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Business Partner A2 Extra activities

UNIT 2 Doing business

Lesson 2.4 Making agreements

Speaking A Complete the phrases for making agreements with the words in the box.

about ne include many much provide sorry there

1 Is a charge for the boxes?

2 How next week? We can start on Monday.
3 Yes, that’s . We can do that.
4 Can you cleaning products?
5 How is that for six hours?
6 How oces are there?
7 A: Does the price the boxes?
B: No, it doesn’t.

Yes, there is. How many B Complete the dialogue with the sentences in the box.
chefs are there? M = Manager C = Customer
There are twenty-ve M: What do you want us to provide, exactly?
sta here. 1
C: _____________________________________________________
Can the chefs clean M: How many sta are there at your oce?
the kitchen after the 2
C: _____________________________________________________
M: What day and time do you want the chefs to come?
How about next Friday
at 1 o’clock? C: _____________________________________________________

A cold buet at our oce M: Yes, that’s ne. Is there a kitchen for the chefs?
and some drinks. C: _____________________________________________________
M: We usually send two chefs for a group of that size.
C: _____________________________________________________
M: Yes, that’s ne. They can do that.

Does the price include C Complete the dialogue with the questions in the box.
the plates and cups? M = Manager C = Customer
And how much is the C: _____________________________________________________
total for twenty-ve M: Yes, we can provide paper plates and plastic cups.
sta ? 2
C: _____________________________________________________
How much is that?
M: No, it doesn’t. There’s a small charge for those.
Can you provide the 3
C: _____________________________________________________
plates and glasses?
M: It’s ve pounds.
C: _____________________________________________________
M: We charge £20 per person for a cold buet, so the total is £505.
C: OK, we can agree to that.

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