and seven
derivatisation with semicarbazide to obtain PLP- control subjects. Probability values of 0.05 or less
semicarbazone (Ubbink et al., 1985). in two-tailed tests were considered significant. All
4 J.-W. Muntjewerff et al. / Psychiatry Research 121 (2003) 1–9

Table 1
Fasting homocysteine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, red blood cell and plasma folate concentrations in the patient group vs. the control

Patients Controls P value

(ns35) (ns104)
Homocysteine (mmolyl) 13.4 (8.9–39.5) 12.8 (7.3–31.9) 0.54
Vitamin B6 (nmolyl) 48 (28–123) 46 (22–160) 0.27
Vitamin B12 (pmolyl) 235 (141–598) 215 (89–600) 0.09
Red blood cell folate (nmolyl) 771 (466–1980) 580 (120–1200) 0.0001b
Plasma folate (nmolyl) 11.1 (6.4–36.5) 14.0 (3.2–80.0) 0.11
Results are expressed as medians with minimum and maximum values in parentheses.
Significant difference (P-0.05); P-values are adjusted for age and sex.

statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS- Plasma folate levels of the schizophrenic
software package 9.0. patients were non-significantly lower when com-
pared to control levels when the P value was
3. Results adjusted for age and sex only. After additional
adjustment for Hcy levels, a significant difference
3.1. Homocysteine and vitamins
was found (Ps0.031). We observed that 13 out
Table 1 documents the median values of vita- of 35 patients (37%) had plasma folate levels
mins and Hcy levels in the schizophrenic patients below the 10th percentile of plasma folate levels
and controls. Age- and sex-adjusted ORs at several in controls, resulting in an age- and sex-adjusted
cut-off points of plasma and RBC folate, and Hcy OR of 4.4 (95% CI: 1.5–12.6) of having schizo-
concentrations are shown in Table 2. phrenia. To examine whether the observed risk of

Table 2
Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for different cut-off points of plasma and red blood cell folate and
homocysteine (Hcy) levels of schizophrenic patients vs. controls

Patients Controls OR (95% CI)* OR (95% CI)§ OR (95% CI)噛

(ns35) (ns104) Hcy-adjusted folate-adjusted
Folate (nmolyl)
Plasma (percentile)
-11.9 (30th) 18 43 2.9 (1.2–7.4)a 4.1 (1.4–11.8)b
-11.0 (20th) 16 30 2.1 (0.8–5.2) 2.6 (1.0–7.4)a
-10.0 (10th) 13 16 4.4 (1.5–12.6)b 6.9 (2.1–23.1)b
-9.6 (5th) 10 5 5.6 (1.5–20.3)b 9.0 (2.1–37.9)b
Red blood cell (percentile)
)675 (70th) 22 31 3.0 (1.2–7.5)a 3.1 (1.2–8.1)a
)740 (80th) 19 19 4.2 (1.7–11.2)b 4.8 (1.7–12.9)b
)840 (90th) 13 9 4.0 (1.4–11.9)b 4.2 (1.4–12.7)b
)958 (95th) 13 5 10.5 (2.8–39.2)c 10.8 (2.8–41.3)c
Homocysteine (mmolyl)
Plasma (percentile)
)14.4 (70th) 15 29 1.2 (0.5–3.0) 1.0 (0.4–2.6)
)15.5 (80th) 12 19 1.4 (0.5–3.8) 1.2 (0.4–3.3)
)19.2 (90th) 4 10 0.5 (0.1–2.0) 0.3 (0.1–1.4)
)24.8 (95th) 1 5 0.2 (0.0–2.1) 0.1 (0.0–1.4)
*Adjusted for age and sex. §Adjusted for age, sex and plasma homocysteine. 噛 Adjusted for age, sex and plasma folate. aP-0.05;
P-0.01; cP-0.001.
J.-W. Muntjewerff et al. / Psychiatry Research 121 (2003) 1–9 5

Table 3
Relationship between plasma homocysteine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and red blood cell (RBC) and plasma folate levels of
schizophrenic patients and controlsa

Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 RBC folate Plasma folate

Homocysteine 0.32 0.00 y0.46b y0.64b
Vitamin B6 0.09 0.16 0.52b
Vitamin B12 0.04 0.08
RBC folate 0.51b
Homocysteine 0.01 y0.25b y0.18 y0.42b
Vitamin B6 0.06 0.37b 0.26b
Vitamin B12 0.31b 0.14
RBC folate 0.43b
Values are Spearman correlation coefficients.
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

low plasma folate levels was related to Hcy levels group ()19.2 mmolyl), no increased risk could
or not, we also adjusted the OR for Hcy concen- be detected. Fasting hyperhomocysteinemia was
trations (Table 2). This resulted in an OR of observed in 4 out of 35 patients (11%) only,
plasma folate levels below the 10th percentile for compared with 10 out of 104 control subjects
schizophrenia of 6.9 (95% CI: 2.1–23.1), indicat- (10% by definition), resulting in an age- and sex-
ing that low folate is an independent risk factor adjusted OR of 0.5 (95% CI: 0.1–2.0). Plasma
for having schizophrenia. In line with this finding, Hcy concentrations over the 70 and 80th percen-
an increase in ORs, adjusted for age, sex and Hcy tiles showed a slightly elevated risk for schizo-
levels, with declining plasma folate concentrations phrenia, albeit not statistically significant.
and an overall significant trend (Ps0.0281) was Accordingly, no significant overall trend was
observed, which suggested that low plasma folate observed. Additional adjustment of the Hcy levels
is a risk factor and high plasma folate a protective for plasma folate did not change the outcome in a
factor for schizophrenia. RBC folate levels of substantial way (Table 2).
patients were significantly higher compared to To score for associations between the different
levels in controls and in addition high RBC folate vitamin and Hcy levels of schizophrenic patients
concentrations tended toward an increased risk for and controls, we calculated the Spearman correla-
schizophrenia (Table 2). We also observed an tion coefficients (Table 3). Plasma folate correlated
increase in ORs with increasing RBC folate levels with RBC folate and vitamin B6, and showed an
and an overall significant trend (Ps0.0005). inverse correlation with fasting plasma Hcy. RBC
The vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 levels of folate levels showed an inverse correlation with
schizophrenic patients were similar to those of Hcy levels in patients and correlated positively
controls. In line with those findings, low vitamin with vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 in controls. A
B12 and low vitamin B6 concentrations (below low but significant inverse correlation between
the 10th, 20th or 30th percentile) were not asso- vitamin B12 and Hcy levels was present in controls
ciated with an increased risk for schizophrenia only. No other significant correlations were
(data not shown). observed.
Hcy levels of the schizophrenic patients did not 3.2. 677C™T mutation
differ significantly from control values. When
hyperhomocysteinemia was defined as a concen- We obtained no higher prevalence of homozy-
tration exceeding the 90th percentile of the control gosity for the 677C™T mutation in patients when
6 J.-W. Muntjewerff et al. / Psychiatry Research 121 (2003) 1–9

compared to the control group. The TyT genotype nourished group and, as a consequence, may show
was observed in 3 out of 34 patients (9%) only low vitamin levels. Therefore, differences in life-
and in 17 of 97 control subjects (18%), resulting style between the study groups may account for
in an age- and sex-adjusted OR of 0.4 (95% CI; differences in folate levels found. Nevertheless,
0.1–1.8) for patients vs. controls. Heterozygosity we have no indication that a nutritional shortage
for the 677C™T mutation was present in 16 or a defect in folate uptake explained the lowered
(47%) patients and 35 (36%) controls. The wild plasma folate levels in the group of schizophrenic
type (CyC) was present in 15 (44%) patients and patients in our study. The different B-vitamins are
45 (46%) controls. The observed frequency of the frequently present in the same types of foods; thus
T allele of the 677C™T mutation was 0.36 for the intake of one vitamin can be a marker for the
controls and 0.32 for the patients. intake of another vitamin (De Bree et al., 2001).
Folate is especially highly correlated with vitamin
4. Discussion B6 intake. We did not find a deficiency of vitamin
B6 in our patients group, indicating that they had
Our data provide evidence that decreased plasma a normal nutritional intake regarding these B-
folate levels may act as a risk factor for schizo- vitamins. The additional importance of our study
phrenia, indicating a disturbance in folate metab- involve the findings of a high prevalence of low
olism in schizophrenic patients, independently of plasma folate concentrations in schizophrenic
Hcy. We found no evidence for a major role of patients and the increase in risk with decreasing
homozygosity of the 677C™T mutation in the plasma folate independent of Hcy levels. The
MTHFR gene in schizophrenia. In line with this findings are suggestive of an increased metabolic
finding, no conclusive evidence for the involve- need for folate and a protective effect of high
ment of Hcy metabolism as a major risk factor for plasma folate levels in schizophrenic patients.
schizophrenia could be established. However, other We observed, as did Virgos et al. (1999), that
polymorphisms of the folate metabolism could be fasting plasma Hcy levels and the prevalence of
involved. hyperhomocysteinemia in the group of patients
In our study, schizophrenic patients showed a were comparable to those of controls. In contrast,
redistribution of folates, namely lowered plasma Regland et al. (1995) observed high Hcy levels in
and elevated RBC folate levels compared to con- 45% of schizophrenic patients. One explanation
trols after adjustment for age, sex and Hcy levels. for those conflicting findings may be the related
These findings can be explained as a result of high frequency of the TyT genotype in our
decreased MTHFR activity due to the 677C™T reference group of 18%, resulting in a high Hcy
mutation as previously described by Van der Put concentration as cut-off level for hyperhomocys-
et al. (1995). They reported a redistribution of teinemia. The study of Regland et. al. (1995) may
folates due to the 677C™T mutation in the have been biased by the inclusion of patients from
MTHFR gene, resulting in decreased plasma folate a broader diagnostic spectrum, including schizoaf-
and elevated RBC folate. Although a higher fre- fective disorder. In general, the conflicting results
quency for the 677C™T mutation was not in previous studies may be due to the heterogeneity
observed among our schizophrenic patients, other of the schizophrenia syndrome. Differences in
polymorphisms in the MTHFR gene may account several confounding factors such as age, gender,
for this result. RBC folate is an indicator for the coffee consumption and cigarette smoking, which
stored derivatives in the red blood cell and is have been associated with increases in Hcy levels
lowered when folate uptake is deficient or in case ˚ et al., 1998), might explain the differenc-
of malnutrition, whereas plasma folate may reflect es in reported Hcy levels also.
recent dietary intake (Bailey, 1995). In line with Genetic defects that impair the metabolism of
previous studies, plasma and RBC folate showed vitamin B6 or vitamin B12 or malnutrition of
a positive correlation (Table 3). Schizophrenic those vitamins could disturb folate and Hcy metab-
patients are in general expected to be an under- olism. We observed no decreased levels of vitamin
J.-W. Muntjewerff et al. / Psychiatry Research 121 (2003) 1–9 7

B6 or vitamin B12 in patients compared to con- on dietary habits and therefore vitamin intake, it
trols. Therefore, we have no indication for an is well known that many schizophrenic patients
impaired metabolism or malnutrition of vitamin have cognitive deficits, including memory prob-
B6 or vitamin B12. lems. Therefore, the reliability of taking dietary
If homozygosity for the 677C™T mutation of histories must be questioned. We preferred to
the MTHFR gene were a strong determinant for assess blood vitamin status instead of dietary
having schizophrenia, then the observed frequen- intake.
cies of the TyT genotype should have been higher In conclusion, our findings suggests that de-
in the group of schizophrenic patients compared creased plasma folate is a risk factor for schizo-
to controls. In accordance with the findings of phrenia. Low folate status could affect the cell’s
Kunugi et al. (1998) and Virgos et al. (1999), we ability to methylate important compounds such as
failed to find an increased frequency of homozy- DNA, proteins, lipids and myelin, impairing cel-
gosity for the 677T allele of the MTHFR gene in lular functions and thus the functioning of the
schizophrenic patients. Some caution is warranted brain. Possibly a disturbed folate metabolism may
when interpreting our result because of the rela- hamper the development of the brain in utero.
tively small number of schizophrenic patients in Understanding of the pathogenetic processes that
the present study. However, the lack of a positive are responsible for the appearance of schizophrenia
association between the TyT genotype and schiz- could lead to the development of therapeutic strat-
ophrenia is inconsistent with the findings of the egies for the prevention of schizophrenia or to the
studies by Arinami et al. (1997) and Joober et al. reduction of its symptoms. Further investigation
(2000). The latter study found that the TyT gen- should focus on the identification of the molecular
otype was only more frequent in a subgroup of basis of decreased plasma folate levels in schizo-
schizophrenic patients, i.e. excellent responders to phrenic patients, particularly in relation to MTHFR
neuroleptic medications, compared to controls. In
dysfunction and possible genetic markers.
order to circumvent a false-positive rate due to
population stratification in a population-based
association study, Wei and Hemmings (1999) Acknowledgments
investigated 56 Caucasian families consisting of
parents and affected offspring with schizophrenia. The authors thank Nelleke J. Hamel-Van Brug-
They concluded that the 677C™T mutation itself gen for her assistance in data collection, and Lydia
may not play a role in determining the suscepti- A. Afman, PhD, for statistical evaluation, and
bility to schizophrenia but serves as a genetic Dorine W. Swinkels, PhD, for her critical com-
marker indicating a locus for schizophrenia. In a ments. Henk J. Blom, PhD is an Established
previous study of a Dutch population of healthy Investigator of the Netherlands Heart Foundation
individuals, the TyT genotype occurred in 8.4%
(Grant No. D97.021).
of the population (Van der Put et al., 1997). We
obtained a much higher frequency of 18% in the
group of healthy controls, which is likely attribut- References
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